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Everything posted by Chilloutman

  1. Hello, can anyone post here where and how Josh confirmed moon godlike race? I just spotted it on wiki but link to source leads to forum where I dont have any access. Thanks
  2. I got it quite simple/complicated I hate small statued characters - no dwarfs/orlan/whatever they call them here I hate pink color - we will see but I already know that cipher is out then I hate class that seems out of game world - eg. druid in world where are guns, possibly machines - but this is ok for companions I hate white knights - anyone similiar to Anomen I dont like guns in fantasy settings So i am going to play rouge - thiefs are in all ages as for companions, I will see, Edeir seems ok, that monk guy will be probably in, I will see if pristess willl be interesting, not sure about paladin lady, definetely no female dwarf ranger, elven guy will be probably in, oran cipher is out Nothing is carved in stone tho
  3. Oh yeah, I loved first game, got stuck in some mission where I was unnable to penetrate some station shield even with full set of anti-shield rockets
  4. Less reading, more playing. We are mostly grown ups here, we can keep in check ourselfs
  5. I am quite new to this, can someone please tell me if I would like it if I enjoy EVE? I played Freelancer and its quite ok for fighting but doing trading in it was boring as hell. And I dont like first person look in large ships, is there some strategic view for flying bigger/capital ships? Thanks guys
  6. Oh so much discrimination, I never got good results from teachers because dont have correct cleavage
  7. Did you dated here during she got banged by professors for B+ or after?
  8. This might be slightly (fine, entirely) off topic, but did you forget to switch accounts again Gromnir? No I am not Gromnir, but that HA! Good fun is so irritating after each his post that I have to mimic it to flush my frustration with it out
  9. Nah. They face less discrimination, certainly. But as to who faces "derogatory" and "dehumanizing" treatment? How can you even being to quantify that? "Specific forms" is my real point there. I'm not contesting for a single second that everyone in the world can be the target of terrible things done by other people. But how many forms of derogatory and dehumanizing treatment have specifically targeted the straight white male? Compared to, say, black people, or gay men? That's what I'm getting at. This doesn't really help your argument, though. Every white male who has ever been through US military bootcamp has been dehumanized and faced with derogatory comments. Every white male who has been through high school in the United States has been dehumanized and faced derogatory comments. You keep using these two words, but I think you want to use other words. You're basically saying that white men don't get insulted or treated like ****. Of course they do, and it is usually from other white males. Focusing on this is waste of time and effort. You are actually insulting the intelligence of people who follow and study the issues of sexism and misogyny if you are suggesting that on an average men go through the same amount of abuse, either physical or verbal, that many women are subjected to in real life and the Internet And I will join him, you cant talk about intelligence when mentioning student of gender studies HA! Good fun
  10. Oh come on now. In a physical sense, you're correct. In an emotional sense, you are absolutely wrong. Not everyone has a thick skin and a detached perspective, but that doesn't make them any less important. And we've got to remember what Louis CK said in a standup special a couple years ago--"I'm a white man. You can't even hurt my feelings!" Most of the filth that gets thrown around the internet isn't aimed at the straight white man, which most of us posting in this thread are. So I don't think we can get inside the heads of people who are the targets of much worse abuse than we'll ever suffer and say, "What's wrong with you? That shouldn't hurt." I get you can somehow know if user is male or female on forum, but for god sake how you know what ethnic he is? starting to be madness here. For me internet user is internet user, I dont judge them differently. I know that some guys like to 'white knight' when womens are around in discussions but I am for equality and I someone type something stupid I will react same no matter if its women, chinese are inteligent ape
  11. Yes, this is a big part. I don't think anybody suggests a conspiracy with malicious intent among those who uphold the status quo. But regardless of the intent, the resulting system is unjust and wasteful. I have no trouble believing that the small proportion of women in, say, senior management positions, is largely due to tendency of employers to hire people from their own peer group for such jobs. But I believe "Social Justice" activists are making a mistake when they then jump to the conclusion that this discrimination happens evenly along gender lines, leading them to massively overestimate the benefit that average men gain from this employer behavior, and underestimate the amount of new injustice added by the quotas they demand. The demand for legally mandated quotas is based on the assumption that the peer group from which the employer prefers to fill senior positions is defined by gender: ingroup: the ~50% of the population that happens to be male outgroup: the ~50% of the population that happens to be female When it is in fact much more plausible to assume that the line is drawn like this: ingroup: the ~0.001% of the population that went to the same elite universities, frequents the same private clubs and events, has the same business connections, etc. as the employer outgroup: ~100% of all women and men Sure, the ingroup may consist mostly of men, but that is of no benefit to men as a whole, and not something that men as a whole should "pay" for But unfortunately, 'class-think' clouds the judgement of "Social Justice" activists - everything is immediately treated as a property of (or an effect on) a gender/racial/social 'class' as a whole, with little to no thought on whether such a generalization is at all justified in the case at hand. (It almost never is.) Oooh, see this is where it gets fun. Your statistics are way off, and in fact the "social justice" types I actually know would argue that you're completely ignoring the effect that race (amongst other things) has in particular. The dominant bias is towards white (cis) men followed by white (cis) women. (So actually it's you at fault for flawed generalisations it would seem.) Also, the arguments for the "quotas" (& they're actually a very small portion of the total) is that once you have diverse groups actually in those positions then the latent biases should dissolve and the systemic disadvantaging should be less of an issue. (Essentially the theory goes that once it's not just heterosexual white cis men from economically privileged backgrounds in positions of influence then things should