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Everything posted by Lephys

  1. A) spaghetti is delicious. Are you saying my argument is delicious? B) How? You yourself just said that challenges should result in XP. Beetles aren't the only thing that presents a challenge. Nor are living things, for that matter.
  2. Hehe. See, I always give the beggar like... 100 gold. I'm waiting for the game in which that results in his having a heart attack.
  3. Then players should get XP for jumping over streams, or landing hits on training dummies, or hitting a bunny from 100 yards with a bow. Congrats, you've got Adventurer Simulator 2K14.
  4. You wish, . The trees are there, they're not immediately in your way, but you COULD spend time and effort chopping them down. WHY NO XP?! Also, shouldn't you get XP for stupidly activating inactive traps, just so you can beat the challenge of the traps? I mean, if they're not active, there's no challenge. Step 1: Arbitrarily endanger self and/or expend effort. Step 2:... Step 3: PROFIT!
  5. @ashtonw: I encourage you to say "to hell with stupid people," but also understand that we're humans, and some degree of what other people think getting to us is just built in. I think a great deal of people really admire someone whose concern isn't really for meeting everyone's arbitrary expectations, but rather for just being a vibrant person and being content with what they're bringing to something like a stream. That, and half those people that worry over how attractive a random girl on the internet is are pretty much just too afraid to be judged for their real opinion, so they adopt the arbitrary "if you're not Kate Upton, you're ugly" stance so they never have to have their own thoughts or stand up for anything. That, and statistically speaking, I also bet you're far more attractive than you believe yourself to be, just for what it's worth. Someone did an interesting study on this. They got a bunch of women to describe themselves to a police sketch artist (I don't think he could see them, but they could see his artwork). Then, they got a bunch of other people to describe those same women to that sketch artist. The women, themselves, agreed, that all the other people's resulting sketches looked way better than the ones their own descriptions produced. They kind of all had epiphanies. 8P I just thought that was very interesting. Anywho, here's me rolling low in an attempt at useful encouragement, haha. I'm going back to my defective robot duties...
  6. Well, I just mean, I know he's always going to be outdone by a fighter. He's never going to be the one Frontliner to Rule Them All.
  7. Woot! There's nothing worse than picking a hairstyle in a character creation UI without rotation, only to later find out that it has weird, goofy pigtails on the back or something. Or a big skull hairpin on the back you couldn't see. Oh, speaking of character creation... another pet peeve of mine, if I might add: Make actual long-hair variants of hairstyles, where applicable. It kinda sucks when there are 20 different hairstyles, and they range from "crew cut" to "6 inches long." 8P
  8. Me too. I was thinking of literally regaining health. Not just receiving a burst of health every time battle technically ends. BUT, I didn't say that, and didn't really even think about that until Brazy's example. So, constructive nonetheless,
  9. Nope. Good point. We'd have to restrict it to lost health, only, or it would get ridiculous.
  10. Especially not a punch from an Aumaua, aka a "Hawaiian Punch." If someone wears spiked knuckles, are they spiking the punch? Okay, but seriously... Yeah, Paladins aren't quite the frontline powerhouses, but, hopefully, with a little extra effort and support, you can still opt to have them be much more frontline than just "stand around in the safety zone, bestowing auras."
  11. I've always liked it when the cursor changes to some spiffy little "loading in progress" animation, to signify that it's temporarily not really active as an interact-with-things cursor. Could be a little adventurer running or something. Or an eternity sign with "souls" (glow or what have you) flowing through it, indefinitely. Just something simple. It's more fun that way than just having a blank screen, and the cursor's gone while you wait. *shrug* Not even a moderately-sized deal. Just one of those nifty little things that's nice.
  12. Wait, what do you mean "fixed"? No! Dopplegangers are people, too! NOOOOO!!!!!!
  13. Stun's ability to lighten up: no check You're making his statement more specific than it really is. The XP-for-kills crowd is not a hivemind. ... Or is it?! o_O!!! "People piss me off sometimes." Am I talking about EVERY SINGLE HUMAN IN THE UNIVERSE? No. It's a generalization. I'm fairly confident you've encountered those in your life by now, unless you're 5. In which case... wicked typing skills, man! You'll go far in life, ^_^
  14. If I ever stream gameplay of a game like this, I'm going to make full use of the webcam to act out all my character's dialogue.
