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Everything posted by Chilloutman

  1. yeah West screwed Serbia hard, thats for sure
  2. Gandhi must be spinning in his grave.... if its not that one from Civ games...
  3. You guys needs to stop supporting those green madmans and fire up your nukes asap
  4. taking a break from CK3 for a while and I got discount for Spellforce 3 on GoG so now I started that. I really like the graphics and gameplay reminds me a lot of good old Warcraft 3. Looks like I will spend some time with it. Also I started one of the campaigns and I can't shakea feeling that my mine character is dude who voiced Adam Jensen in Deus-ex
  5. Well they already tried but they refused
  6. So Kyiev warned that Russia is planning air strike on Belarus to force them into conflict... and 10 min later there are burning villages in Belarus.. what a farce if thats true...
  7. Well it also depends if they can get food smuggled into besieged cities
  8. yeah some old RPGs but one guy was carrying Javelin system
  9. I know they say that if you have only experience with airsoft you should not join the legions but those guys looks exactly like we did when I played airsoft In other news, Shojgu stated that Russia will again open humanitarian corridors.... to Russia. Its like if 3rd Reich opened corridors for jews to concentration camps...
  10. why would USA put weapon grade bio weapon labs in UKRAINE of all the places possible? xD
  11. to be frank there must now be more Javelins and NLAWs in Ukraine than there are vehicles in whole Europe
  12. I mean they are french and fries drown in fat and cheese is offensive enough on its own
  13. sure, but you usually dont send LETTER describing it all
  14. Spring is here, I saw first butterfly today, sadly my dog was faster:
  15. Does not sounds too real. No idea why would one agent send something like this to another...
  16. Hey hey hey, slow down Germans, relax ok?
  17. So Roman Empire is back on the map. This one was hard, had to restart like 3-4 times after already playing for like 150 years Now I have make it look like this in next phase (this one is just for me, no achievement there)
  18. Well German certainly tried few years back, I did like it TBH
  19. You mention EU being puppet of US so I don't see your point. Yeah Europe and USA are basically same on the scale of livable country. Yeah no one wants to go to Russia.
  20. like in Litva for example? NATO already have shop at their doorstep
  21. you are confusing illegal and legal migration. No-one is stopping legal migration from south America to Russia, but I guess there are not many takers
  22. Hah, still people from south are flooding into USA. Can't tell the same about people under Russian influence which by far are trying to get out of there as soon as situation allows it
  23. lol, don't speak about things you don't understand. While I am not lover of EU being under EU influences is MILES better than being anywhere near russian influence ring. And lets be frank, if you are not superpower with nukes you are basically always someone else serf. And from options around the world US is by far the better option
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