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Everything posted by Woldan

  1. No, he needs to team up with Steven Seagal. That would be glorious.
  2. Great. From all the cities/towns I've been to I liked only three, and that was Paris, Húsavík and Reykjavik. But I guess seeing the infamous suburbs of Paris would have had a dramatic impact on my opinion. Honorable Mention is Zürich, the train station is really nice but only stayed there for one day so I could not form a valid opinion on it. Same with Lisbon.
  3. Been in the city today to buy some stuff. I may sound like a hermit or redneck but every time I'm there I'm so glad I live in the country, everything in the city is depressing - and I grew up there. The smog that makes my throat and eyes sting, a maze of worn monochrome concrete walls filled with dirty loud cars and countless people with grim faces shuffling down the walkways like battered robots.....I suddenly felt like I was in the middle of an abstract nightmare of hopelessness, but I was not a part of it.
  4. This is beautiful.
  5. Wow, this sounds painful. Is there nothing you can do about it? Not yet. *cracks knuckles*
  6. Its starting to get really crazy, almost everyone I know has back problems, even in the Internet.
  7. Weekends? I work on weekends too, like right now....
  8. I have to watch that movie so I can rage about all the things they got wrong with ballistics and firearms.-
  9. I know, I just wanted to put it into perspective, if I weighed as much as I do right now without any lifting I'd be very obese, therefore my weight is pretty normal for me in my current state. I've never measured my body fat though, I know it can be done with some sort of caliper and charts but I care about strength. As long as I'm not fat I'm happy with body fat percentage.
  10. Thats not a problem for me, most people IRL call my by my family name, even friends. Its always been like that. So you might as well call me Woldan in real life. Ugh, is it flu time already? DEFCON 1! All hands on deck! Grab your gas masks, close the blast doors, man the heavy machineguns. LOCK AND LOAD YEEEEAAARGH! Kidding aside, hope your mom gets better. In my military service time I spent two weeks in the military hospital which was overcrowded with people who had the flu. It was absolutely terrible.
  11. I don't mean to sound... well, mean, but have you perchance crossreferenced with any other scales? I mean, you look massive in all your photos. Are your bones hollow? Or is it that you have your own gravitational field that is somehow interfering with the scales? ^^ Then again, I'm 193 and your weight.. No meanness detected. I don't know what photos you're speaking of but I'm not a massive lumbering mountain of muscle. To clear things up, the inevitable picture. I have no cross references but my weight height ratio actually puts me on the border of the severely obese category, according to the BMI.
  12. I still remember the time when games had crisp and direct movements. I don't know why game developers insist on the PC being a drunk walking on ice. It has nothing to do with reality and if its an attempt to make the game more difficult its just..well..idiotic.
  13. Giving Metro another chance, I'll load an older checkpoint and just make it through the dreaded library, I'll just go and get it done. Its an excellent game and I don't want one level ruin it.
  14. The last couple of months I've been around 97-100kg, at 185cm. I'm a power lifter and not a bodybuilder but I still hate fat and as a fanatic cyclist I cannot afford carrying around too much useless weight.
  15. Power cleaning and shoulder pressing my bodyweight of 97kg standing without support, or belts and without cheating with legs. I just put the weights on the barbell and did it without even warming up or thinking about it. I was stuck in the 92-93kg area for a looong time.
  16. Accomplished one of my minor new year resolutions, that was quick. Or maybe the goal was set way too low.
  17. Beautiful scene.
  18. Apparently the Paris terrorists bought their fully automatic AK's and rocket launcher in Belgium: http://www.thetruthaboutguns.com/2015/01/daniel-zimmerman/paris-terrorists-bought-aks-rocket-launcher-belgian-train-station/
  19. I just got an inquiry....wow just wow. I'm absolutely certain that some of my customers, clearly and without a doubt, suffer from multiple levels of insanity. This may sound funny but once you realize those people are really serious it starts getting scary.
  20. Absolutely nothing. And thats the problem.
  21. I think my brains auditory cortex is a misogynist, I couldn't understand female voices on the phone if my life dependent on it which causes trouble at work. The strange thing is, according to the doc my sense of hearing is excellent and I have no problems with hearing high pitch sounds. Maybe thats just adaption from having too many female family members? This is all kinds of cool.
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