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Everything posted by Chilloutman

  1. Playing some RogueTech again, looking how things progressed. I really love what they done with the game but god that memory leak and performance are really frustrating
  2. i see these memes with Arroyo 1) is it our Fallout Arroyo? 2) do they really change those texts there so often or is it photoshop?
  3. Let me know how it goes, I remember I got stuck somewhere and was unable to breach some shielded ship or something...
  4. exactly, I am still baffled by fact some people don't know about ad-blockers. Is new generation so dumbed down by social media that they don't know how to ef up rules you don't like?
  5. Mad mans did it, they landed that freaking rocket
  6. ok, I know its old and childish, but I laugh way to hard to not share it
  7. I feel like Tarkov is now the hot $hit regarding to stalker like online shooters
  8. well for me its easy. I like to own what I pay for. I don't want some EA CEO decide that game I paid for is not making enough money and deny my access to it
  9. I mean they currently works on Outer World and that new FP RPG which should be close to what bloodlines should have been
  10. So I had that idea that I want to know something about D4 and went on Blizzard forums and.. what can I say I have no idea how that crap of theirs works at all
  11. That would be a miracle I can get by
  12. yeah we really need to up our space ISPs before we send people on Mars. Imagine long lonely nights without pornhub...
  13. Main issue with CP was that its not RPG at all. Otherwise its decent city shooter. And I was expecting RPG
  14. yeah they really effed up with CP, this is going to haunt them for long time
  15. Finished last season of Expanse. It felt like they could made this whole season in 3 episodes and nothing of value would be lost
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