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Everything posted by Woldan

  1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bEOGzG0XyN4
  2. With a flame thrower? Lava baths and lotions.
  3. This guy speaks the truth! For guaranteed weight loss success Dr. Woldan recommends to take fat burning to the next level. The literal level.
  4. I almost pissed myself laughing. The end..ooh my....! Julia Child Parody - The French chef
  5. The biggest upside about living in the country (besides the much better air) is being able to grow your own vegetables so you don't have to rely entirely on the crap they sell in the stores. I think thats what I'd miss the most if I had to move into the city.
  6. He can't "see that" in either your blood or urine unless he specifically tested for it. Which he didn't unless you asked him to (and paid out of your ass to get it). Also, there's no general test to find steroids/doping, you actually have to test for each and every known substance (almost) so it's a very expensive test and unfortunately very unreliable since new drugs pop up all the time. I didn't ask him how he does it, he just said he can see it. I do not know how since I'm not a doc and my knowledge in that area is limited, maybe he was talking about a certain combination of typical long term side effects that stuff causes is visible in the blood? But he is known to make really elaborate tests since he has his own lab.
  7. Visited the doc for a quick unscheduled health check because why not, but then that sick pervert stole some of my blood and piss for...''examination''! Yeah...right. He also asked me if I was doing roids but he saw in the blood and urine that I'm not touching any of that crap. According to him I'm physically in very good shape and fully operational, which is one of the very few things that really matter in life.
  8. Had to do a lot of hard, dreary work today so I decided to sit down and do some hardcore relaxing. I fired up the Lego CAD program [Nerd] and simply started building something. I know this sounds funny and childish, but for me this one of the most relaxing things in the world which even beats yoga or meditation. And it reminds me of good times long gone. I guess for some its painting, playing music or some other high arts, for me its building with Lego. If anyone is interested, I built an LMP1 endurance race car, 2500 bricks or so.
  9. Try to see the good in everything, the harder the winter the more you're going to enjoy summer. Nothing makes summer suck more than a warm, muddy winter.
  10. Had to write a business plan which was incredibly exhausting but I'm really happy with the results. It was mostly about converting my thoughts into an as-fancy-as-possible text.
  11. One of my favorite 80's tracks.
  12. What also helps a great deal is a warm shower and stretching post-workout (In the shower). Does a wonderful job on relaxing tight muscles. If you get free weights I recommend reverse flyes and bent over rows to fix your upper back.
  13. Could your upper back be the cause? A friend of mine has upper back problems which causes her to feel pain in the left arm chest area every now and then.
  14. Thank you.
  15. Dumbbell skull crusher drop sets, dumbbell pullovers, weighted chin ups, incline bench biceps curl drop sets. And now I'm going to do some relaxing CAD work.
  16. Not depressed, if you get used to being single you'll eventually start to realize that its a very liberating situation. Being single is the only way to be your true self, I enjoy that. I'm going to spend this valentines day editing photos, working out and CAD modeling deep into the night while listening to my dark ambient electronic play list with nobody to interrupt my thoughts or concentration. This makes me happy.
  17. This track feels massive with a hint of desperation and urgency. It sounds like a huge derelict gothic-industrial space station getting slowly sucked into a black hole, piece by piece. The protagonist is trying to get to his ship to escape but is struggling to move quickly in his worn cumbersome powered armor.
  18. Yoga would be an excellent way to build a solid foundation for weight lifting. It ensures you have all the required flexibility, core strength, joint functionality and muscle control for lifting heavy objects without injuring yourself or building an unbalanced physique.
  19. Hitting nothing doesn't sound very appealing to me. While I'd totally love being able to shoot in my backyard whenever it pleases me I'm sure I'd miss the chit-chat at the range. I still learn something new every time I visit the shooting range and I'm sure I'd not be such a good shot without the tips I received from all the helpful skilled senior marksmen over the years. And, to complete the circle, neither could I help others with my own skills and knowledge which I do whenever and wherever I can. I wouldn't be over exaggerating if I said that place is a swirling well of knowledge disguised as a shooting range - and its one of the VERY rare places where I can meet like minded people. Shooting is awesome, but shooting with skilled friends and talking shop is much more awesome.
  20. Speaking of the 22, shot it again at 100 meters, got the groups down to 1 MOA. Still not as accurate as I want it to be but 1 MOA is a start.
  21. Ah, Garbage. Last time I heard a song of her was centuries ago.
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