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Everything posted by Marceror
It won't be extremely elaborate, but we will try to list out the major fixes that we targeted and what are some of the big issues that we are still working on. No rush on this. I started a new run through of Planescape Torment over the weekend, and am enjoying it immensely (with some key mods installed, of course). I should be tied up with this for a while, so feel free to make that update as close to perfect as you can manage! Strongly recommend that folks go back and enjoy an IE run through during the wait time! We would like to keep the patch releases fairly consistent. Every week or two, at least. We might even discuss putting out more frequent patches after the first few. That's totally fine, of course. I'm sure the vast majority of backers want to throw a rock at me for making my previous post anyway.
- 129 replies
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- backer beta
- patch
(and 4 more)
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It won't be extremely elaborate, but we will try to list out the major fixes that we targeted and what are some of the big issues that we are still working on. No rush on this. I started a new run through of Planescape Torment over the weekend, and am enjoying it immensely (with some key mods installed, of course). I should be tied up with this for a while, so feel free to make that update as close to perfect as you can manage! Strongly recommend that folks go back and enjoy an IE run through during the wait time!
- 129 replies
- 1
- backer beta
- patch
(and 4 more)
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I don't think people are really complaining at this point. It's mostly about making off topic and/or humorous posts. Why is the thread still going? Because we are sad and pathetic people, is what I think!
And /thread. This thread is getting borderline stalkerish. Who goes to all the trouble of breaking open a beta build to look at voice packs? I don't even know WHY there is angst over the voices in Project Eterrnity. Obsidian had said almost from the start that voice acting was expensive and that the majority of the game wouldn't have voice acting. People are getting bent out of shape over this stuff? Who cares??? And then there's this bizarre discussion about Cadegund being cut. There hasn't even been any background info about Cadegund. There's ONE concept art. How can people be upset about a character being cut that people barely know anything about??? These are not dealbreakers. "borderline"?
Man, and here I thought I might just have a chance at being a voice actor for PoE. I was going to work for cheap too -- pizza, soda and snacks. Now that you guys are apparently holding out for "quality voice actors", it sounds like I'm out of a job (that I never had)
Korgrak's Head disapears when moved to MC's Inventory
Marceror replied to MoonWolf's question in Backer Beta Bugs and Support
I had always assumed this was expected behavior, that my MC was just hungry. -
And those who are pressed for time and want to cut out the spammers. Incidentally, is it possible to ignore yourself? That might save me a little time.
Hopefully you didn't inexplicably lose any articles of clothing in the process!
Does Sensuki get experience for his successful sneaking attempt? I don't think the quest has been completed yet but when it is he will... Oh, yeah, right. How silly of me!
Does Sensuki get experience for his successful sneaking attempt?
And /thread.
I wouldn't count on tomorrow. Brandon Adler said they were hoping to have a patch out next week. That means maybe tomorrow, maybe Friday, maybe it won't be next week at all.
I hadn't really been considering the modding possibilities too much. Here's the mod I'd like to see after PoE is released: Add combat based and skill based experience - lower quest based experience rewards for balance. And yes, if someone is thorough and kills every enemy in the game, they WILL get more experience than the party that only focuses on quests. Add mundane and magical ammunition for all ranged weapons - bows, crossbows, firearms. - personally would like to see a stack limit of around 80 per. Increase each characters' inventory by 4 or 5x the current amount - we'll need room for that ammunition, and generally should be able to hold more in our pack than we currently can. Limit the size of the party stash, and allow it only to be accessed while outside or in your stronghold (i.e. let's assume you have a beast of burden or two that you have to load it onto, which you can't bring into a dungeon with you. If you need to make a couple of trips to get all of the loot, you will only need to go to the dungeon exit. Related to number 4, later in the game we should be able to find magical bags that allow us to carry much more gear on our person. Give all items a weight, and have Might influence how much each character can carry before becoming encumbered. The party stash should have an extremely high weight limit, or if that's too hard to mod, no limit would be okay there. These modded additions along with a fully fleshed out, refined and non-buggy base game pretty much describes my dream RPG.
Would be okay too. Was mostly commenting on the fact that 500 posts is supposed to be a maximum for a thread.
This is solid gold! I guess Cantousent is up spoiler's creak now!
I think it's going to come down to for me, am I immersed by the game and does it feel like it was rushed out the door? Even if certain aspects are different, if the game is awesome I'm likely to be able to overlook things like streamlining ammunition out of the game. My other big concern though is that the game will be truly ready for its seemingly totally inflexible Winter 2014 release date. Based on what I'm seeing so far in the demo (err, backer beta) that's feeling like a stretch. Hoping the impending patch changes my mind on that.
Pretty disappointed, this launches in December?
