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Everything posted by Chilloutman

  1. Czech people are known for their black humor, but as the old saying goes: Black humor is like kid with cancer, it never gets old
  2. yeah, well nothing is holy for czechs when it come to humor, we are sick f*cks turn on subs on video
  3. i know this one with pedophile and little girl...
  4. Not gonna lie, my friend used it when he was making withdrawal from his bank account and banker asked him what is purpose of the withdrawal...
  5. is it not that piece of machinery jab at laptop? But yeah, Martens boots today cost hand and half
  6. this reminds me of good old days of internet:
  7. seems like Old World is out, but only on Epic...
  8. best part of Mechanicus is sound track, I am even listening to it when I drive around in a car xD
  9. whats that alien thingy? Is it multiplayer only or does it have some campaign?
  10. I was wondering if they introduce more classes into beta as they did with druid for example. Too bad that release date is 2022
  11. long time not seen any updates on BG3? Did anyone seen any news?
  12. https://www.tolkiensociety.org/events/tolkien-society-summer-seminar/
  13. obligatory explanation scene for above as always:
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