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Everything posted by Ganrich

  1. If you're so sure of never being hit, Con to would be useless. Int with Deflection & AoE is also kind of useless for the gun or bow-slinging ranger or Rogue who is sure of not getting hit. Edit: Edited my original post to remove the 'IMO' because after thinking about it some more I know I'm right. Con has always been that way. I don't expect it to be different. It does however guarantee a benefit, more health and stamina. I would expect deflection to help the Ranger's companion since they share health pools. I could be wrong there though. AoE also could benefit the Stag (I think it is Stag) companion that has AoE attacks. You are right about rogues. Dunno if they get AoEs at any point. I would consider dumping it in that very specific circumstance. This isn't about right or wrong, and I will gladly say this is all IMHO. I am just debating my issue with interrupt and concentration and why they need to accompany a 100% guaranteed effect in combat. Be that offensive or defensive in nature. I still don't see a point in having 1/6 attributes in the game being completely pass/fail when the other guarantee effects. Even if specific builds of specific classes may dump one of the 5/6 stats. There are abilities that may work on similar pass/fails, but they aren't attributes. They aren't 1 of 6 stats that define your character.
  2. Who says a melee wizard has to wear full plate? You could use positioning and CC to great effect and get away with light armor easily. I wouldn't tank that way though for sure. Either way, my major issue is that interrupt and concentration are pass/fail effects. Neither should be solely on a single attribute, nor should they be combined onto 1 attribute for the same reason. They increase the likelihood of the character to succeed, but they do not guarantee it. No other effects are pass/fail in this way. As Matt pointed out earlier, accuracy is RNG, but it increases DPS on the whole. Might definitively increases damage and healing. Constitution definitely increases stamina and health. Intellect definitively increases AoE and Duration. Perception and Resolve (interrupt and concentration) increase the likelihood of something goo happening. Tossing interrupt and concentration onto Resolve together and you may as well call the Attribute "Luck." I would suggest that if it would fit into the Resolve dialogue options, but I doubt it will. If I want to make a gun toting ranged class I wouldn't be near enough for concentration to even be procced, and interrupt would be useless for the slow attack speed. If an enemy veers toward that character then I will stop him before he gets there. Concentration isn't needed. Interrupt is useful for a utilitarian build that uses a fast firing weapon like a bow. I will give you that.
  3. IMHO combining interrupt and concentration onto a single attribute is a bad idea for a few reasons. 1). Interrupt and concentration are the 2 effects that are pass/fail. You succeed or you don't. Every other attribute gives increased damage in some way except constitution, but even it gives health/stamina. 2). Muscle Wizards become god. They hit hard, are hard to interrupt, and interrupt others constantly. I think it is safe to say we enough points to get fairly high in 2 stats. 3). Still dump able for ranged builds if you aren't building a support build. 4). I believe they were designed with the intent to make 2 attributes work against each other. Not really a major issue, but just thought I would mention it. I believe these attributes are being tackled from a function>form angle. So, how clean it looks means very little. What matters is what they do, and that they all serve a purpose for each class in some fashion. Combining them onto a single attribute... I could see it easily becoming a dump stat particularly for ranged builds. I could be wrong here though.
  4. Josh's suggestion about shuffling INT stats around is very INTeresting. I think it could definitely work. While I'd be loathe to lose the symmetry, as I said: I've come to realize through these discussions (especially seeing other viable ideas for tweaks presented) that in my opinion (like I said, Sensuki might disagree when he wakes up) the three most important suggestions to take from our redesign are these: Deflection and Action Speed should be on attributes (but not paired with each other or Accuracy) Might and Constitution should be left alone Accuracy should be paired with Interrupt (if Interrupt exists as a stat) This I definitely agree with. @Lasweetlife - S&M system? I nearly wet myself. Sensuki and Matt have a lot of explaining to do.
  5. That video has a man at the forefront. It is sexist. I am not amused.
  6. Yes, but you still do damage with this system. It isn't a True/False scenario like the other 2. With Perception, if you don't hit that number you won't interrupt. The same with being interrupted and Resolve. You cannot sort of interrupt. You do or you don't. Where with Accuracy a "graze" still does damage, but the chance of a graze is decreased with a higher accuracy. RNG I have no issue with, but 2 stats based on True/False is an issue.
