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Everything posted by Chilloutman

  1. Well this whole fiasko is Putins fault, it was him who start to distance himself from Lukashenko. They were buddies but Lukashenko wanted more free oil and daddy Putin sad no.... i am going to ignore rest of your conspiracy theories in this mess
  2. Realms Beyond - man if they spend so much time creating that game, could have spend few more bucks on visuals and animations....
  3. man i am on the weird side of internet today
  4. warning, adult language * too bad title spoils it
  5. Just a question because i am outsider. Do you have to one for one or another? Could you not pick anyone from some list?
  6. yeah it was fun, i was watching live stream
  7. well, storing that amount of explosive material in quite populated area seems like really big nono to me. Not sure how this even happen...
  8. well, he is an idiot but what i meant was that he didnt ban muslims per say, just few selected countries IIRC
  9. fair enough, i will just point out that calling it muslim ban is even more flawed, yet you still repeat it anyway
  10. Well I would not want to live in Bosnia, I would not want to live in 50% muslim country, I am not sure if french people want to live in 50% muslim country either... what is your argument here anyway?
  11. cmon man, you can't compare France with US in that regard, you have whole ocean between you and Middle East and Africa. Its big difference between few well vetted people you get and mass illegal waves they are getting in south Europe... France already have almost 10% population of muslim religion...
  12. well, on one hand you provide theory, on other i provide harsh reality. And I actually agree that providing asylum will give you more information about radicals in the middle east, question is if the cost is worth it. I don't know about you, but I know few people in France and they are very liberal and very scared what is happening with their country. And its not only France. UK have problems already as well. When there were elections in Turkey Berlin looked like Erdogans garden party. You may not feel it but these problems are brewing in Europe, but media are not reporting on it that much and if they does... well you know we have tons of Nazis here...
  13. yeah but there is a slight problem here it seems, they are not running from religious persecution as much as they are bringing it in with them original: https://www.senat.fr/notice-rapport/2019/r19-595-2-notice.html very tame translation by al arabia xD : https://english.alarabiya.net/en/News/world/2020/07/09/French-lawmakers-propose-Muslim-Brotherhood-ban-measures-to-combat-radical-Is
  14. hey hey... thats the only positive side of those things!
  15. yeah, they somehow however always manage to trump the previous one. I thought it was bad enough when facebook blown up
  16. tik tok should be nuked to oblivion no matter who own that crap...
  17. strange, i usually enjoy most the leveling process in any MMO, once i hit top level it all seems boring from now on, thats maybe the thing which i liked about old WoW (even if I hated that graphic style) 21 days seems like nothing really
  18. I cant get this out of my head! also some comments there are gold: bigsloggo9 months ago (edited) Me: after round number 3 with the GF: "The flesh is weak!" She: pulls out a Vibrator "The Omnissiah provides!"
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