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Everything posted by Woldan

  1. That was not the point. The point is, some things are good to have even though you might never need them. But when you need them you NEED them. Many people died because of ''ah thats never gonna happen to ME''.
  2. I bet they are about as low as the odds of ever needing a fire extinguisher. But boy, I'm glad I have one in my house.
  3. I don't like the idea at all, I try to avoid most things that are automated, I'm mostly a low-tech person. I trust in myself more than in technology who tries to replace me, especially when a technical breakdown can kill me. I prefer manual over automatic transmission, I prefer reading a physical map instead GPS, I prefer my foot over TC and most driving aids, I prefer to drive instead of sitting in a remote controlled car. Maybe I'll change my mind when I'm 80, but I like the way it is right now, thankyouverymuch.
  4. Drive. I don't know how I missed this excellent movie, enjoyed it a lot. Great picture, fitting soundtrack and excellent acting.
  5. Probably. The only real danger is loading another shell while there is still smoldering residue from the previous shot in the barrel. You load another one and it goes off while a part of your body is directly in front of or inside (hand) the barrel, in the worst and dumbest case your head. Then you're totally dead. But I'm not stupid, I inspect the barrel after each shot and wipe it with a wet ramrod that extinguishes any flames, I also remove the residue with a brush and make sure no body part is covering the muzzle. The same danger exists when firing muzzle loaders and I love shooting those. That used to be a problem in the 1700's, sometimes while loading cannons in the battlefield the cannon would discharge prematurely killing the loader, the cannon barrels got so hot from the firing quickly that the charge would ignite due to the heat, or an ember sitting in the chamber ignite the powder, killing the guy loading the projectile. In dramatic cases the charge went off before the ball was firmly seated against it which resulted in a so called hollow-charge, which pretty much turned the cannon into a giant pipe bomb often killing the entire crew. Thats why cannons of brass were still made when high quality steel was readily available, brass tends to bulge, steel tends to shatter, with the latter being much more dangerous to the crew in case of a dramatic failure. But thats another story. What I'm trying to say is ignorant and stupid people handling powerful things is a recipe for disaster. You have to know what you are doing and what you're dealing with.
  6. Just uploaded the videos of new years eve fireworks from my camera to my computer. Muzzle blast of the mortar launching the bomb. We could feel the blasts in our chests and the pressure waves blew the snow off the trees. Bottom right corner a snow shovel for size comparison. Bomb goes off in the sky. The fireworks easily made explosions with more than 300 meters diameter, it was much bigger than it looks in the photo.
  7. Sounds so great on a high end rig.
  8. Solid as in staying 2015 for another 364 days? Yeah, I've got that feeling too, very solid indeed. Oh, and happy 2015 everyone, may this year suck less than the last one. To make sure that the new year is going to be benevolent and generous I welcomed it with a spectacular ceremony of burning lots of the finest slaves black powder and other highly reactive chemicals. I have no doubt that a year greeted in such manner will become a spectacular success! Greatness awaits us all! /emotionally charged speech.
  9. Also, this is a quite good vid.
  10. Why do people love their *insert random hobby object* so much?
  11. I'm still recovering from shell-shock, you know you've succeeded throughly in terms of firework if people hide in the house and complain about the vibrations from the detonations.
  12. Need a license to buy gasoline? Nah. Need a license to buy dangerous drugs? Nah. Need a license to have sex? Nah. Need a license to have kids? Nah.And the list goes on.
  13. You mean a concealed carry permit?
  14. licketysplit And how are you going to tell if a person is going to make a terrible mistake in lets say 10 years from now? Maybe you are such person and shouldn't be allowed to own any dangerous things? Do you want a mandatory physical evaluation of every citizen every 3 days? There is theory and there is real life, and we're not in the movie ''Minority Report.'' Yes, complete nut cases should NOT be allowed to own guns and there should be a mandatory mental health check before anyone can buy a gun (we have such system here in Austria), but people change and are completely unpredictable.
  15. No, parents putting their children in lethal danger should be forbidden, you can save many more lives that way. In fact, just make stupidity illegal by law and the world will be beautiful again. Because thats how laws work... unless you decide not to obey the law Terrorism and all that ugly stuff, well who cares.
  16. Its forbidden by law to shoot people. Also its forbidden by law to run over people with your car.
  17. The problem is if there happen accidents with remote controlled cars, who is responsible? And if you hack them, or hack smart guns? Thats just as if not even more dangerous than how things are right now. The future will be filled with lethal cyber terrorism.
  18. Stricter gun laws don't make people any less careless. If there laws were as strict as possible she still would have shot herself because of carelessness. Same if the laws were super relaxed. Reckless driving is forbidden and the proper driving behavior is taught in driving schools yet tenths of thousands of people die each year because of reckless driving. You cannot prevent peoples stupidity by law, you can take away dangerous things some people might use to hurt each other out of carelessness or stupidity, but this is a two sided blade, and banning things or making super strict laws because of some foul apples doesn't make life any brighter.
  19. And ''pretty'' too, its highly misleading.
  20. And this, people, is exactely how a relapse begins.
  21. How disappointing, a slave to your own appetite.
  22. Keep your alcohol consumption moderate. BAM! Problem solved. So, now I'm going to set up all the fireworks equipment, this is gonna be fun!
  23. Its a highly controversial topic amongst gun owners, but personally I'd never carry a gun that has no manual safety, or at least I'd not carry them in condition 0 (round in the chamber, c0cked, safety off/no safety) and this includes Glocks - which I really like. And I definitely wouldn't want it banging around in my purse, I'd want it secured in a holster where nothing can touch its trigger.
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