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Everything posted by AndreaColombo

  1. Yeh, her body being - you know - her body ... it shouldn't really have any recovery penalty. Just like a Druid's Spiritshift has 0% recovery penalty. This would make her special, since she cannot wear any unique armor with cool properties (and you need to invest an adra dragon scale to make her body Superb, whereas other party members can wear unique armor that already comes with the Superb quality.)
  2. I'm actually surprised there aren't more people who, like me, have the most fun when their party as at the max (i.e. max level, endgame equipment, etc.) When I'm the strongest only for the final battle, it kinda bugs me: I've spent the whole game trying to achieve this level of power and now there's only one fight left to enjoy it? Unfair. That's why I enjoyed Cragholdt so much. I like to play when everything's maxed out, but I don't want to steamroll level-1 enemies who die in one swing.
  3. SAVED GAME: link OUTPUT LOG: link REPRO STEPS: Load the attached saved game. Select the protagonist and open her character records. Peruse the talent list and observe she does not have Flick of the Wrist. Go to the inventory and observe that she is wielding St Ydwen's Redeemer and her Accuracy is 102. Play Orlan's Head for three times to gain the Flick of the Wrist talent. Go to the protagonist's character record and right-click the talent; observe its description says it grants +4 Accuracy with Dagger and Stiletto. Further observe that the protagonist's Accuracy with St Ydwen's Redeemer is now 106. Go to the stash and retrieve Tidefall; observe it is a Superb great sword. Equip it and wield it. Observe the protagonist's Accuracy with Tidefall is back to 102. The Flick of the Wrist talent applies to St Ydwen's Redeemer. I know soulbound weapons are meant by design to acquire the benefits of any Weapon Focus talent you might have. It seems Flick of the Wrist applies by the same principle, but it might be unintended as it is not a proper Weapon Focus talent. Please confirm with a designer whether this behavior is intended or needs fixing.
  4. I found that going all-in on him was a terrible strategy. I pretty much had to lure everyone to my party and funnel them through the door in order to stand a chance; too many spells hitting my party too often otherwise. Concelhaut's loot is pretty epic, though.
  5. This actually seems to have fixed itself after saving/loading. The bonus issue with the ability's description still stands, however.
  6. ^ They aren't, apparently. Thought they were. Durgan-refined weapons stack with Potions of Merciless Gaze, though, so I guess they'll also stack with preexisting hit-to-crit conversion.
  7. The dragon you defeated underneath the stronghold was not a Sky Dragon. You'll find one in Act III; that's where you need to rest to upgrade the bow.
  8. If stuff doesn't stack, you'll see it written in grey with (suppressed) next to it in your character record.
  9. ^ Would be happy to provide it but I'm three humans short of my second upgrade with very few humans left to kill \
  10. SAVED GAME: link OUTPUT LOG: link REPRO STEPS: Load the attached saved game. Select the Druid and access the inventory screen. Observe that he has Sentinel's Girdle equipped. Pick up Sentinel's Girdle and try to place it in the left ring slot. Observe that it is possible. It shouldn't be possible to equip belts as rings. Sometimes I access the inventory screen to find the belt has switched from the belt slot to the ring slot, and the ring that was in the ring slot disappeared for good. However, I do not know how to trigger this particular behavior; it happened to me twice so far. EDIT: It seems this happens after combat.
  11. SAVED GAME: link OUTPUT LOG: link REPRO STEPS: Load the attached saved game. Open the protagonist's inventory and observe that Concelhaut's Skull is equipped as a pet. Back to the game, try to rest and observe that a pop-up window informs you that you cannot camp while enemies are in sight. Access the inventory and unquip Concelahut's Skull. Back to the game, try to rest and observe it is now possible. This might as well be intended but I figured I'd point it out as it's rather weird to have a pet prevent you from resting. BONUS BUG/INCONSISTENCY: With Concelhaut's Skull equipped, select the protagonist and observe she has the an ability called "Visage of Concelhaut." Hover your mouse on the Visage of Concelhaut icon to make its description appear. Observe that its description is the same as the description for the Essential Phantom spell. Right-click the icon to open the description and observe the same issue.
  12. Level 14, playing on PotD with a fully custom party armed to the teeth Although, despite having all of the following available in good supply, I used exactly none of them when fighting the mercenaries: Scroll of Valor Scroll of Paralysis Scroll of Restore Critical Stamina Potion of Major Endurance Flask of War Paint Summons (either via spell or via figurine) They simply were not necessary My party composition is as follows: Lady of Pain Fighter (same build as LoP but different equipment and, of course, no protagonist-only talents) Cipher Wizard Druid Priest I think I still have a saved game with most mercenaries still hiding in the FoW if you'd like to experience some wanton murder
  13. I've been enjoying the area a lot still have the beat the C. guy senseless but the fights with the mercenaries were a lot of fun for me. Besides, it would be epic if part II expanded on this plot and we discovered who hired the mercenaries etc. In fact,
  14. There's a Priest spell that gives you +50 defense against those attacks and shortens the effect's duration. I think it's called "Prayer against treachery"; stack a "Crowns for the faithful" on top of it and enemies will have a hard time charming/dominating you
  15. ^ Except Springwight is a programmer so you've just made a fool of yourself.
  16. Hi Nytram, QA are going to ask you for a saved game that exhibits the behavior as well as your output.log file. Could you upload them to dropbox and link them here?
  17. Hey Aarik, here it is: However, mind that I'm still playing on 2.0 whereas your build is likely fresher. If you can't repro the bug with my repro steps, chances are it has been fixed; no point in wasting further time on it
  18. Specifically, Cragholdt is the most difficult content in the game; it's probably better suited for 14th-level characters.
  19. Also, leaving your men on autopilot is a bad idea for non-trashmob encounters. Preset A.I. isn't smart enough to win tough fights for you.
  20. Accuracy works perfectly fine. The bug is with the UI not displaying it until you enter a fight. Suffice to read the bug forum to learn this.
  21. SAVED GAME: link OUTPUT LOG: link REPRO STEPS: Load the attached saved game. Access any character's inventory and right-click a non-soulbound weapon. Click "Enchant" to access the Enchantment UI. Observe it looks like this: This only happens the first time you access the Enchanting UI. Clicking any of the categories to expand it fixes the issue until your next session.
  22. The robe Gwisk Glas has a very poor quality texture in-game that looks heavily compressed, whereas it looks pretty sweet in the inventory. No other robe in the game exhibits the same issue. SAVED GAME: link OUTPUT LOG: link REPRO STEPS: Load the attached saved game. Observe that the Wizard is wearing Gwisk Glas. Zoom in all the way and observe the texture on Gwisk Glas looks blurry and heavily compressed. Open the inventory. Observe the texture on Gwisk Glas in the inventory screen looks sharp, vibrant, and detailed. The texture should look in-game as it does in the inventory screen. Exhibit A: Exhibit B:
  23. I like to have a couple party members with high Lore to use scrolls of Valor/Paralysis/Defense. Athletics caps at 4 for most of my characters as that's what I need to avoid exhaustion every time I travel or fight. Survival I used to dismiss outright but I'm actually starting to appreciate it. Food provides some good bonuses, as do some potions; having them last longer is groovy.
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