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Everything posted by Chilloutman

  1. @MalcadorSo far so good. I like the art, I think combat is much superior to Civ. Cultures are decently distinctive. I am not sure about balance yet or meta game. I still keep restarting because I reach a point when I just fall behind because I focus too much in one are of the game. Only 'issue' i have so far is that even if map/game are are very nice to look at it feels pretty boring, there is not much of interesting terrain features (I mean like, cows to exploit etc). Also Wonders feels pretty bland as well. Also noticed that in later eras even on large map (which is medium sized IIRC) game slows down quite a bit. (also one endless end of turn bug so far)
  2. Humankind and D2 remaster. Also looking to grab Pathfinder next. Should be enough for me to have fun for few months. Nothing else on my radar (excemp my friend constantly bothering me to return to Guild wars with new expansion)
  3. 6 minutes before I can launch Humankind. Too bad it was not for GoG so I had to take it on Steam. Anyway, It was long time I was this hyped for this type of game. I hated how Civ 6 looks and so this should be finally my return to civ gaming in style
  4. I could not find any clip with just her
  5. OK, this is something very local so I am not sure if jokes and fun can even be translated to English but its hilarious in czech - few actors from theater put this together when lockdown hit. Let me know if you guys can laught at it even with just subtitles
  6. aaaand they are gone - seems like GW is cramping down on fan animations
  7. yeah I played P:K and I totally agree about that barbarian chick, that was something i booted out of the team asap. I kinda liked that elven mage lady, I liked that ranger guy. I think those are 2 only ones I remember that were decent to be around. I really disliked the rest. Mind you I am also very racist against short races. I can't have shorties with giant heads running around my team
  8. so I checked what companions awaits me and... i can stomach maybe 3 of them, so I hope they kept option to create your own team
  9. I get the reaction thing, but honestly from what you wrote it seems those are just things which they didn't implemented yet (especially reactions). I really don't mind that environment tactics carried over from D:OS2 - i think they are good addition - Its more like its missing from PnP E5 and usually its somehow homebrewed by DM on spot
  10. Yeah, my first time with Elders scrolls was Morrowind and the world was so weird and twisted that catching souls and worshiping demon lords made sense in there. Then you see this crap in middle of the imperium and I was like... ehh really?
  11. I thought 5e rules in BG3 were pretty close to paper ones? Don't get me wrong, I think they suck, but its not Larian fault. On contrary I like Larian combat systems but story will probably suck, yeah. My only hope is that some modders will create some Sigil andvetures in that engine. That would be sweet to replay Nameless one story with actually decent combat system
  12. there is nothing left of blizzard which did D2 or WC3. its just label, shell of good old company. Buying Blizzard game these days is like buying turd in golden foil. Even remake of D2 have to be done by someone outside of Blizzard so its not crap as what they pulled on reforged...
  13. ok, you know I don't have shots and I don't want them and government is trying to give out free stuff to convince our people to get vaccinated. This is first time I think they can provide something I am willing to sell my beliefs for
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