Marceror replied to khermann's topic in Backer Beta Discussion
That is so hilariously accurate, yet sad at the same time. You were the chosen one. You were supposed to bring us the best RPGs, not get bought by EA. Yup, we all always hope once the machine swallows an innovator "this time it will be different, this time the brilliance of my beloved dev team will tame the Corporatus Malignus..." And it never happens because greed. Bioware, Id, so many more.. Right cause those mass effect games and dragon age origins were totally ****, nothing good about them at all. Seriously guys, Bioware is fine. Things change and companies adapt as time moves on, we should do the same. As in getting over hating Bioware because they decided to make Mass Effect 2 instead of Baldur's Gate 3. No. Bioware is dead to me also. I don't hate them. I feel nothing for them anymore. They are just another part of the EA Borg. Dragon Age: Origins was the last game they made that meant anything to me. I enjoyed DA2 for a single run through, admittedly, but it totally abandoned the spirit of Origins. Makes sense, since this game started under the helm of EA. I only played it because I had preordered it due to my love of Origins. DA3? I couldn't care less about it. -
Crowdfunding is now over!
Marceror replied to Darren Monahan's topic in Pillars of Eternity: Announcements & News
I guess I should take the lack of response as a no then. It seems a bit strange that the amount raised during the Kickstarter campaign would be shared, but the amount raised after would not. It's all crowd-funding at the end of the day -- fans sending in their hard earned cash so that Obsidian can afford to make a game. Not sure why this latter part of the crowd-funding process would need to be a secret. As someone who backed this project at the very beginning, it would be great to know how much the backers raised in full. -
The reality is, my feelings about about WL2 have nothing to do with the history of the WL world. I've only recently tried the original WL, and didn't bother to go very far with it. I've never played any of the Fallout games, as the post apocalyptic setting has never been a huge draw for me. I actually didn't back WL2 either, as I didn't learn about the KS until after it was over. I gained access to WL2 based on backing Torment and PoE. On paper, PoE is by far the game that I would expect to enjoy more. The fantasy setting has always been a big deal to me, and the Infinity Engine games are my all time favs. It's still way too early to judge PoE. I can only say that based on what I know of PoE and WL2 *at this moment*, it's looking like WL2 will be a game I'll enjoy more, which is a rather ironic twist. OE has been very upfront about wanting to model 3 core pillars from the I.E. games: 1) A 2D game world 2) A deep, immersive story and characters and 3) Real time with pause. What I didn't realize is that they would be happy to throw so many of its other characteristics to the wayside. No ammunition? No combat or rogue-skill based xp? -- and potentially a game where combat is NOT at the core of the experience. Essentially no inventory management.... I'm not even saying that these decisions are necessarily horrible decisions. Just that a game without these things doesn't sound like it resembles the Infinity Engine very closely, which is what I thought I would be getting with PoE. inXile promised an "old school RPG. Obsidian did not. It's the apparent lack of many of those old school sensibilities in PoE that are causing me to disconnect from it somewhat. That all said, I will reserve my final judgment for the final game. Even if different, and not what I was expecting, it doesn't necessarily mean PoE won't end up being a game that I love on its own terms.
laughed out loud. :D ...But, as someone mentioned earlier, this *is* one of the few ways for the devs to get community feedback. I don't think they should bow to every major uprising, but I would hope they at least take into account the views they have explicitly solicited. Nice to see another Wasteland fan (that is to say, I assume that only Wasteland fans get that reference). On that topic, it's rather ironic that Wasteland 2 seems to be hitting a lot closer to the mark for me than Pillars of Eternity, in spite of the fact that the genre is totally wrong. I didn't expect that at all. In WL2 there is inventory management. In WL2 ammunition for your ranged weapons is critically important (no magical shoot forever ranged weapons there). That ammo is precious, in fact. There is combat based experience, skill based experience and quest based experience. Sure, it's turned based rather than RTwP, which turns out to be a real strength. The story and characters aren't quite as deep, but it's appropriate for a whacky sci-fi setting. It may differ drastically from the I.E. but it seems to be aligning with my "old school RPG" sensibilities" much more closely than what I'm seeing of PoE thus far. I still expect to enjoy PoE, don't get me wrong. But am feeling that it's strayed a bit far afield from is supposed origins.
Originally I was in favor of combat xp. But after reading this thread I think I would just prefer to be consumed by the Great Glow!
Time for a new thread, me thinks.
The greatest CRPG ever, forgettable? My good man, didst thou perchance suffer a blow to thy head?
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Nice interview, thanks for posting. With respect to Baldur's Gate, I recall not being pulled in by the name when I saw in on a Best But shelf back in 98. Fortunately, my roommate at the time did pick it up. He hated it and gave it to me. And once I started playing it, my life was never quite the same! At this point, I would never want to see the name changed.
- 16 replies
Many bugs resolved following these steps:
Marceror replied to DnaCowboy's question in Backer Beta Bugs and Support
Has happened to me at least twice. Perhaps bad luck on my part.