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Everything posted by SophosTheWise

  1. I think questions 1 and 2 are obsolete. It seems to me that the Gods in PE are as manifested as they are in any other Fantasy games. That's the problem with Gods that are proven to exist, there is no speculation anymore and if they are omnipotent as suggestet, than there is no point in any other religious stances other than theism and antitheism. Everything interesting on the believing-meter from ignosticism, agnosticism, atheism, deism - all those speculative philosophical ideas are obsolete because there is no question there.Same with the soul. Soul seems to be a manifested material, as unmystical and not-transcendent as a leg or a lung. The questions about good and evil are nice, but I don't think that it is wise to pose these questions while bombarding the player with situations like in Star Trek. That may work in that system, because that system assumes a humanistic worldview. If you don't like humanism, you'll likely hate Star Trek. So the only possibilty for PE besides assuming a position itself is just giving the player a wide range of possibilities with an even wider range of ways to deal with it and neither should be better than the other. Basically the question about good and evil often leads to a relativistic point of view - not that I have anything against it, but the problem with relativism is that it is also a position and not "neutral" as many people might think.
  2. I posted it here and PM'd Farudan. But, oh well, here it goes again: Weird Bard of the Obsidian Order
  3. and you haven't seen the collector's edition yet. Btw I thought the Avellone comment referred to "mouths are dirty", a brilliant piece of rhetoric that settles it all Nice, I'm a backer for the Retail Collector's Edition. Long nights of fun will be had then. Be sure to make a Let's Play video SophosTheWise: Let's Play Project Eternity: Quest for Porn - now live on YouPorn.
  4. and you haven't seen the collector's edition yet. Btw I thought the Avellone comment referred to "mouths are dirty", a brilliant piece of rhetoric that settles it all Nice, I'm a backer for the Retail Collector's Edition. Long nights of fun will be had then.
  5. I can see it now: Project Eternity: The RomCom "Oh, great hero, thou art most courteous" "Ye're a fine wench! Thine bosom is firm! May thine ars be even more firm!" "Hihihihihihi" ....
  6. I think reactions from NPCs is a big part of roleplaying in general. Be it a Bard's song after a victory in a game, be it a new, meaningful title (*cough* not Skyrim *cough*) in a P&P or the tales of a storyteller which get around and get you known (actually happened to me at a big (1000 persons ca) LARP. That's really cool.
  7. An absolutely brillant book. I'm currently (well, I haven't had much time lately so I've been reading that for a few months now, maybe even longer) reading Der letzte Weynfeldt by Martin Suter. And I've finished Antigone by Sophokles.
  8. RPGcodex is just very extreme and dark, but, as a part-time-lurker there, I don't think they're really serious. It's just a bunch of dark-humoured elitists.
  9. The question really is: Can you do a medieval meme? :D Yes.
  10. By the way, an example of an AWESOME happy ending: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yNTlDesrY3w&list=FL_Vc7cqAvtZqElhUDQcEZfg&index=61&feature=plpp_video Even though I don't think Obsidian can pull that off. I mean, it's James Joyce. Nobody can pull that off.
  11. Wow, respect! I wish I knew that many languages. Alas, I only know 4 (well, 4 if you don't count Swiss German). Hungarian is mindblowing! And well, since you know German, give my article a read! It might be outdated now (in the sense of how I see these topics) but nevertheless a possibility to sychronize our opinions :D No I really don't support these situations but they can have a real impact on the way of how you see things. I generally don't like the trends towards sandboxing, because, somehow, I think, it's just a symptom of our society that cannot focus on anything for more than an hour. Also: Not having much power (that's why I love low-fantasy and low-power) is a very interesting perspective game-play and storywise.
  12. Please don't hire her. Her stuff is incredibly boring and generic. To be semi-serious: if she wasn't a girl only few people would care...