  15. Where's our XP for "beating the challenge" of chopping all the trees in the forest down? Those trees aren't going to chop themselves down, and your character would certainly gain a lot of experience from swinging an axe so much. Arbitrary challenge is arbitrary. There are plenty of games in which enemies are merely obstacles. Just because it's an RPG doesn't magically make every entity in the game NEED to have a reason to be destroyed.
  16. I'm pretty sure it was just a statement. For it to be a straw man, he'd have to be attributing it directly to someone's argument, which he did not do.
  17. ^ True. Also, though... do we know if there's a delay between swapping back? Especially with such a feat in place, it would be really silly to just insta-swap back and forth between a bow and a sword 17 times in 1 second. Even at 4 seconds, though, that's 4 seconds saved whenever you swap weapons, as compared to whatever else you could've chosen as a feat. That, and you still have combat delays. Just not from the act of weapon-swapping. That's why I think that it's really, really nice, but not really OP or anything. You can swap weapons all day long, but you can still only attack so quickly, and you still have recovery time between attacks, etc. *shrug*
  18. I have to say it's pretty misleading. It looks like a singular word, and not an abbreviated form of a phrase. I mean, at least use "CharGen." That way, I can tell it's probably two words shortened and stuck together. When I first saw "chargen," I just kept trying to figure out who was running fullspeed at whom, or who was issuing fees to someone else.
  19. Well... think of it this way. When you get shot in the chest, you don't instantly die. However, you might be in shock, or otherwise incapacitated, so that you're "downed." Then, if you don't get help soon, you'd slowly bleed out, etc., until you died. All your "Health" would fade. This is kind of the principle behind PoE's system. So, it's not that you couldn't reverse it (long-term resource being fatigue, short-term being actual health), but... that's just why they did it the way they did, and they can't really change it this late in the game. Also, as far as healing spells go, their function has a huge effect on the lore. If everyone can jog about with potions and spells and just reknit organs back together and save people from the brink of death, then there's an awful lot of danger removed from the world. "Help! I've been cut into 5 pieces! QUICKLY, HEAL SPELLS! Oh, phew... I'm fine again, ^_^" etc. I think they purposely want a world in which, even magical folks aren't nigh invulnerable due to magical healing. Stuff of that nature.
  20. There was, unless it got pulled. They said there will be full-pause, and a "just slow everything down a ton" mode, so that you can still have stuff going on (if slowly) while issuing orders and such. Probably good for those times when timing is of the essence, and you don't want to rapi-pause 10 times just to catch it at the right time. "Okay, that enemy's attack TECHNICALLY landed, finally, so NOW I'll cast this spell!" Haven't heard anything about slo-mo in a while, though.
  21. An objective isn't something you're ON. You don't get sent on an objective. It's just something you can do that's directly relevant to your particular adventuring playthrough of the narrative. It could be discover the location of some ruins, or kill something, or find the source of the such-and-such infestation, etc. So, unless you're exploring an entire map in which the dev team who decided, from the get-go, to base their entire XP system on objectives simply didn't designate a single thing in the entire map as an objective, you're never not "on an objective." Methinks this is what people don't get. And why 50% of people keep slipping into saying "quest XP," etc. Apologies if this was already said. This thread jumped like 4 pages in a day, and I've been reading threads all day like crazy, trying to catch up.
  22. That's not a terrible idea. Just in concept, at least. I'm fond of well-done little radial menus that are mouse-cursor centric. At the very least, 1-6 (or whatever) to select each person, then another key to bring up a little radial "hotbar" of their active ability choices wouldn't be at all unwelcome.
  23. I hope that adjusting the "font scale" affects the size of fountains and natural springs in the game.
  24. I know it's not always what someone means when they use the phrase "quest XP," but it's best to just stick to objective, because "quest" leads to limited thinking on the issue. Like that you'll only get XP when you "turn in" something, and not just when you achieve something. Of course, quests didn't even used to be like that, either, I guess, so... I blame MMO's.
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