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Everything posted by Gfted1

  1. Huh, for some reason I thought Gromnir was in Illinois.
  2. I havent had to worry about "dating" in over a decade, I probably wouldnt even know how to act. >_
  3. The Exorcist freaked me out a bit as did Amityville Horror. Just rewatching the from The Exorcits makes the hair on the back of my neck stand up.
  4. That was more a case of unfloridated water, no?
  5. Paid for by "the rich" no doubt.
  6. Doomsday is only #46! Whats this nonsense? He single handedly killed Superman!
  7. Wow, are you seriously nitpicking "before fascism was even defined"? Anyway, WoD is right, as its first known use was in 1921.
  8. Thats one of the best Chappelle show skits EVAR.
  9. Then I suppose they shouldnt base "humanitarian releases" on junk science.
  10. Sure is weird that he defies modern medicine and continues to life. Must be the excellent health care system in Libya.
  11. Happy Birthday!!!!
  12. Does it really? Is that the deciding factor here? Are there a bunch of guys on the fence who are going to now run to pre-order the game because it has fellatio? Maybe there are, I guess I am disconnected. You should go take a peek over at Bioware's board. Dont forget to wear a poncho.
  13. That one's always bothered me. Surely that's the definition of a scientific trial? Repeat until data points (n) n>30. Im not sure I follow you here. If every time I combine 2 parts hydrogen with 1 part oxygen it produces water, wouldnt expecting the same combination to suddenly create wine be a bit daft? Heh, thats human nature. The problem is never ourselves, its the rest of the world.
  14. All Im saying is that you've had 20-something years of being miserable and "elite" and you see how thats worked out for you, perhaps a shift in your philosophy would be more beneficial? To steal Wals idea, Einstein's quote: "Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." Lol, QQ harder. Fatty.
  15. My advice to you would be either to become more open about your straight edge views (maybe influencing them into finding a balance) or try to compromise a bit with them. After all relationships are give and take. Won't be easy, but keep your fingers crossed. Be. the. mayonaise. Just so that people will get the reference, you should have linked it http://personaleffectiveness.blogspot.com/...nnaise-jar.html I wish thats what I meant, its much more profound, but I was referring to:
  16. My advice to you would be either to become more open about your straight edge views (maybe influencing them into finding a balance) or try to compromise a bit with them. After all relationships are give and take. Won't be easy, but keep your fingers crossed. Be. the. mayonaise.
  17. How long have you been in the states?
  18. The trailer makes it look pretty awesome. Id be interested in a review when you get time HK.
  19. I dont think Ive had "one get away" in my adult life but I did have an epic fail in high school. There was this one girl I lusted after for three years and finally during my senior year I got her. She was stunningly beautiful. We were all set to go to a Halloween keg party when she went and got in trouble with her parents and couldnt go, so she sent her fat friend along to escort me. This is where my tale turns tragic. A heroic amount of drinking led to me sleeping with the fatty, who immediately reported back to the hottie. Hottie dumps me. I am sad.
  20. By Tuesday night there were over 700 cars abandoned on Lake Shore Drive (the street right next to Lake Michigan and a major artery for downtown traffic). The were all towed at no expense to the owner and then the plowing could begin. It just reopened this morning.
  21. Back at work today after the third highest snow amount in Chicago's history. The side roads are still a mess but at least the highway is plowed and salted. O'Hare airport reported 20.2 inches of snow.
  22. LOL, those additional photshops were hysterical.
  23. Hint: It's related to the positioning of Egypt on the map. Ahem, yes of course. I knew that, I was just testing everyone.
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