  7. Good stuff Matt and Sensuki. It is a good read, and well thought out. @Josh - Increasing incoming healing via resolve sounds interesting. I still worry it is too defensive. I think the problem with the current Perception and Resolve attributes is they are entirely based on chance. If you hit you have a greater "chance" to interrupt. If you get hit you have a greater "chance" to not be interrupted. Every other stat gives you a definitive increase. Might increase damage/healing. Dex increases accurcy. Intellect increases AOE and Duration. Con increases health. Per and Res increase chances of things happening. I would almost suggest moving duration to resolve, but I don't know what to give intellect in its place. Adding attack speed to dex and moving accuracy and interrupt the Perception sounds great though.
  8. I find the people with the strongest opinions on something are often unfamiliar with it. Not to mention here in the USA, socialism is conflated with various welfare programs and the whole state ownership of means of production bit is largely ignored.As to the interview, I agree with him. The SJWs seem to have a big problem with artistic freedom when stuff they don't like is portrayed. I think people should create a whatever they want to myself, and if I don't like it I will not bother with it. Plenty of games out there for me as is, I don't need to force others to change their vision into what I deem acceptable. Although seeing as my avatar is a shapeshifting monster that eats children, what I find acceptable is probably much different than most. I agree with this sentiment. You never understand how deep the rabbit hole can go unless you have been to the bottom. I agree that all art should be allowed, and that SJWs should not be able to dictate what gets created by censoring what they do not like. If a person's art is more socially acceptable then it will do well. Cream rises to the top, as it were. However, not allowing art because of controversial topics is stepping on ones liberties to create it. I do find it odd that when mentioned in many of these articles it is said that Sarkeesian is trying to fight "negative" portrayals of women in games. They go on to say this will allow more variety in games when it comes to portraying women. I have one question... How can removing artistic options of portraying women lead to more variety? I will admit that over sexualization and "damsel in distress" are a bit overused, but banishing them removes variety. If you have 100 ways to write women in a story and a group decides that 25 of those options are sexist then you now have 75 ways. That is less variety in my eyes. It reminds me of a Lynyrd Skynyrd song "All I can do is write about it". The song is about the growth of cities treading on nature and destroying that beauty. The song is trying to make people realize that some parts of our civilization aren't for the best, but that all you can do is try and make people aware of it and hope that helps the situation. That is what these people should be doing. They shouldn't be striking people who go against their philosophy, but trying to show people how it can be done. They should be making games that show these ideals. Not giving bad reviews to games that don't conform to that ideology, not mudslinging, not attacking their fan base for disagreeing, etc. You catch more flies with honey.
  9. @Oerwinde, I just wanted to let you know that every time I see your banner I think: Constructicons - "The Constructicons form Devastator, the most powerful robot. We should rule!" Soundwave - "Soundwave superior. Constructicons inferior." Constructicons - "Nobody would follow an uncharismatic bore like you!" Rumble - "Hey! Nobody calls Soundwave unchrasimatic!" Frenzy - "Yeah! Let's kick tailgate!" Just thought that needed to be said. On topic: Daniel Vavra is my hero. They irony with the gaming press is that few of them have live in a socialist society. Perhaps they should listen to someone that has.
  10. I'm just waiting for news to come out that they found a bloodied knife and a corpse under the crawl space of her house and you guys start saying "that could be ANYONE'S knife and corpse, we don't know for sure. Maybe someone who doesn't like her and was depressed decided to commit suicide and got under her crawl space first before doing so!" If it is a longknife then I will definitely be skeptical. The media keeps using her as a jumping point to scream misogyny. They keep bringing her up and they will keep doing so. The best thing most of the #Gamergate crowd can do is ignore her, and keep to the issue of nepotism and dishonesty in the media. As the more we discuss her the more ammunition it potentially gives that media. Let's say the media are trying to discredit the movement. A good way to do that is to leave false trails around ZQ and call misogyny every time they are used against her. Leaving her be is the best thing this movement can do. Sarkesian (sp?) as well. Those 2 are not important. They are landmines with purpose. They are a part of the whole though. Kill the head of the snake and the body dies. These 2 women are anything but the head. More like the tail. If the movement changes the media's issues then ZQ and sarkesian(sp?) will fade anyway... Well ZQ for sure.
