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Everything posted by Chilloutman

  1. Seen them all. Always kinda makes me sad that you can't play character like him in RPGs.
  2. I liked Expeditions: Vikings but Rome era is not my jam tbh so I will pass
  3. But Be'lakor was mentioned in cinematic so I feel like he will be there in the end
  4. Really not a big story, no idea why its going around the internets. Its sad. If you are old and have some health issues you probably should avoid any illness and not go for it. That said its basically result of creating 2 class society on very unreasonable rules in my opinion. Most people I know are anti-vax tbh including my family. No-one would want to get ill if it would not make you 'better' person in eyes of public. You either need shots or paper that you got Covid so you can go to cinema, theater, pub... basically anywhere or 2 days old test. And there are more moronic rules which I don't have time to go into but basically there is quite boom for faked vaccinations and/or groups of people trying to get cov just to get their papers for normal live
  5. How? I was not interested in anything Blizz did for like 10 years now (I have mild interest in D2:R and maybe D4 we will see)
  6. Not huge fan of M$ but on other hand - it can't be worse than Activison right?
  7. for some reason Bruce reminded me about uspeakable one
  8. now I am truly scared to search for it. I think I will pass
  9. I would love to be lawful neutral but I usually end being chaotic neutral
  10. nah just shut up and fix it already so we can smash some mechs
  11. That reminds me Melk we should start new company in MW with Lexx included, he should be around now no?
  12. Yeah but I think we already established that you are weirdo Bruce
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