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Everything posted by Malekith

  1. Why? All IE games basicly use image of character talking + text. Because IE static images don't change to express emotion, and it should stay that way. He asked for JRPG static images, where the portrait smiles or frowns or whatever. And that is awful
  2. PE will have discriptions like Torment though. "................."the man smiles treateningly. "................" A shadow of a doubt creeps in his voice etc. So being able to see the awkward animations on character faces is irrelevant.
  3. They aren't similar, but they aren't the "poor man's giant" either. Bugbears,ogres,trolls, not to mention a dozen giant subraces. Half of this crap needs to die.
  4. Nope. All 3 were garbage aestheticaly. PE troll looks way better. Even better than warcraft trolls, which is the only consept of "trolls" i kinda liked so far.
  5. Mechanics? All of them. World lore? Very little, things that in older games were mentioned in the manual, not more Story? Nothing
  6. A big part of PE backers also were interested in PE because of Planescape Torment so...
  7. I the opposite. I never play a "good person" until 3 playthrough, and even then they develope a mean side unconsiously.
  8. That's not evil, that's lunatic. Evil is something along the lines of Tywin Lannister. Slaver and drug broker is rational, human sacrifices not so much if you do them for the lulz. If you have to gain something from it (harvesting children souls in order to make animats for example) is another matter. I hope PE gives me such choices.(the rational ones, not murder/rape/maim for sport) One of the highlights of PS:T and MotB was the fact that you could be a complete monster, but it never felt cheap "for the evulz".
  9. Fallout 2 had the best approach to sex. It fitted, it was funny, and it was played for lulz, not masturbation. In other words, it made me smile instead of rolling my eyes. Hope PE does something similar.
  10. As i 'll play the game with tags hidden, i hope the writting to be flavorful enough that it shows if i'm clever,sarcastic or rude. I don't need it to be 100% in your face, but the undertone should be there.
  11. A portrait modeled after Chris Avellone
  12. No, they have said that the portraits are for the PC as well. And i doubt there will be customisation for the PC, at least not much more than the IE games had.
  13. You will be able to tell in the game too, how your words are being received. You will just not know how WILL be received before you say them.
  14. Yes, like if your reputation got too good the evil members would grouse and vice versa if you got too evil of a reputation. Im curious how this system will play out. I see a lot of negative post about systems that use for example a radial wheel. When you pick an answer but then the game delivers it in a way you didn't intend. This system just seems to shift the "whoopsy-daisy" to the NPC. Now you can clearly see what you mean to say but you will have no idea how the NPC will interpret it. You may mean your Clever reply to be witty but they take it as sarcastic and you won't know that just happened. That's how it should work. It work that way IRL as well.
  15. Fixed. Most of the consept of DA2 was better than DA:O. The Quanari culture, Mage/Templar being the only grey situation in Bioware's history(even with the consept ripped from Warhammer Fantasy), having a more personal story, moving away from the epic Biowarian structure and having the game move on time instead of miles covering the fate of a single city, having the player not being the "chosen one" but instead being reactive with no real control over the situation and making thing worse in the long run. All of these were good ideas. Better than DA:O's "ancient evil awakens and wants to destroy the world, you are the only one who can unite the humanity to stop it" that describes more than half of Bioware games.In the hands of a company that knew what they were doing these elements would have made a good game. Bioware just had a ****y execution of EVERY SINGLE ONE of them, with **** gameplay and level design on top. As for the "bad for Bioware, good compaired to most non Bioware games" that is thrown around with every Bioware's **** up, i am curious which are all these terrible RPGs that make Bioware's games look good in comparison. Because the only ones that come to mind are the ones from Bethesda
  16. Hahaha, me too. I have even liked two of his posts the last days. But i look at it in that way: If both me and Karkarov agree on something, that something is obviously the correct solution, and the people who disagree are wrong.
  17. I know . EA should hire me to make them money. God knows they are strugling to do so themselves.
  18. And then sell Viagra DLC. Now with 10$ you can satisfy your LI. Make it happen EA!
  19. BGT were great games, but their art was nothing special. Black Isle > Bioware in that aspect. PST and IWDs (and Fallouts) had terrific art direction.
  20. if it was 3d they would have found a publisher relativelly easy Nope. PC only wouldn't. If they pitched a console fantasy action RPG, that is Skyrim successor instead of IE, then maybe. it is implied that if it was 3D it would have a console version and the publisher would provide a AAA graphics engine is this trolling? i cant take this BS for real -sorry the screens we have seen so far are more detailed and do look more real than any quadriple AAA up'ur'ass graphic engine of course they are, but they are 2D and are meant for a game that can be played properly only with m&k on a pc. publishers do not care if the actual graphics are 100000000000000 better looking than any 3D game... they are 2D and can't be ported to consoles due to the pad's inability to handle the controls, so the game is not profitable and it gets no funding if PE was a 3D, gamepad friendly, imitation of DAO, they would have publishers lining up for it is all im saying. luckily for us it is not Not so sure about that either. I would love it to be true, but if it were Obsidian wouldn't have suffered lay offs the previous years. Pitching games to publisers seems to be an ongoing strugle, not the easy thing you paint it to be.
  21. if it was 3d they would have found a publisher relativelly easy Nope. PC only wouldn't. If they pitched a console fantasy action RPG, that is Skyrim successor instead of IE, then maybe. it is implied that if it was 3D it would have a console version and the publisher would provide a AAA graphics engine So, a kinda meh game, from which the publiser would have taken the profits instead of Obsidian. I' stick with what we have here, tnk very much
  22. if it was 3d they would have found a publisher relativelly easy Nope. PC only wouldn't. If they pitched a console fantasy action RPG, that is Skyrim successor instead of IE, then maybe.
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