  11. I agree with Bruce here. Not enough information can be gleaned from the website images. She could have, upon payment, split a percentage into another account with a different name and forwarded it from there. Her taking down the promise of donating is very suspicious though. As is her silence on the matter. I have to wait and see if more comes out on the issue before forming an opinion. I really wish she would go away as she isn't pertinent to the issue anymore, but was only catalyst for the whole debacle.
  12. The word was indeed misused, though. Using that word in that manner was the equivalent to firing a rifle that you know has a chance to backfire. And backfire it has. I expect we will see those media outlets fold over the next little while. Not solely because of this incident, but because people like totalbuscuit and other websites like The Escapist are going to absorb most of the following because they are singing a tune that their consumers want to hear. They aren't antagonizing them and calling them names just to win an argument, they aren't bullying people trying to do some good for women in gaming like The Fine Young Capitalists, and they have admitted fault when it comes to some bias in their reporting. These articles will likely be the straw that broke the camel's back. I will say that language is there for a reason. Words have definitions that are universal within a language. The word gamer has been for many years a word that many wore as a badge when the rest of the world stigmatized them. As of the the past 10 years or so... Many more people have become gamers. Gamers are people that play games, and in most cases that is their primary hobby. Now the media says gamers are dead because everyone plays games now, and I say "**** you, media guys and gals!!! Gamers have never been more prominent because nowadays everyone plays games!" Language without definitions for words that everyone adheres to would be worthless. We wouldn't know what we were typing to one another. Language needs to be defined. We need stability or we may as well point, grunt, and make faces. We have words we use to narrow down, describe with greater detail, etc when the noun in question is too vague. They are called adjectives. Writers use them, I use them, you use them, that hillbilly down the road uses them, but we cannot expect our gaming media to use them. "Gamers are Dead!" has a lot more click bait potential than "Venom spewing, moronic, demonic gamers on the internet are no longer important to the industry." If I am pissed about anything to do with the use of the word Gamer it is the lack of coherent language just to make a few extra pennies while simultaneously insulting your consumers (which isn't me. I gave up on most gaming media a long time ago). I would also like to say that as a service provider they should be held to a higher standard than whoever posted a comic on a forum. They should walk a bit on eggshells if they want their consumers to keep consuming. Companies as a whole need to stop antagonizing their consumers. Especially if they expect to stay in business. The gaming media cannot afford to do it, but they seem to be emulating the big AAA publishers in this regard. EA will sell BF Hardline like hotcakes even after BF4s issues, Ubisoft will sell whatever game even if Uplay causes issues on PC, and activision will sell CoD 55 even if Ghost was a testament to mediocrity. However, the gamers that keep kotaku afloat are the ones they are antagonizing. The ones keeping EA and activision afloat are mostly console gamers (Who play Madden and CoD only) that may never look at Kotaku unless it is E3, pax, or GDC is going on. A friend of mine didn't even know Bf4 had a huge issue with their servers because a) as much as I love him... He is an idiot and didn't notice till I pointed it out, and B) he doesn't look at these websites unless E3 is showing videos. Those that read these websites are the more "Hardcore" gamers. They are the backbone of the gaming media's financial well being. They got insulted by the media sites that they support. I am not mad at their use of the word gamer in that context in the end. I am mad that they think they are above reproach, that they cannot have a discussion with those of us willing to have it in a civil manner, and I am mad that they fire people for being honest with their reviews because the editor just got off the phone with some jerk at Eidos because he gave Kane and Lynch: Dead Men a "Fair" score and not higher. I am also mad because of the potential corruption involving the IGF and Fez, but that is a topic for another post. I am not contradicting myself though. As I am not angry for their bad choice of words. I am angry because of their actions prior to and after these articles. In the end, the people that hold the power are the people they are antagonizing. If these gamers have a backbone, and truly blacklist these websites, then we might see some good come of this proverbial **** storm. A paradigm shift is needed.
