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Everything posted by Attero

  1. Just bumping the issue. I can't play , got past the creation but the issue persist in game - any action (access char screen , inv) takes ~8s. Action or game screen work fine. I guess it is some UI issue- as for game load - there is none cores are <5%. If anyone had this issue and managed to fix it please reply.
  2. Bring it on! Since i'm purely interested in story companions the more of them there is the higher replay value. Wilderness areas? Surely there is nothing wrong with making the game bigger. As long as it won't delay release too much (month would be acceptable, pushing it to 2015 probably not) those strech goals are win-win.
  3. there is no need for realism but for reason. We have certain consciousness of how fantasy world works. Now they need to define the details and give some explanation if they go against common expectations. Like we assume shield is used to block physical attacks (classic medival thing) but they can have shields also being able to block spells and while we can imagine how real attacks are blocked (Fire ice so on) being able to block mental effect (like fear) seems abstract and "unbelivable". But they can say "when mental spells are cast there is link being created between caster and subject, a well placed shield (covered with anti-magic runes) can sever the link preventing application of the effect.
  4. don't railroad my character by forcing an age on him. That's just dumb. Would you like it if you were forced to play a human only character? Why would they force an age? Not everyone wants to be young. I'd rather be old. The young ones are loud and obnoxious. I hate those kinds of people. *hrmpph* darn young whippersnappers. I wouldnt mind being human only, actually in PT you couldnt set gender let alone race did that prevent the game from being great?Maybe we wont even know how old we are? maybe we will own special soul that when reincarnates keeps memory of previous lives? maybe we wont age ? maybe maybe... lets not expect unreasonable things. Unless age will have meaning for the story it probably wont be mentioned.
  5. Custom age is unneeded complication for them and in general ppl want to be young ;] . You can probably pick portrait that will fit your age needs and that should suffice.
  6. I rather like V&W but PT shouldnt explore it. Even if they put just small sidequests that invole those groups ppl are gonna emerge asking " i want to be vampire/werewolf " " Why i cant conduct the disease"... We dont want that, it would require some bigger effort to include those properly and its rather beaten path that not everyone like.
  7. lets not take this road. it only leads to disaster.
  8. Wait ... did you just H&S BG2? coz all i can see "fight there and there fight there...". Combat in BG2 was awesome but obiously new productions are more engaging (easy to pickup, cool effects , you dont need to think much...). I absolutly loved every puzzle in the game, lore told by random bits , story and combat that actualy required some thinking beforehand. Obviously you can find some holes here and then but its best crpg to date.
  9. I think there is room for some awesome "instant kills" with this setting - like spells that rip soul from body or monsters that feed on souls. And then you could have spells to resummon soul that recently left its body or when you kill the monster recently captured souls that were not yet devoured return to their bodies (note: requires body to be rather undamaged , soul that left body due to its failing cant be returned)
  10. The last segment of your first sentence seems like, well... complete rubbish. Regardless of the choices made, narrowing the focus of a topic automatically reduces the range of interest. But the project seems to have survived the decision and we can only speculate about how much each element weighed into the final support. If you would ask around majority will answer that gunpowder weapons are not fantasy thing. If you say you make fantasy it narrows interest , then if you announce it will feature something that is not considered fantasy you basicly shoot yourself in the foot. Obviously its guesswork how big impact it had, but it had some. I say if they would announce they make pure D&D 3.5 (?) support would be bigger but thats just my opinion . What we can be sure is that no matter what would they say they wouldnt get support equal to publisher founding. To make things clear i dont think they needed to hide or give up on it to get better results, i think the ammount is fine or even more then they wanted XD (bigger = harder to develop)
  11. I liked it. i want it. Lets make it clear i hope they dont make dumb game that you can finish no matter what choices you make in process. At most on lowest diff your characters could be immune to instant deaths. In BG2 you had instant kill spells but you had also protection against them, Protect from death, stone to flesh , Freedom (only problem there was that your followers didnt like being kicked from team and game considered when they were petrified or Imprisoned as being kicked). But i know that they wont make spells that will insta kill , probably there will be spells that can knockout your character instantly (0 stamina) but thats about it.
  12. i dont like tech & magic mixes and was quite sad when they announced it, i'm sure it prevented quite a few ppl from backing. My guess its better to go with the idea they have them forcefully remove less-liked parts that can hurt story in process. We will see how it will be, it can be a hit or miss.
  13. I hope i wont have to use it , they said you will be able to play with party size you like (1-6). So if i wont be able to fit my party with companions i will probably just take more exp per member rather then taking animal-like follower that has no opinion of his own.
  14. I like preset background , i belive its better for story teling you got some reason to be there where you are and do what you are supposed to do. In games like ES there is huuge question - why i want help those ppl ? make friends of some and enemies of others ? why wont i just return to where i came from ?
  15. Well, this is totally NOT skimpy. But I find it very sexy. edit: put under spoiler. too big. this made me sad, reminded me how much they mutilated the book.
  16. i dont think there is anything wrong with fetch quests and often they are unavoidable. As long they dont try to fill content with them and they make sense im good. And yes job board is great thing for thsoe small quests that you may want to do to get extra gold but are not much to talk about.
  17. This "You want realism in a fantasy?! LOLOL!!" argument is really dumb and tiresome. People, or at least I, don't want realism, they want internal consistency. If you can't tell the difference between those, go read a dictionary. And yes, exactly, all classes and genders should use similar armor models. Why would it be any different? Plenty of games have that, from BG to Skyrim. Except that bulged armor doesnt endanger consistency and both BG and Skyrim did respect female features.
  18. You see what you want to see. Want realism ? Then all physical classes would basicly use same models for female and male armor with just different faces, i think devs would like that too as it would be fewer models to make. Only for mental classes female features are not in the way when fighting (not as much at least) so those could be more "female". I just question one's sanity when asking for realism in fantasy ... I dont think there is any rpg with oversexualisation and looking at Obsidian history it wont be problem here. They will aim for what pleases general public most and i belive bulges in heavy armor are overally accepted even when they make no sense both from body build perspective and fact that plate armor was never tight fit. Extremes can hopefully use mods to suit game to their taste.
  19. There is no alignment system in this game, so "strictly good / evil" are probably right out the window. Lack of "goood/evil" measurement doesnt change anything. FNV lacked such system yet you had those "must kill legion" or "must be nice to BoS" companions (no evil examples as it lacked those). Even without old "i leave if you are too good/evil" some companion just doesnt fit your roleplay.
  20. For me 8 is not enough cosidering you can have 5 active ones. First i imagine some will be strictly good / evil and not avaible for the opposite play. Second i cant imagine i will like them all. As example DA2 had 8(9) companions before DLC, i could only travel with 3 at time and i still had big trouble picking team that i would like and would fit my play.
  21. Never bothered with that, i was expecting something more... renown? Just because they call game to be rpg it doesnt mean its one. There are very few real rpg games and lots that just want to rpg fans attention.
  22. What is an adventure game without story? It's even more important there than in an RPG. adventures got linear story and its very easy to make one. Its rpg where you need to battle making nonlinear story without making separate game for each option. Wrong. There are plenty of RPGs old and new with very little or no storyline at all. examples?
  23. Whom do i need to smack if i was missed out? http://forums.obsidi...4/page__st__380
  24. story without gameplay is like a visual novel gameplay without story is just action/adventure game. it takes both to make rpg game. If i would be to pick - better story or better gameplay ? probably story coz how weak story is in recent games .
  25. Added my 8, would like to be Dread Knight of the Obsidian Order
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