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Everything posted by Chilloutman

  1. Should have skipped all those punk concerts
  2. GO with Grim Dawn than! I am waiting for ladder for D2R before I even try it
  3. Dinged lvl 100 on my 3rd char. Now I have to pimp him out, but as I know myself I will soon just start another one xD
  4. https://www.vox.com/future-perfect/22672414/ai-artificial-intelligence-gpt-3-bias-muslim
  5. TBH i did't liked Numenera much, i think I might already shared it here but it felt like everything had to be 'weird' for sake of it being weird. Strangely I never had that feeling with Planescape while it was really weird setting - but somehow dialogs felt much more not forced or unnatural. Anyway after while of not playing it I am back in Grim Dawn - have you guys ever heard of it? I can tell you many things about it!
  6. Here in europe debit card is pretty much default (and we still call it credit cards for some reason :) ) I would never want to have card which goes into negative without me even noticing
  7. Yeah, I had to do something with my weight as well, thing is, I am pretty lazy
  8. I am almost now ashamed to share this. But I didn't have good sleep past week, my hands looks like emo teenage girl with surplus of razors and my house smell like public toilets. A) B)
  9. Hey GD, I know we are weird sort here but I always liked you and I know you are strong dude. I am sorry for your loss and I know I sound like a douche but you WILL get over it and find happines again. And I know me telling you this does not change much. Just don't close to the world and world will give you. Also I am not that type either and I prefer to deal with my emotions and deamons on my own but beer with friends always helps
  10. ok, hear me out. This one is from dark side of the internet. Please un-hide only if you are true degenerate. And don't tell me I didn't warned you!
  11. I wanted to play on core rules but I think I will switch out resting to cure all the conditions. I am not buying 500 gold potion for all my frontliners after every day of fighting. Every random trash mob is affecting me with disease and - attributes. Its nuts
  12. Damned if one does and damned if one doesn't. I take my chances with discrimination rather than sexual misconduct accusations
  13. huh, IF I ever get that far that I have some kind of my company I am sure I am hiring only guys xD
  14. well I believe even 'mythic' stuff can be done with bit of taste (my taste of course ). Frankly most companions and writing is very off putting to me to a point where I am considering full self made party but I am bit scared how much gameplay impact it might have. I can stomach story being not my taste but at least I want to have companions who like to play (mechanically and writing wise)
  15. only texts but characters are still doing their walking animations etc... Edit - never mind, enter actually skip walking animations as well, thanks
  16. whoever say that fights are easy - not that much for me xD also un-skipable ingame cutscenes before fights are BANE of me
  17. I made it to lvl2 and I am already eye rolling about the story - not a good sign
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