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Everything posted by Woldan

  1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qlbd8M0roQU&index=638&list=LLmlV6txkvKKJodX5DNlSiNg
  2. Its the adrenaline, only things like that make me feel alive.
  3. Thunderstorm interrupted my bicycle ride, right on my fastest section rain poured down so hard that my glasses fogged up, I couldn't see anything, it was so wet that the brakes were useless but my racing slicks didn't have any traction anyway, partly due to the aquaplaning. It felt like ice skating with dull blades. Very little control at speeds up to 90kmh. To sum it up in one word: awesome!
  4. Awesome... if she didn't have those plastic bags attached to her chest. Bummer.
  5. And that always makes me feel like an ass, because I have a million ideas for gifts for my friends birthdays.... Good luck with finding a good present for your mother. What I did today: extremely boring, overcast Friday afternoon, so I grabbed some LEGO and built a small F1 car out of 300 pieces or so. Used some fairly uncommon building techniques on that thing. And now I'm going to do something useful - mountain cycling.
  6. Still one of the best movie soundtracks ever.
  7. My moms birthday is in a few days so I bought ridiculously expensive good smelling water in a flask ( 60 bucks!) and some colorful plants with cut off roots. I hope she likes it, I find it incredibly hard to buy presents I don't understand. Ah, women.
  8. They know how, they just can't walk after Woldan was done with them. Mostly because he made them do a bunch of lunges. Mostly.
  9. They're posing for the camera, they don't walk. But I'm sure you already knew that, so this was a poor attempt at sarcasm I suppose.
  10. Gun safety rule # 1 : Never let the muzzle cover anything you are not willing to destroy. I already had my fair share of idiots on the shooting range, got a loaded 357 magnum revolver and a K98 pointed at my chest with the owner having the finger on the trigger, also almost got shot in my back when I went downrange to change targets. Thats why I only go to the range during the week when there are no weekend warriors shooting, just a few trustworthy friends
  11. 1000 Bucks = replacement fender + labor time of the mechanic.
  12. Yeah, but please without mentally scarring kids or other innocents forever.
  13. I'd have let them hollow out my finger bone and insert a small muzzle loader pistol barrel.
  14. I've never found letting kids shoot heavy firearms a wonderful idea, and a small lightweight full auto SMG without a buttstock is damn hard to control for an adult, the instructor should have known. Its like putting someone who does not have a drivers license into a turbo'ed Porsche and telling the person to floor it. What could go wrong.... I'm just glad the girl is ok....physically at least. And such tools makes everyone who owns firearms look like an idiot. The normal people always have to bleed because of the few morons. Feels like boot camp all over again.
  15. HECQ - 0007
  16. Its a Cotinus coggygria ''Royal Purple'' (Smoke tree, royal purple) sapling at dusk. Leaves are about thumb-sized.
  17. Yeah, nature is awesome. Each raindrop, as tiny and mundane as it may seem at first, unique and a universe of its own.
  18. I was bored so I went outside to fool around with macro and really low ISO settings. I would have done a better job if those tiny leaves weren't dancing around in the slightest breeze. (BTW, pics are awfully downsized in quality to keep the file size down. )
  19. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oENrgffA5VI
  20. Ja, I know. Advice can only be dangerous if you follow it blindly, in the end you are responsible for your own actions and you have to make sure for yourself you are not violating any laws when following it. When I give advice I want it to be more of a thought-provoking impulse than an instruction manual and I only give it those that seem to be intelligent enough to think for themselves. I don't give idiots or people that might pose a danger to themselves or others such advice. If the knife only helps you to safe your or someone elses behind in one out of ten cases its already and totally worth it. Because that one from ten case can happen tomorrow. I never said the knife is the solution for any scenario you might encounter, but it definitely has its place, and many if not most renown self defense teachers agree with me. You're from England, having been stabbed on the streets is one of the requirements of being a true Englishman. Yeah I know, not funny, glad you survived it.
  21. Chiappa Italy is now producing a three-barreled break action shotgun. It also features a removable butt stock if you prefer the ''sawn off'' style. I think its really cool, Reminds me of the ''pepperbox'' muzzleloader pistols:
  22. I know some cases where low life scum was scared away when the potential victim showed that it was armed. -Not worth the trouble.- Just like the warning shot police uses. Of course, people under the influence of drugs are completely irrational and unpredictable. In any case, if escape is not an option I'd rather defend myself with something sharp and pointy instead of my bare fists. I'm a logical person and carrying some kind of weapon that evens the odds or even gives me a slight advantage over the attacker makes a lot of sense to me. Anyway, today I bought 10 1 1/8 ounce shotgun slugs. These are the ones I use for home defense. Interestingly, they're designed like tank shells, drag induced spin in the smooth bore leads to a dramatically increase in accuracy over conventional slugs that just get flung out of the barrel. You can have a shotgun with pin-point rifle-like accuracy.
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