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Everything posted by Woldan

  1. Today weight training felt kind of dull so I tried something new, I don't know the correct English term for this kind of exercise, its all about decreasing weight during each set and totally exhausting the muscle, the pump I got was unbelievable. Tried it with the french press exercise (triceps curls), first I made my usual 12 reps with 92 lbs (42kg), but instead of making a break I put the barbell down, quickly decreased the weight by 10lbs (5kg), and did another 10 reps, again decreased weight by 10lbs and did 8 reps followed by a 5 minute break. My triceps got so huge my arms almost looked like of some sort of comic action figure, I did not know that this was possible without roids or supplements. Highly recommendable!
  2. If we're going to get some sort of dragons I hope they're more like Basilisks or Lindworms and less like the generic flying fire-breathing t-rex - but I really wouldn't mind not having any dragons in PE.
  3. Got my stolen money back from the government (tax refund) and been thinking if I should use the money to either get a new high end computer that can handle the future PS4 and new X-Box games or a Savage 110 FCP-K in .338 Lapua Magnum. I've always been very bad at making decisions so this is pure torture for me.
  4. Not really, black & white bunny died a year ago, he somehow broke his lower back when he was running around in the outdoor enclosure, sad story. He was my fifth bunny to die from a broken spine.
  5. One of my bunnies also needs lots of brushing because of her...elaborate fur. Bunnies in their indoor winter enclosure.
  6. Nah, fortunately it wasn't one of those short-legged tiny abominations - thats mama-horse: @ Raithe: The fur of your cat is epic.
  7. Cutest Pony I've ever seen...
  8. Woldan


    @ Walsingham, thanks for the link, I've been looking for a translation for this song for quite a long time, very interesting!
  9. Roses are red Violets are blue I don't like rhymes And neither should you
  10. Has it been moved or exposed to excessive vibration? Or was it just extremely old and breaking down? Rifle power, handled and stored properly, is usually good for at least 30 years. Neither, I just bought it from the shop, must have been a production problem in the powder plant. [smartass] Anyway, rifle powder can be stored for ages, BUT, you have to turn the powder can at least once every 6 months or the components will slowly segregate, especially with two base powders. [/smartass]
  11. I scored 14 on the color test. What I can't see and what wasn't part of the test is white-yellow shades, I couldn't see shades of yellow on a white background if my live depended on it.
  12. Almost blew my face off today, shot handloaded ammunition and it was way, totally WAAAAAY overpressure, massive gas leakage at the primer pocket, badly deformed sticky brass cases, an awful lot of recoil. I'm a perfectionist when reloading ammo - so what happened? Faulty powder! Turned out the powder granulation was all over the place, especially lots of small powder pieces which make gas pressure go through the roof in rifle cartridges. I can only imagine what pressure spikes my rifle hat to endure, I'm still surprised it didn't disintegrate in my hands, along with my face.. Here is a pic of normal rifle stick powder: And here is a pic of said '' I'll blow your goddamn head off!'' faulty powder: That could have been the result:
  13. AFAIK those first rifled barrels had those grooves to collect powder fowling, some of them had spiral rifling, but like you said the twist rate wasn't suitable to stabilize a projectile through spinning it. Experts say that a handful of guns from the the very late 16th century had barrels with rifling twist rates that would stabilize projectiles which is 1:50 - 1:80 or so, depending on the powder charge. I'll try to find that pic... Here is a so called ''Tschinke'', an early version of a muzzleloader fowling shotgun. Those look pretty cool lMO. And yes, they have front and rear sights!
  14. I asked myself the same question today, but I don't think that most pets recognize us as a member of their species - When my cat encounters a cat she has never seen before she reacts differently then when she meets a human she has never seen before.
  15. Roger that, I love Enfields, and this ''modernized'' version rocks hard. Outstanding teak wood stock, chrome lined medium-contour barrel, parkerized finish, eats 7.62x51/.308 and M14 magazines plus there some minor bolt improvements which increases safety.
  16. Ew, how dare you, I'd never own a Ruger, they're using cast parts and receivers. CAST! The word alone sends shivers down my spine! Good old forged steel or no deal. Shot it with an Australian International Arms Enfield Mk4.
  17. 7.62x51 Nato 147 grain ball, one of my own reloads. Don't worry, thats perfectly normal....if you live in an abandoned hospital full of zombies and corpses.
  18. As far as I know the first guns with spiral-rifled barrels appeared around ~1550, those were total exceptions though, pretty much all guns back than were smoothbores. Most of the guns on my photo date back to the early to mid 16th century so I doubt that any of those have a rifled barrel - but its definitely possible that some of them were retrofitted with rifled barrels or rifling and sights later on when those innovations were more common. - Its cheaper to update a gun than buying a new one I think, especially during a time when guns still were custom made and cost as much as a whole farm (including the workers). But I've also seen early 15th century matchlock wallguns with surprisingly sophisticated front and rear sights. Its all a bit unclear...but thats history I guess. Well, Austria is right in the middle of Europe, exactly where several medieval battles and the 30 year war raged only a couple of centuries ago, all the equipment had to go somewhere and (fortunately!) a lot of it found its way to the big Austrian museums in Vienna. Austria may be a tiny country but we're very good at accumulating cool stuff. (I'm a military rifle collector myself).
  19. Cleaned an old hard drive.....with 900 meters / second. And my cleaning tool was the good old 7.62x51.exe
  20. I know, not everyone is happy to see firearms in a fantasy game, but since we're going to have at least one character carrying a primitive musket into battle we should also discuss periodically correct (- judging by the gun the character is carrying in the artwork) firearms , if you like it or not! Some pics I made in a museum showing original wheellocks and some early matchlock muskets:
  21. Austria, very close to the north-western border to Czech Republic & Germany.
  22. I'd like to keep it simple, food being like potions, completely optional but giving the character minor stat bonuses over a period of time, like 1x rations = +1 Strength and +1 constitution for 5 hours. Making food and water essential could get annoying very quick, I used to play Skyrim in ''survivor mode'', you wouldn't believe how much time I had to spend to keep my character from starving/dehydrating.
  23. Woldan


  24. Yeah, the length of the test is definitely a major problem for people who have the attention span of a fruit fly!
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