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Everything posted by Chilloutman

  1. Cmon, half of the games have flashes that can cause trigger of epilepsy. Its warning pretty much on any game these days
  2. SpaceX SN8 rocket test should start soooon!! I am sure there will be big flaming ball in the end!
  3. Seems like pre-load on GoG for Cyberpunk is up, i didn't expect it today! its 60 GB
  4. tss, I am 33 and I am want to retire too xD
  5. well i think what drives Cyberpunk for me (not mentioning Witcher quality) is the setting I am drawn to. I know it might be clique for some but I loved Johnny Mnemonic, Matrix and the likes so this fits in perfectly (they even have that laser string thingy!!) Also I liked Deus Ex and this is very close to it as well
  6. i got weird friends who supply me with those things
  7. watched Raised by the Wolfs... all I can say are 2 things 1) should have been made before he ruined Alien franchise 2) he is really off his meds and by he I mean Ridley Scott
  8. well if its still up on table I can live with steam version, i got itch to try it too
  9. somehow I must mist this little teaser - seems very different from the last one Comment section is also golden
  10. I am interested in Mass Effect remaster as long as its on steam or gog as I never played the last one and honestly I pirated the first two (Hey I was young and broke) Re - Tomb Rider HD - just look at those juggs, i loved that as kid xD
  11. dignity was never his strong attribute tho
  12. wtf? VR with mandatory facebook? Sounds like proper hell
  13. Hah, we got character who lived in the office. It was like in some horror movie when we were on night shift and you met him in middle of night in some random hallway xD
  14. Did you already heard about Grim Dawn sister?
  15. Grim Dawn is like meth mixed with heroin right now for me. I just found some weird item and I am instantly theory crafting my 10th character around it.... i need help
  16. whats with that boring thread title? I am disappointed...
  17. Didn't read that yet but would not it be because outside of sun gravity there is nothing pulling them in so that might explain why are there more 'free' particles? (I know there should probably be some micro gravity of the system anyway but maybe mass of free particles is pullgin them togather). Now lets see how big dum-dum I am....
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