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Everything posted by AndreaColombo

  1. I shall listen to Ashly Burch shortly. At the top of my wishlist is Allegra Clark, whom you may remember in the role of Verse in Tyranny, and I'd love her for Xoti. The actress who did Devil of Caroc (who I believe is Elspeth Eastman) should also make a comeback, perhaps as Ydwin (be her a sidekick or a full-blown companion) or Maia. EDIT: Checked Ashly out. For those interested, here's a direct link to the Chloe part of her video (it's easily her best performance): Ashley as Chloe I like her, although I would personally prefer Allegra as Xoti. However, I'd definitely welcome a Chloe-like voice work on a female companion.
  2. You're surprised people on the Codex don't like something?
  3. Infinitron just called us "LARPy wierdos" on the Codex. Achievement unlocked, I suppose
  4. +1 million. But if the cap is reached early, the rest of the game needs be balanced around that. No point in being kickass if you could easily beat your enemies while being mediocre.
  5. All, If you are interested in a backer portal option to pledge any amount of your choice without a reward, consider dropping a line here. Devs have their eyes on the request and are gauging demand.
  6. I like the fact that you can't just apply enchantments to any weapon—if any weapon you fine can be made flaming, finding a flaming weapon won't be special anymore. Improving upon existing properties sounds interesting. I just wouldn't include quality enchantments in this because it can limit item choice and force you to change items you really like.
  7. Illathid - your crimes against fashion are noted and won't go unpunished
  8. Not being able to pick a weapon I like aesthetically and keep it for the whole game is definitely an issue and we know for sure it's gonna be there with the enchantment ceiling
  9. IIRC the beta for PoE 1 saw a lot of back and forth interaction between developers and players. There were a lot of bugs that got fixed and stuff that got polished. Sure, the game released still rough around the edges but that's to be expected given the context (new engine, game mechanics, and setting to build from the ground up; new development tools to familiarize with; new pipelines to establish; budgetary constraints.) This time around I'll break my no-Steam policy and actively partake the Deadfire beta
  10. Boeroer, I'll just leave this here: http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/91930-player-sexual-companion/
  11. Like the dodge animations that are already in the game, for example
  12. Aarik - are cyan circles for neutral NPCs and asynchronous party movement also on the list?
  13. Their metrics are typically the SA crowd. Color me disappointed. Hope the endgame gear is also the best looking, since we won't get to keep gear we like until the end of the game...
  14. I know I'm doing that for sure. The only question is whether I can fit both the signed art print and additional CE box in my budget before that day
  15. They've just released an update stating that slacker pledges will count toward stretch goals for 60 days from the end of the Fig campaign. That should put us in the neighborhood of 25th April.
  16. Well, making Fig backers wait while everyone else gets everything right way would send a poor message for subsequent fundraisers. "Don't back on Fig; wait for the backer portal for preferential treatment."
  17. ^ keep in mind that the ability to "slacker back" on Fig is a new feature that debuted with Deadfire. Chances are most people have no idea it's possible. They might gain some momentum as Fig and Obsidian start advertising it.
  18. Slacker backers pledged $38k through Fig thus far (ref. Fig comments.) That doesn't include PayPal pledges through the backer portal.
  19. Also: Let me play my fashion game without penalizing me for it
  20. I am a powergamer and sometimes I wished Durance wasn't so freaking slow so I could enjoy his story too, instead of having to go custom for my priest But I'd rate that an extreme case; other companions could be pretty strong with their stats and didn't need further optimization imo. That said, more options is always a good thing in my book dosi welcome the feature. I'll use if it strikes my fancy.
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