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Everything posted by Fionavar

  1. Was Dark Waters a remake? Not of the Ring ... was it?
  2. Yes I would say those are fair challenges for MS to consider such a purchase. I would also add the EU's general comfort with confrongting MS in regard to market exploitation would be another challenge as well. But I do not think these are in and of themselves stoppers. It would be interesting to know how much they have invested into IE 7 - but I suspect Opera would have been a more cost effective way of addressing market share loss. Some have it as high as 10-12% to Firefox globally and as high as 20% in Europe. And that is no small amount of global penetration for a 'non-corporate' offering. What will be even more interesting is the affect of the Google Pack and its inclusion of many stable applications that challenge MS old paradigm http://pack.google.com/. Sources: http://openpr.com/news/3610.html http://news.google.ca/url?sa=t&ct=ca/0-0&f...7517.html&cid=0 Google Search: http://news.google.ca/news?sourceid=navcli...ox+market+share
  3. Dark Waters. Not bad, but the choice of ending was less than an riveting.
  4. Could you tell me more as to why you see this as a block Diamond?
  5. The paradigm of paying to maintain and update the browser is and has been an integral part of MS' marketing in the past, especially in regard to the retail/personal home user. I do not feel that they can compete in that venue anymore as in many ways the open-source community has shown that structure to no longer be competitive. Just my opinion, but the IT area is no longer whether open-source will shift the paradigm, but how does a company compete with user groups that realise/have access to equally stable and efficient code with which capital is no longer attached to a 'product' per se.
  6. I always thought this was the smarter route to follow in order not to continue to lose share to Firefox ...
  7. I do? I am certain I just upfraded Friefox to .. but then I could be wrong As for IE 7 - this is rehash of the old IE vs. Netscape wars. Problems for MS this time around is that Firefox is not coprorate driven, so innovation will either force it to keep up with the enthusiast quarter or realise it cannot keep up in this venue, imo Paradigm shifts abound for MS ... FYI: http://news.com.com/IE+7+bugs+abound/2100-...ml?tag=nefd.top
  8. Closed at the thread starter's request.
  9. Fionavar


    Now now no need to cross post: http://forums.obsidianent.com/index.php?ac...=0entry540967
  10. I would like to thank Whisperblade for sharing this experience. And though it is of interest, it has generated some concern from other members. As such, though I am grateful for your sharing, I do not feel that this is completely appropriate for the fora here (or perhaps it is the secondary responses ... ? ).
  11. Follow the ongoing discussion here: http://forums.obsidianent.com/index.php?showtopic=39763
  12. Please feel free to contribute to the ongoing discussion. There is a lot of interest in this topic and keeping input centralised and presented in a clear and articulate manner will have more impact and influence than posting to the contrary Please do not post if you do not have anything constructive to add. There are new members arriving all of the time - so post with respect and in a constructive nature. If you do not, I will act as though the intent is to SPAM! I am well aware that there is no perfect solution for those who have been members for a long time and who find this ongoing discussion problematic - to say the least. I know that K3 threads are touchy items for you trollish denizens - to be specific - but do remember this may be a new topic for people who arrive in our community. So I would ... no I expect respectful treatment. If you do not want to talk about K3 - THEN DO NOT POST! Treat anyone - especially those new travellers from out Cyberway - without courtesy and hospitality makes the Big Green ornery ... See previous threads: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
  13. Lest such posting detract from the overly interesting discussion elsewhere, I think I'll just retire this one - thanks for the interesting meandering ...
  14. I suspect the Big Green is going to close this thread ...
  15. Well rather then let such fine posting behaviour be left to the anonymity of the 'net. let's immortalise it in the AotS ...
  16. O RLY? ... Yep AotS material indeed!!
  17. Dark Water ... OK - definitely not original ...
  18. Back on topic ... I cannot speak for a 22" CRT, but from my experience my old 21" took up WAY TOO much space :?
  19. Thread Pruned: For tangents, please do visit WoT ...
  20. This might help as a resource if considering the widescreen option and what games can be made to comply with the different resolution: http://www.widescreengamingforum.com/
  21. Wide screen monitors can be problematic. Most games do have unofficial support, however. LCDs, imo, are now ready for prime-time gaming. Fwiiw, Di, this is what I went with when my 21" CRT gave up the ghost: http://www.samsung.com/ca/products/monitor...l/de19psqaq.asp
  22. Thanks.
  23. Ok and with that I feel it is time for a sandbox timeout. Stereotyping and generalisation do nothing to foster constructive discussion. I would strongly encourage members to seriously consider what it is and how it is they share their thoughts when discussing such sensitive topics.
  24. And now back to your regularly schedule on-topic posting in which the Ban Game is no longer played and sand does not freely fly in the sandbox ...
  25. Thread Pruned of unnecessary gas ...
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