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Everything posted by Woldan

  1. I simply love that those terrorists immigrate to Europe, complain about how things are going here and commit their despicable crimes with Western technology. If they were true patriots they would stay in their country where things are awesome, and if they were true believers they'd use halal technology only invented by those who are and were worthy. (Sticks and stones) People simply use religion as an excuse to let their inner barbarian out.
  2. Look what I've found in my favorite gun shop today. Its a shotgun slug entirely made of hardened steel, with plastic driving bands to protect the barrel. It is designed to disable car engines, shoot through barriers, heavy brush with minimal deflection and very large animals where penetration is vital. Imagine a 32 grams heavy steel bolt traveling at 500 meters per second. I have no real use for those but I had to buy them because they're really cool. The projectiles are lathe turned, imagine that. But at 2 bucks / shot they better be.
  3. What I meant with practical/functional strength is strength useful outside the gym, for some reason quite a lot of people think if you only lift barbells and dumbbells thats all you can do. Once you lift something that isn't a barbell or dumbbell you crap out. Thats the dumb theory of strength vs. practical/functional strength, usually spread by cross-fitters etc.
  4. Staring them in the face only slows them down, they will walk towards you and start smacking you to meat soup. I really like those monsters, good overall design, beautifully animated and truly fearsome sounds, too bad they were put in such a messy map where they're put to shame by the absolutely terrifying confusing map layout.
  5. Today I had the rare occasion to actually use my strength in a practical way, girl was stuck in the snowy roadside ditch with her car, on a steep incline. Since it was a FWD car I could deadlift the right rear of the car till the front wheels had enough grip to pull it out. It took all my strength. Ha, who says you cant get practical strength through barbell and dumbbell exercises!
  6. Well, lets assume for a moment that this is just the beginning.
  7. Really, If I was in charge of a nation and people would demand immediate action to increase security aside from the conventional methods which have been tried and failed; I could not think of any other way to start than to deport a certain class of people who is prone to do such things and stop immigration from countries that have problematic cultures, religions and views that'd clash with my country's. Of course this would be like directly nuking human rights and the collateral damage would be massive, but I think a point has been crossed where any decision or potential solution would result in massive collateral damage, which includes doing essentially nothing. What would be a good start?
  8. Me too! Back when I was I kid I visited dozens of gem and mineral exhibitions, I also collected semi-gems. There was a shop in the mall I loved to visit, they had all kinds of minerals on display, those perfectly shaped stone marbles and eggs were especially fascinating to me. Entering that shop was like stepping through a portal to another world. Too bad it doesn't exist anymore. Oh, and I can give you the link but its a German site so it wouldn't be of much use to you, I think.
  9. Asked my aunt where she bought all those gorgeous looking minerals and gems, she showed me the website and now I'm on a buying spree, I NEED THEM ALL. ALL SO PRETTY AND PERFECT THOSE COLORS! BUY BUY BUY! I'm nuking the hell out of my bank account.
  10. I spent like 15 minutes wandering around in the library's vents, I'm absolutely certain there is no filter left in the vicinity, also the big mutants are very tough and I've run out of ammo. I dumped almost all my ammo into them only killing one and the knife really doesn't do anything. So I'm completely lost, choking, with no ammo while big beasts eventually hunt and kill me. I actually think this would make a fitting canon ending for my play through.
  11. If the ''trust the other'' system didn't work, traffic wouldn't work, as in not at all. Public transports wouldn't work, airliners wouldn't work. Considering how many people drive each day traffic accidents are actually rare, so the ''idiots'' are those who do not trust and act undpredictable in traffic which is the main cause of traffic accidents. Oh the irony.
  12. I can only speak for how things work in my country, when I was doing my military service all of the 800 recruits had access to their personal rifle with ammo and everything. Also in Switzerland people can keep their rifle after completing their service and store it at home, with ammo.
  13. How many people get robbed and killed/seriously injured in the streets vs how many people accidentally shoot themselves/others? Well, you don't have to be a genius to know which of these two things happen more often. ''Bunch of civilians'' says it all, your distrust to the general ''populace'' is disturbing. The strange thing is, though, you trust them with dangerous things like cars.
  14. Well, thats it, I'm not going to touch Metro for the next million years. What started as an incredibly awesome game has become a nightmare of running around in circles in half-destroyed dark buildings not knowing where to go and choking to death in the process. Frustration level 500 has been reached, and I have the patience of a saint. (Well, almost)
  15. @ HoonDing Who is she?
  16. Like I said, a round does not know the difference between a white kid shooting up a school or highly trained terrorist, if you manage to stay calm and know what you are doing you have a very real chance. Also remember there are places on earth where people get attacked by 600kg heavy angry animals charging them with 60 km/h with teeth longer than your fingers at distances of under 20 meters, there is barely enough time to get off two aimed shots which have to count, and that happens more often than you'd think. So yes, if you are under attack and you are under enormous stress you still have a chance with a gun. More so if you have years of practice under your belt. But we should rather discuss the ways of preventing such disgusting attack.
  17. I noticed the same thing, you can see it pretty well on the windscreen of that police car, tight palm sized patterns. Definitely not your average Muslim terror attack, smells of military training and actual combat experience.
  18. Still gives them a much better, totally real chance than sitting and praying for mercy, there are many cases where attackers were stalled or stopped by civilians. And no, its not a silly thing to bring up in times like this,.
  19. All it takes to stop somebody is a single well aimed shot, no matter what kind of gun it came from. I should post those videos where armed robbers enter that store in the US and start shooting, one elderly person hiding behind the counter pulls out his .45 single action revolver and drops one of the attackers in his tracks with a single round. One thing is for sure, being armed and trying to stop them beats sitting around and hoping for luck or mercy of the attackers.
  20. I wonder where they got that rocket launcher and fully automatic rifles.
  21. I have found two meals so far which taste much better the next day after spending a night in the fridge, like I already said ragout and goulash (Hungarian recipe). The difference is quite noticeable and thats why I always cook enough to have some next day, with the improved taste.
  22. Where is BruceVC when you need him?
  23. That potentially covers a lot of ground. What's in it? I'm a big fan of stews, so I'm curious. My families version: spaghetti noodles, minced meat, carrots, celery, cream and onions. And for some strange reason it tastes considerably better if left in the fridge overnight and then re-heated next day.
  24. Ragout!
  25. Metro 2033 Redux is so beautiful with all the settings on ultra high with smoooth 60fps. Love it so far, immersion is extreme and the world is so incredibly detailed, I've yearned for a scary immersive survival FPS game and think this ones the answer. And finally a game that isn't centered around Americans or the US, geographically. There is only a handful of things that bother me: 1. Voice actors, there are like three different ones in the game? 2. Military grade ammunition vs reloaded ammunition, unless you don't know what you're doing hand loaded ammunition will always be be more valuable since tolerances will be much much smaller compared to millions of run off the mill rounds. And the smaller the tolerances the better the accuracy and reliability. You'd have to screw up big time to make mil ammo more valuable then your own reloads. 3. Saving via checkpoints. How in the nine hells am I supposed to know where the game saved? 4. Female population -90% of the remaining humans seem to be male? 5. Gun sounds aren't super realistic. But those are just minor gripes.
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