  13. I can totally see your point - having to put up with a game-decision is something that gets in the way of what you actually want is annoying if you look at the game as just a consumer experience. I wrote an article about that stuff in Mafia 2, it's a bit difficult to express that opinion in English - maybe you speak German :D There was a convention a few years back, called GameCulture. There are a lot of artists and curators involved and we had discussions exactly about that. Your perspective is the consumer perspective while I try to see that developer-decision as a decision of art (like the infamous Call of Duty mission at the airport which is quite frankly a lesson in power over people if you want to take that lesson as a player) . Of course that's a whole other topic...
  14. Well, definitely tied to the different factions. You should never punish a player for a certain approach. While it might add some challenge to the pacifist-cause it's also really frustrating if you can't do a proper playthrough because everyone hates you just because you've been nice. o.O
  15. You know why? Because this concept sucks in every goddamn way. I know there are some roleplayers who want to do everything at the same time? Why? I have absolutely no idea, but in a roleplaying-way that just doesn't make any sense. Sneaky noble thief - alright I can go with that. But why should he wear a full plate? And why should he be able to shapeshift and cast spells? Is he some kind of ridiculous overcompensation superheroes? I, for one, hate those concepts and whenever players bring that into a Pen & Paper round you just know the game's gonna be bad. People should focus on a simple idea and roleplay the **** out of it. I think you missed that my suggetion was about a point-buy system, and I didn't say the same character should be able to do everything at the same time. That, and also that what I described was basically a robber baron/knight which is already an existing concept (and "profession") in history (in D&D terms you could call that a fighter/rogue, or maybe a fighter/aristocrat/rogue in certain worlds/settings), or pretty much every aristocratic rogue because the income of nobles allows all kind of training getting paid for. Not to mention some people are just naturally more adept at learning certain things, or just have photographic memory to begin with. (things like this were handled by games like Fallout or by RPGs like VampireTM with perks and merits) Also, nobles have to keep up a certain image, maybe the cultural circumstances or heritage reqires from a noble who is more a thief in character and skills than a knight to be able to fight with sword and shield in plate mail. This doesn't mean he will sneak around and break into houses with a full plate, just that if necessary or when going to a battlefield he can also wear that. Let's not even go into magic, as there could be any kind of street urchin or royalty which is already born with natural skill at sorcery and while getting trained in grammatic, laws, languages, and swordmanship as a noble he/she could at the same time as a sorcerer also use powers to be stronger, faster, summon a flaming sword, or throw fireballs. Being able to do multiple things is not against roleplaying at all, actually, the limitation to classes and what a single class can do ironically goes against roleplaying in these cases. As for the Paladin debate: While I do like holy/celestial power using warriors, there is nothing what would hint that this game will have "paladin" be anything more than some title or profession, maybe royal knights will be called paladins. Thee is nothing that would suggest they would have to have some moral code they would have to live by either, or if they do that it would be any different from what average knights have to follow. Yes, I have missed that - sorry. Also: Yes, of course you can justify nearly all ideas within the D&D system. I, for one, am kind of a low-power fanatic, maybe because I'm a LARPer and I also associate those Hans-Dampf-in-allen-Gassen-Johnny-on-the-spot-concept as powergaming and I had really bad experiences with players like this. That's why always keep my character concepts simple. Imo characters that are too complicated are very difficult to roleplay in LARP as it is in P&P.But that's just me.
  16. Have you guys listened to the scores of The Witcher 2 by Adam Skorupa and Krzysztof Wierzynkiewicz? I think that was one of the best scores I've ever heard. I like the Project Eternity sound so far, even though it seems a bit spiritless, generic. I'd love to see Justin do a take with more courage when it comes to instrumentation, choirs and whatnot. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d_jizNCiInw Even though... .
  17. At it's basest form yes, but technology brings great change. Though not a change of mind.
  18. Anything below about 5% of the target surface area (*COUGH*codpiece*COUGH*) You clearly have never seen MY codpiece! :dancing: No, tbh, I can see your point. Still rooting for codpieces, just out of novelty.
  19. You mean like a brothel? No, seriously, there was a cool sidequestline in Yakuza 4 where you managed a club (a talking brothel, I don't know, one of those typical "WTF, Japan?" things). While it was quite uninteresting and a bit boring aftere a while I could see something be fun if made right.
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