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Everything posted by Gfted1

  1. Huh, I though it was already illegal for the general public to buy body armor. @kirottu: That flap you see extending below the waist on the bottom pic of Eddo36's first post *is* the genetalia protection.
  2. Ok, reconfigured the RAM. I feel like a dumbass for having them in single channel mode since Christmas.
  3. At home, DDR2. Not sure about the work ones but assume DDR2 as the PC its coming out of is only 2-3 years old. You sir, rock. By reading over the "Three DIMMs - Populated Symmetrically" section I see Ive got my home rig screwed up and its only functioning in single channel mode!! This will be rectified immediately!
  4. So, I yoinked 1G (two 512 DIMMS) of RAM from an unused PC here at work. My rig at home has 2G that looks like this: Slot 1: 512MB Slot 2: Open Slot 3: 512MB Slot 4: 1G Now, would it be better to put one of the new 512MB DIMMS in slot two and leave it like that for a total of 2.5G or would it perform faster to put in both 512MB DIMMS and remove the 1G DIMM for a total of 2G. Obviously the second config is still only 2G but would it be a faster 2G?
  5. I was wondering how long it would take someone to blame the 2nd Amendment. First post not by the topic started, that must be a new record. Anywho, its tragic.
  6. What possible purpose could this have served? Maybe the wardrobes caught fire and the good people attending the party were just trying to put them out.
  7. Ah, thank you.
  8. Gfted1


  9. I just saw a preview the other night of a movie staring Nicholas Cage where he seems to have "at will" precognition which allows him to sidestep the bullets/bad guys, but I didnt catch the name. Comes out on 27 Apr, anyone know the name of the movie?
  10. [nitpick]He's going to need a new mobo for that CPU and probably should look at a new PS too, no?[/nitpick]
  11. *watches Azure79's "budget upgrade" crash and burn* Hehe, I always get the "might as well's" while speccing out a PC. Might as well get this upgrade. Might as well get that upgrade......WTF, how did it get to $2,000.00!?!?
  12. How the hell did he do it with a cell phone? As far as I know, you cant activate the video function of the phone remotely so he had to leave it there with the video running, right? If so, phone video duration capability is at max, what, 30 seconds? So what did he do, go into the bathroom, set it up and turn it on at exactly the instant she was entering the bathroom?
  13. Er, the NFL has a Code of Conduct that every single NFL player must adhere to and is written into every contract. In addition to that, each team has a sub Code of Conduct that covers things the former does not that may be specific to the team. It doesnt matter whether its "moral" or not. Every player under contract is aware of the code and signs their name on the line saying they will uphold said code. By breaking the terms of the code they are putting themselves in the line of fire for santions being placed on them.
  14. Sand, why dont you take your own advice and not post in threads that obviously get your fanboyism all riled up. Youre clearly incapable of posting like an adult on this matter.
  15. It cracks me up how eveyone that doesnt like the game gets flamed. You should see it on the official forum, if you dont prostrate yourself and "attaboy" every time they fix one of the dozens of screwups in the game, they decend on you like a pack of wolves.
  16. Gfted1


    You and me both. I didnt see that coming at all.
  17. ^Interesting how there are different different ways to get there instead of the ole "run thought this gauntlet to get X".
  18. No, this is a manticore: I prefer the D&D version. Lol, the mustache is a nice touch.
  19. Linky no worky. Now that I quoted you I see why, it duplicated the url.
  20. Oh yeah, it definately looks good. Just took me a little by surprise with the "face" on it.
  21. Is that what a manticore actually looks like? I thought they were kinda like a lion with wings and a scorpion tail, or am I thinking of another critter?
  22. *sigh* My morning has already started out as a crapfest. Due to the whopping half inch of snow on the ground people were unable to exceed 45 MPH on the highway. This caused my drive to work to take 1.5 hours. URGE. TO. KILL. RISING.
  23. Are you using an unsupported card? What card do you have?
  24. Actually it's probably safer than cave diving since you cannot even get to base camp without SOME ability as a climber. A lot of idiots die in caves who did not have the the knowledge of more importantly the equipment to go in. The difference is, in cave diving there is nothing to keep them out. My ex-brother-in-law is a rescue diver for the Lake County Sheriffs Dept in north FL. It was his job to go find the bodies of the aforementioned idiots. Just the idea of cave diving gives me the willies. I recently watched a Discovery channel thing on cave diving, and to me, its unbelievably scary looking. Total darkness, only a thin string showing the way back and the inability for people to tell "which way is up" in that environment. *shudder* It was Aram!
  25. Eh, its the "call of the wild" so to speak. Conquering natures biggest and baddest has always driven man and while there is a much higher probability of death climbing Everest, is it really that much different from skydiving, cave diving, racing Formula cars, etc...?
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