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Everything posted by Chilloutman

  1. this always hits hard. My mom loved that movie
  2. well that is one reeally ugly gun! I hoped you would trust in czechnology https://cz-usa.com/product/cz-75-b-9mm-black-16-rd-mag/
  3. looks like rip off of space engineers
  4. too bad, you missed great opportunity to adopt rational measurement system in the process. Also is there international airport or how do you handle foreigner policies? I am mainly talking about Visas...
  5. it was big nothing burger. Poles sometimes try this but we kick their butts back and are friends again. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polish–Czechoslovak_War
  6. well i love the old music. Damsel was least interesting character for me. gimme V anytime!
  7. i hope i will not have to buy it again just to get it
  8. BTW seems like C&C remasters will be on Steam, is it same deal as with mass effects?
  9. ffs... well thanks for letting me know. I already have one steam game I cant play due to Ubisoft....
  10. so will I finally get my mass effect trilogy complete edition after all? that would be great.
  11. Kane lives!!!! also platforms please? Do will I get my GoG?
  12. cant win with Leshrac, that hero is so lame if you are not owning mid from start...
  13. well all of them! xD those in cave crawl challenges, finishing support wing now
  14. since battlepass dropped I was grinding DoTA all days long, i must say its good fun to have incentive to play some heroes
  15. some local folk i know it will probably not tell you much but man, its powerful and i tell you as someone who dont like folk The path is the dust, and the gravel, and the packed dirt, and the grey smears it draws onto the hair, and from the star trail it's got a jewel bound to a rock, and the feathers of desire from the wings of Pēgasī. The path is a whip, it's evil, like a street lady. It's got tags in the hands, and a tin foil at the waist, and from its eyes the lust is shinning, when into the unknown it throws two fragile branches of the blood-red gladiī. Sergeant, the sand is white like the arms of Danielle, wait a moment! My eyes have seen that ancient moment of abandon. Sergeant! They will salute and we'll be initiated. Morituri te salutant, morituri te salutant. Down the road I went, where on the ground whirls and the sand swirls the wing of dove, and for me was the march played by the sounds of the artillery, which provide the comfort, and raise the feathers which eradicate. The path is the tar and the dust, and the packed dirt. A brass bee from the Werwolf. A rusty gun - my chap, and the hundred years old dirt and the enormous white clouds. Sergeant, the sand is white like the arms of Danielle, wait a moment! My eyes have seen that ancient moment of abandon. Sergeant! They will salute and we'll be initiated. Morituri te salutant, morituri te salutant. https://lyricstranslate.com
  16. first time hearing about it, looks neat
  17. i was in QA and later worked as technical designer for a while.
  18. good luck hunting, you might find my real name!
  19. fun fact, you can find my photo in M2 if you really look hard. Somewhere around Oyster bay...
  20. let me know how it goes, it does not start on my win 10
  21. i have itch for some nice relaxing sim game. Anyone remember Sim Golf? I loved that one. Anyone know about something similar? I would get Sim Golf but no idea if it works on modern systems
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