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Everything posted by Hormalakh

  1. Thanks for the response Adam. They got you working late hours again or are you compiling code? All the best to you.
  2. One of the issues I'm having with the current weapon sets is that you cannot reuse a weapon in a different set. For example, let's say you have a one-handed sword, a dagger, a shield, and an axe. From this, you can only create two weapon sets. Sword-dagger, and axe-shield. What if I want to use my axe-dagger in one fight, axe-sword in another, and sword-shield in a third? Currently I can't do this and I wouldn't have the opportunity to change my weapon sets unless I'm at a select site. This should be fixed to play more like TOEE's did where you can make mulitple weapon sets with the same set of weapons.
  3. this game gets patched slower than a crippled sloth wading through tar. hey obsidian, when can we play the game your internal people get to play?
  4. Monte Carlo is talking about intuitive feels and this is very important in good design. It's why Apple's products are universally liked- because they make things simple to understand even though there is a lot of complexity behind them (or is there? I dunno, I don't like Apple products, but others seem to). The infrastructure of the mechanics and gears and wheels can be as complex as they want to be, but when they present that information to the gamers, it must be clear and quickly so. And text isn't always the easiest way to do this, so the devs should think about other methods (graphs, images, videos?) to boil the elements down to "just the brass tacks."
  5. I would rather they save the wasd for binding for abilities.
  6. Bigger AoEs seems pretty good for casters, IMO. Ultimately my vision is that PoE is a "gamist" game so I err on the side of solutions that produce what I see as better gameplay even if they don't fit perfectly from a simulationist perspective. I know some people have objected to it, but I still think that if the marginal increased area for AoEs were made foe-only for friend-or-foe spells (e.g. a Fireball that, in the expanded margin, only affects hostiles), it would immediately become much more valuable. Josh, have you considered increasing ranges instead of AoEs for friend-or-foe type spells? Being able to cast a spell further from the line of fire is actually quite useful. "Global" type spells - which can be cast from anywhere on the map - or something close to it, is quite the boon to have. You might want to consider making the AoE bonus to a AoE/range bonus instead and to just mention which spells get Aoe which get range bonuses, the argument for AoE being a two-edged sword is very true, at least in one example of the fireball. casting ranges being affected should also be considered in certain cases where the increase in AoE is too OP or has the ~* feels *~ of being more of a negative than a positive. Range increases are always beneficial, at least for "ranged" classes.
  7. Single thing? RTS type hotkeys, so I can actually use my keyboard during combat.
  8. I also would like to put in my two cents and say that I like the proposed changes. I also saw JES's comment and think those additional changes are also sound. I'm glad you guys decided to do the -/+ thing afterall. All the best.
  9. to answer your question: it's always the game developer's responsibility to create the rules of the game and to make sure that there are not options that unwittingly break those rules of the game. If, for example, you are playing monopoly and you pass go, unless the game developer wanted you to get more than $200 each time, you only get $200. it's just the rules of the game. Yes, players can make their own rules (you can make the free parking space a lottery which is given to whoever lands on it) but that's not how the developer intended the game to play. The developer makes the rules of the game. It's thereafter the dev's responsibility to make sure that the rules are not innately contradictory.
  10. The needlessly aggressive garbage in your first paragraph. you call it aggressive, I call it disappointment. I already know the "answer" to my suggestion: it's too late for development. Something like what I'm proposing isn't a one-day job of programming.
  11. I gave an example as to how they can set it up. How is that not constructive? Did I devolve the conversation into combat xp or something without realizing it? I just expected hotkeys to actually be properly implemented. I had high hopes. They were dashed. No attitude. Just frustration. Is combat currently frustrating and without any recourse? Yes. Are we pausing every second or so? Yes. I wasn't being facetious or dramatic. It's actually that way. Hotkeys were part of the solution to this problem. There's no attitude.
  12. what attitude?
  13. And before anyone says "IE didn't have hotkeys like that!" I would like to remind them that the goal of this was to get advances in the engine that would/should have occurred were the IE games to continue. Let's seriously not stick to tradition in places where tradition was clearly sub-par. also, IE did have hotkeys "like that" though not as robust.
  14. i've said this before and i'll say it again, if they want the clusterf***ery of rtwp but without actual hotkeys (like RTS type hotkeys) then yes, we'll be pausing every 1.34532 seconds. The hotkey bindings are for stuff like "options" and stuff that isn't occurring during combat, the one place where quick movements matter most. They need to look at dota2 and lol and starcraft and the blizzard games, consider how to make their abilities fit within a hotkey frameset, and then build hotkeys and re-mappable hotkeys. abilities should be mapped to q,w,e,r,z,x,c,v with attack being a, scouting or stop being s, d and f also being used. then they should set up their classes with these sorts of things in mind. too many abilities to hotkey (like the mage)? Easy, you go multiple levels of hotkeys. Q,W,E,R,Z,X,C,V on a wizard should select the spells from level 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 respectively. Then a second window should open with the four spells you are allowed to memorize in your grimoire mapping to q,w,e,r. Other abilities (grimoire bash, etc) can be mapped to other keys. Same with other classes: fighter type classes can also have the same thing: divide your options again to per-rest, per-encounter, per-day and map those to q,w,e,r, then under the submenu, put your abilities again under q,w,e,r. So carnage which I think would be a per-encounter should be hotkeyed to Q,Q. Similarly, a wizard's level 1 spell #4 in his grimoire should be hotkeyed, Q,R. etc etc.
  15. MAybe the boar is in between its legs, keeping warm.
  16. I had the same issue. Firt map on the river edge at the broken boat.
  17. Please stop talking about off-topic subject matter in a thread not about it. I'm tired of every thread devolving. This thread is about the backer beta and updates regarding it. Not your own personal thread to advocate for whatever you think is best. Mods please feel free to delete this post after removing the off-topic ones as well. Thx
  18. what if you have a grimoire in one hand and a wand in the other, does this effect speeds? or can you only hold weapons and shields in either hand?
  19. Yeah, I wonder if the Beta itself is not a placeholder and if Obsidian have anything actually finished. no no, sharp_one. this beta is "feature and content complete!"
  20. in the files sensuki uploaded there a few longer lines in there. listen to those.. @c2b et al. so what you're saying is "wait...this is beta. it's not finished yet." Fine, i'll take your argument. please let me know when I can start complaining about the lack of attention to detail for a "feature and content complete" beta. Or are you saying i should wait until the game comes out? after everything's done and complete when there's no chance that the voice-acting will be scrutinized? please let me know when it's ok in the timeline to voice my concerns. thanks.
  21. placeholder or not, it's still terrible. they might have well just done "placeholder text 1 goes here" and voice acted that instead. studio time isn't cheap especially for recording. you don't "placeholder" ridiculously stupid stuff like that. you used the half-life making of as your example. but in that example, her voice was used as it was with the tempo and everything. the way this "actress" says her lines rushes through them all so fast you can't even take in what she's saying if the lines are longer than 1-3 words.
  22. sorry i'm calling bull**** on that. look up viconia or any of the other npcs from bg2 on youtbue. they sound fantastic.
  23. p[lacehgolder for what? a beta that doesn't contain her/
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