hopefully balance themselves out.) It's certainly flawed, but it's better than nothing. Nothing occurs in isolation, and to disregard other factors is a disservice. (I also have no idea what on earth you're drawing the idea of "elite universities" and "private clubs and events" from when the prejudices/biases are present at every level of employment/education.) [Women in STEM fields have been present for centuries and yet consistently suffered erasure/abuse despite attending those same "elite universities". Don't think that's so easily explained by your hypothesis.] No-one said it happens entirely evenly nor did they say it happens exclusively on the basis of gender. I mean, if you're using "social justice" instead of "feminist" (& even there, there's intersectional feminism as an ideal taking into account other forms of discrimination/disadvantaging) surely you'd know it's not focused on gender alone. Its all nice and dandy but what about me? Do you want me to persecute because I am male white? I don't get job because someone else is acting wrongly? Never hear of such protection of collective guilt
  12. Well, speaking for myself as a man, when I am in a game (or on a forum) and I see some guy making a stupid comment to a woman I put this jerk on my ignore list. I don't try to start a discussion with him on why I think he should change his ways because if I did he would probably spam me with expletives. I also really don't see how I should be held responsible for jerks just because - and excuse me for putting it crudely- I happen to have a sausage between my legs and they do too. You have raised a good point and that is the normal way most people deal with issues where people are offensive, they ignore or block them and there is nothing wrong with that as many people don't like to be confrontational. But sometimes that emboldens bigots and they think they can act with impunity. So nowadays in most circumstances I confront people who are being offensive, its not always easy to do but I truly feel its the right thing to do. And of course it depends on the environment. For example I wont challange one of my customers around certain issues as I have to respect the customer relationship So double standards for anonymouse internet forum but good boy before 'moraly shady' customers? just teasing
  13. To be clear. I agree that abusing female members of forums is stupid, ugly, retarded. On the other hand creating own 'women' area sounds 'un-needed' as long as mods keep eye on abuse report to quickly get rid of unwanted members. What is point on going on forum where you will not speak to 80% of population? on Woman equality note someone put out (probably Bruce as I learned to know him) I put aside clear difference of our bodies. I was yesterday on lunch with one of my colleague (women around 30) During conversation I make some misogynist joke and we start debate abou women equality. At start she stated that she thinks that she want to be treat equaly as male. After while she admit that she likes when mens open her doors, that she likes that her mate repair her car, take care of garden and house, giving her presents, taking her home by car from work... and she realise she would not want to do all those things equally. Not that she cant do them but she likes more things as they are. And honestly I do like those things for my girlfriend and would feel uncomfortable if she would be totaly equal as me. I live in EU. Not long ago someone in Brusel come up with idea that there will be quota on minimum number of womens in Management positions in private companies. This in my eyes vilify both men and women as some guys will not get job even if they are better then other female. On other hand as women I would feel strange that maybe I am in that position because of my skills but my genitalia. Forced equality is really bad thing in my eyes. By creating more protection to one group make them 1) hated by others 2) degraded them because they cant take care of them-selfs Sorry if it is too offensive for someone
  14. While I agree that its not best RPG of all times but you have to judge it against time when it come out.
  15. While Skyrim also had an interesting setting (well, a setting with the potential to be interesting - then again, Morrowind has also squandered its potential with the thoroughly uninspiring quests and dull dialogue, so I'd call it a draw), more enjoyable gameplay, a much denser gameworld, and an actually smarter and deeper character development system which had complexity without forcing you to jump up and down thousand times in a row in order to level up your Acrobatics, and therefore gain a 5x bonus to Strength. Do you want imply that Skyrim have inspiring quest, rich dialogues, same gameplay and deeper cahracter development? Bold statement. And in Morrowing noone force you to jump whole day but at least you can
  16. You could say pretty much the same about Morrowind, and it's in the top 10. Considering that Skyrim has improved on every single aspect of that game with the exception of story, the hypocrisy is baffling. Well Morrowind have at least interesting setting and was quite revolutionary in time it come out. (in terms of graphics and size of world)
  17. I feel offended by this thread. Can I have my own space here? something like middle aged male white heterosexual minority subsection?
  18. Sounds sexist, immature and ironical - thats why we dont see more vaginas around
  19. I would recommend Unreal tournament to gamer newbie - doesnt make it good RPG huh? xD
  20. Are you talking about the codex top rpg list or that gamefaq top female list RPG list, dont want to argue which pixel boobs are better
  21. I dont understand that fuzz around that list. clearly not everyone have same taste but I can more or less agree with most of it. Some posts here makes me feel sad for you
  22. Cmon guys, spam that thread so Tigraness return to us. He stoped just as I get into meatgrinder train
  23. Just for curiosity, how many womens posted in this thread?
  24. not anymore, you have to run it through political correction checker before posting so you dont hurt feelings of anyone
  25. I am somehow torn on how to rate game from RPG perspective. But game I really cand stand was: Fallout 3 which crushed my dreams and was plain awefull- from that point Bethesda is dead for me (die hard fan of first 2) Stupid world, stupid quests, stupid UI, stupid mechanics, stupid writing, stupid evberything I kind liked Morrowind and it was excelent for time it came out and then we got Oblivion - boring generic platformer - I cant even call it RPG as it doesnt have any meaningfull conversations, but plus side is modding Mass Effect 2 (didnt even try 3) - I kind of liked first one, then the second one was kind of meh. I felt like game doesnt have any story beside hoarding comrades - that actualy only think i remember DA2 - soooooo bad after at least decent first one and I am sure I didnt play a lot of RPG because they were so bad I dont even have to try them.
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