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Everything posted by Woldan

  1. There is a rare genital mutation where people have twice the muscle tissue of a normal person. Happens to certain dog breeds too. This dog has not spent a single minute in a gym (ands its a female) (Imagine actually doing exercises with these dogs (car pulls etc.), they would explode. So superheroes truly are mutants.
  2. ^Finland!
  3. I think its about being drunk and partying hard in the toilet?
  4. Figure skating is pretty cool hot.
  5. Thats why I love my toilet, no restrictions!
  6. The picture we're talking about would be much less freaky without the waist-mod, it just looks uncanny that way. That much change makes it more fiction than reality, yet this thread is about posting women that actually exist (or have). If that rule is lifted then we should post fictional characters from animated movies or games as well.
  7. This reminds me of a two and a half men episode. Has one of your friends or relatives been sleeping with a hot Satanist?
  8. IMO there is a difference between changing lighting, contrasts, smoothening textures and changing someones body shape. I try to avoid those with the latter kind of modifications.
  9. Her waist has been 'shopped.
  10. Thank you, Meshugger, but whenever I see the photos of a true professional I feel completely inadequate. There is much room for improvement.
  11. The same thing happened with my cat, countless times, but it wasn't a bed, unfortunately it was the cat toilet. Not so funny.
  12. Are you going to be the one who decides what we need and what we don't need? Let me tell you, a world where we only own what we need would be a awful place. Thats a horrible argument. What do you really need? Only a handful of things. Certainly not the computer you're typing on right now. If you pass a law that concealed carry is permitted for everyone you have to assume everyone is armed, no need to show it because yoo know it. And some states allow open carry, its just that, some people hate guns and assume that an armed person is up to no good, so thats why its concealed carry. Especially nowadays with terrorism in everybody's back of the minds. You can speak for most folks? Are you psychic? Passing a law that the police cannot check? They're saying that there can't be much done to prevent crime committed with legal weapons, nothing short of a ban which is definitely the wrong way. And I tend to agree, focus your energy on illegal weapons instead, thats what 99% of crimes are commited with.
  13. Yes. If you visit my profile page you can see a bigger version of it. What I did: played some DA:I, now I'm doing 95kg front squats and a ton of weighted crunches + weighted oblique crunches. Core day is fun.
  14. The black market has a zero-day waiting period. What kind of restrictions? Impossible to make the police check firearm owners for proper storage. Not carrying but owning a gun. Kenensaw, Georgia, its crime rate is 85% below that of the rest of the US. ''In order to provide for the emergency management of the city (60.000 inhabitants) , and further in order to provide for and protect the safety, security and general welfare of the city and its inhabitants, every head of household residing in the city limits is required to maintain a firearm, together with ammunition therefore.'' (Except the disabled and mentally ill) So much for ''terrifying'' results. The majority of people isn't insane nor untrustworthy, who would have guessed.
  15. What do you mean with better regulation and higher standards?
  16. What a stupid quote, if anything a gun makes people equal, an attacker is far more likely to attack a physically weak opponent than an equal. If both the attacker and the victim is armed then it does not matter if you have been gifted with a strong physique or not. Also if the robber knows that the potential victim is armed he sure as hell will think again about robbing this person. No criminal wants to risk their life for a purse. Making wimpy people feel powerful, thats a sad statement that tells a lot about the mental state of person saying it. Now I'd never want THAT person to have a gun. There is a town in north America where being armed is mandatory, you have to carry a gun. Its one of the places place with the lowest crime rate in the US, and crime decreased a LOT when this law took effect. Also one would have to have a very low opinion about his fellow people to think that them being armed would end in terrifying results, or it is merely a reflection of what would happen if YOU were armed. I know, if the people I know were armed nothing terrifying would happen. Also I know 50+ target shooters from the shooting range who are armed, and imagine that, they rational normal people. What happened that you think your fellow people are so stupid and untrustworthy? Judging from what you wrote it sounds like you are terrified of armed people because the way you feel when being armed .
  17. Thats common amongst those with little experience, but that wears off once you get used to shooting guns, it least it did in my caseAfter a while you realize its little more than a device that accelerates a piece of led and copper to fast speeds, its no magic device that gives you the power of a god. I also felt really awesome when I first drove a fast sports scar, but that wore off too. You get used to things and that helps you to behave and stay rational. *correction* WTF. I just read it again, if you feel like shooting people while holding a gun there might be something wrong with you and it would be better to stay away. I've never felt the temptation to kill somebody or to get in a situation where I might have to while holding a gun. The day I do I sell my guns, thats for sure.
  18. Correction: she is 39, can't calculate today.
  19. If I can hack the electronic steerage of your and a hundred other cars of the same type you're not going to have a good time. I'm not talking about going back in time, I think technology should serve and support but not completely replace.
  20. I refuse to believe shes 43 already. Still a total stunner with hollywoods cutest smile though.
  21. Actually, carrying a concealed weapon has become more and more of a problem to many people only during the last 70 years or so (with exceptions), for thousand of years it was perfectly normal for everyone to carry a concealed state of the art weapon. Its sadly a big mistake to think that humans, out of a sudden have become so civilized that carrying a tool to defend yourself is not necessary anymore, or even evil. Carrying a tool for defense is not a sign that there has something gone horribly wrong in society, its a sign that humans are still humans and they haven't suddenly advanced into higher beings. It would be really cool to not need to protect yourself from stupid and malevolent people, but we're not living in that time yet. Its getting better, but its a slow process.
  22. I remember robberies with murder not far away from where I live, in the middle of the bright day in their own houses. The owners were caught off guard, the robbers panicked and killed the man with a steel pipe. In another case the robbers tied and beat a woman to death with a poking stick. There was another where I do not remember the details. None of them were particular wealthy and the police never got the attackers. None of them even had the time to call the police. I can't say that a gun could have saved their lives without knowing more details, but it seems the police couldn't prevent those crimes, they arrived days later. In my case the police takes about 20-25 minutes to arrive. To tell the truth, I feel quite a bit safer with a gun and having literally thousands of hours of experience shooting them.
  23. I remember Need For Speed 2 being drastically better than NFS1. Also Mass Effect 2 and Turrican 2 were better than the first in the those series.
  24. If you picture gun owners as single digit IQ individuals your assumption sounds correct. Guns are very very simple tools, you have to be a complete and utter idiot to hurt yourself with one. Of course you read about accidental discharges in the news, you'll rarely ever read about crimes that have been prevented with guns.
  25. And how are you going to decide who needs them and who doesn't? Hundred of thousands of more people die from cars than from gun accidents. Lets start with cars. No sir, you have to take the subway, cars are dangerous and we are trying to limit their availability in a way that maximizes their utility. Mister XY has a more important job than you and therefore its more important for him to get to work in time. Thank you. Next! Wrong. People can and do change dramatically and in unpredictable ways.
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