  13. If a woman that had been raped read that cartoon I would expect her to feel outrage toward anyone that tries to redefine rape. Or anger toward anyone that would cry wolf in such a manner. You know, like many radfems do. Also, the comments in the aforementioned pic that females ridiculed a man who had been raped are way past rude or insensitive. They directly tear down a potential rape victim. There is a difference between that and the comic. You are willing to call the comic offensive and how jokes like this shouldn't be allowed, but say that verbally attacking, degrading, and insulting a potential rape victim is simply rude and insensitive. That to me is strange. This comic directs its point toward not a single victim, but toward radfems that misuse the terms to work toward an agenda that is anything but equality of the sexes. It uses something terrible like rape as an exaggeration to get its point across. Also, differentiating between jokes that are OK and jokes that aren't is a slippery slope. Who decides what is ok? Whose moral compass do we use as a sounding board? Eventually, no jokes are allowed because there is possibly someone that may take offense to it. It is tantamount to saying that you have freedom of speech.... Oh except in this situation, or when pertaining to this subject, etc. This is something I cannot abide by. People on this planet need to grow some thicker skin. There are jokes I don't care for (heck I practically loathe them) because of my life experiences, but when I hear them (and I do) I brush them off. My life isn't solely defined by my past, and I don't use them to try and censor people. There is a type of torture that has been performed on US PoWs that involved sodomizing them with glass coka-cola bottles. They let the men see the bottle prior to doing it, and then they perform what I would consider rape with it. The purpose is that when they return home every time they see a coke advertisement they remember the torture. Do we ask Coka-Cola to change their name and branding? Stop making Coke? What if one of those soldiers sees a coke advertisement? How would they feel? I don't disagree that misogynist may have been a better ending, but it don't know if it hits hard enough to truly make the point the comic is trying to make.
  14. On the note of the cartoon, and the punch line (which I am assuming is what you find offensive, Bruce). I will quote George Carlin, "You can joke about anything. It all depends on how you construct the joke. Where the exaggeration is." He goes on to use rape as a punch line saying "Imagine Porky Pig raping Elmer Fudd." This carton uses the final panel to exaggerate the way this conversation is happening between gamers and the media outlets at the moment. The lucid members of these site's community (not the demons that are pretty abhorrent) point out examples that don't align with the agenda of said media, and those media outlets say "you're a misogynist." These sites cry wolf at a sheep. Was rape the best example to use? I don't know. It kind of ties into ZQ's own statements on rape in a shaky way, but I would have definitely played the misogyny card first as it is more pertinent. That doesn't make the joke offensive, in and of itself, though. I have avoided this topic like the plague, but I do think there are issues in the gaming community and in our media. I think there are some huge issues with our media, but there are useless people in the gaming community that are exacerbating this issue with death threats and other horrible antics. However, the medias inability to take actual lucid criticism without insulting its viewers via name calling/labeling, blocking, and censoring is more offensive than this cartoon to me.
  15. Heart rocks. That is indeed a good cover of Stairway. Zeppelin is "that" band to me. The band that IF you are not playing it to the nines then don't even try. You need a great vocalist, a great guitarist, and a great drummer to even attempt it. The Wilson's are of the few in the world capable of doing it right. With the right degree of soul, if you will. This got me wanting to share another classic rock group, and song that uses finger picking. This is just Lindsey Buckingham, but it was a Fleetwood Mac song that he pretty much performs solo at their shows, and he also does it at his solo shows.
  16. I agree that 1 on character creation and 1 on every level divisible by 2 would make me really happy. Also, I believe the fighter already gets another feat at level 4 so they should keep that. Obsidian can't do Multiclassing because of time... So IMHO we need more variety and more options in the talents.
  17. I can agree. I tried suspending my disbelief by thinking that just outside town there is a huge cliff/mountain/river/whatever I had to walk around to get to the crossing. Basically, I had to go around my ***hole to get to my elbow. It is what it is.
  18. Yeah, there are cases where the tooltip on the leveling screen is more informative than the one from the character sheet and vice versa. This is something that needs remedying, and will come in time. PJ is correct though. It's an amazing passive to be sure.
  19. I agree with Sensuki. It is fine to have less active classes for players that enjoy that. However, they are indeed inflexible. The fighter more so than the rogue IMHO.
  20. Ah groove!!
  21. Yeah, at first I was like "Who is doing the VO in this video?" Then I heard Sensuki's Aussie accent bleed through a bit, and I started rolling. Good impersonation, Sensuki.
  22. Thumbs up to this. Sensuki is a beast.
  23. I stopped opening combat with damage from my non-tankers and teleporting became a non-issue for the most part. I start damaging enemies with BB fighter (and the PC if specced to be a front liner) and I see teleporting much less frequently.
  24. This. 7). Use CCs effectively. Keep heavy hitters like Wood beetles and their poison away from characters helps as well.
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