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Everything posted by Woldan

  1. I usually support the most likable, innovative and fair team, I couldn't care less about their nationality. (In motorsport, its the only sport I watch)
  2. Well, I just killed my first dragon, and boy was it easy. ( Exalted plains) I don't know what I was doing wrong in my first few tries where I got killed so quickly, but this time I didn't even need a health potion. I'm playing a rogue, I was just dancing and evading around the dragon and he never hit me, my tanks worked as distraction while I was stabbing him in the butt with my two 330 DPS blades. Didn't take longer than maybe three minutes. She did spit a few electric balls at me but I simply dodged them. I think I could have solo'ed that one. Hm.
  3. Today I did a strength evaluation test with a friend of mine who wants to start lifting. Since his height and weight is extremely average we also tried to calculate the strength increase between average (him) and advanced (me) to see how much stronger exactly you get with semi-professional lifting for a couple of years. The answer is about 3x (1 repetition max weight). What's interesting is that in some exercises like bench press and especially those that target mainly legs you won't get much more than 2x-2.5x strength increase compared to an average person, whereas in exercises that target the back/neck like bent over rows, stiff leg deadlifts and shrugs strength increase will be in excess of 4x or even 5x. The biggest difference was bent forward rows with 5x, and the smallest deep squats with barely 2x. And it seemed like compound vs isolation didn't matter as much as I expected, which surprised me. Just found that very interesting.
  4. Reverse GIF.
  5. ^ I need to do that arm twirling whenever I'm excited. It sure as hell looks cool on those bottles.
  6. You're doing it wrong, first you need to post a wall of text in which you refer to yourself in third person before saying that. Amateurs.
  7. Just lift heavy enough or make really hard cardio, you'll make all kinds of faces and develop serious face muscle in the process. No need for something disgusting as smiling. And I'm only half-joking.
  8. I love situps, I always do them with legs in the air, holding a 20kg barbell plate with arms straight, four sets of 20, really slow.
  9. I actually came across some cool looking armor, but guess what? Its just an NPC wearing it and its not available for you or the party members.
  10. No, I have to admit I never played on the highest difficulty setting because that means to gather ALL the loot, and it gets tiring quickly to find a tiny little diamond ring on the floor of some random abandoned house in the middle of a undead infested ghost city, for hours. I've never been that hardcore. Nother thing I have to admit is I cant play those games anymore because I'm spoiled by modern day graphics. Those games are from 1998-2000 and as awesome as they may be, they make me bleed to death through my eyes. No way around that. If I had all the money in the world I'd demand some high end studio to remake Thief:The Dark Project, Thief:The Metal Age and Thief:Deadly Shadows with a new up to date engine and leave the rest. I would be in heaven.
  11. I'm level 21 and I have yet to kill a dragon. I just tried the one in the emerald graves and I got killed after reducing its health by 1/3. I'm literally steamrolling all the treats in the game by now, 3 pride demons at once down in less than 60 seconds, 2 corrupted giants at once no problem but the dragons kill the crap out of me. Partly because of the stupid and nonsensical AI.
  12. I guess the funny part is the guy in the red shirt not doing a single real push-up?
  13. Armors have been lackluster so far, all those I think look good are vastly underpowered (even with high tier crafting), like the heavy Orlesian army armor, or the Adventurer armor. I'm playing a rogue and the medium armors suck even more, I think the last 50 hours I haven't changed the medium warden scout armor even once. All those medium armor coats look horrible and stupid, stupid as in witch-hunter stupid. I liked most armors in DAI, DA2 were good too, same with Mass Effect 2 & 3, but DA3 suits really suck so far.
  14. I agree, TOB featured a lot of combat and it was basically a tour-de-force, but thats what it was meant to be, it was final part chapter of ascending to goodhood (or refusing it) and those are supposed to be bloody, petty errand tasks and little side quests were no longer of your concern. Every BG title felt slightly different and I had no problem with that. And watchers Keep was so good, that dungeon crawl has never been surpassed by any game I've ever played after. It also featured my favorite encounter in the BG series, the battle before the Demogorgon against all those high-class demons was fantastic. Oh, and the maze. And everything else.
  15. Wearing a house? Or starting a relaxing hobby?
  16. I bought the 10k gold item, not what I expected, lol. Still need to do the operation. And I spent most of my perks on secrets, too bad the ''Special vendor'' perk actually does something, I think I 've already acquired most agents available in the game.
  17. I can't play video games for longer than an hour each day anymore, every time I start playing a game it becomes less enjoyable for me and feels more and more like a boring empty chore. A month ago I bought three AAA games which I haven't even touched yet because I'm not interested. And I used to be a hardcore gamer, playing 7+ hours each day. IMO thats when games were more interesting than what we have today, technology might be ever moving forward but games nowadays have so little immersion and they all feel the same. I remember when I was playing the Thief series, I was SO hooked.
  18. Paint the house, THEN wear it. I still need a big tie and a hat for my house, then I'm good to go. I used to be a complete nut job in building models but I gave that up because it had gotten really expensive. And relaxing is something I'm really bad at.
  19. My fitness resolution this year is to get better at deadlifts, I want to do 5 reps of 250kg (2.5x bodyweight) without belt or straps. Also shoulder presses, I want to be able to do shoulder presses with 100kg (1x bodyweight), standing unsupported without leg drive. I'm already working on an improved schedule with more power lifts and Olympic lifts replacing the few remaining isolations. Thats pretty much it for this year, if I can make it to 250kg DL's maybe I can set my goal to 300kg next year.
  20. Bah, I hate winter, cabin fever is starting to take its toll. I can't go cycling/running because the streets are frozen solid (not that it would be good for my lungs either), I can't go mountain climbing because of the dramatic avalanche danger right now, I don't want to go for a walk in the dreary frozen wastelands, the shooting range is closed, the archery parcour is closed, I hate skiing/snowboarding and I haven't seen the sun in two and a half months in this frozen completely overcast ****hole. All I do is work, lift weights and sleep, I feel like an inmate in a high security prison. Its the same crap every year.
  21. I have about 25k gold now and I can't find anything useful to spend it on, the stores only sell trash. Such a let down.
  22. Whooops!
  23. ahah, she must be a minor celebrity over there Probably because people can't tell her apart from the rest of the female population over there. And I thought having a twin is bad... But it can't be worse than in Iceland, no way.
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