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Everything posted by Nordicus

  1. Yeah, it's pretty creepy. Although right now my Geralt's max Toxicity is so high that drinking a decoction merely makes his veins turn a little dark. By the way, the Northern Wind terrain effect is really nice
  2. You can't use Decoy on hero cards, right? One game, I planned to use Yennefer in round 2 (won the first already) to make the opponent overcommit against her and a 10 strength siege unit, then retrieve her card with decoy to use again in round 3. Could not choose Yennefer.
  3. Every skill tree's 3rd tier seems to be filled with some amazing stuff like the Whirl skill in that gif. Since I'm going for alchemy, I look forward to having 8 Enhanced Dancing Star bombs in my pocket.
  4. The tier 2 and 3 recipes tend to not only require harder-to-find stuff, but bigger quantities of the more common ingredients. So there is merit to always having at least a handful of everything. Not much more than 10 though at once, at least what I've seen so far. Btw, Enhanced Dancing Star bombs are great. Completely locked down a werewolf miniboss with it. Regen, what regen? Only immolation.
  5. I've been able to parry nekkers and wraiths at the very least. Oh lawdeh the Witcher 2 blocks and ripostes were so dumb! Signs, ripostes, blocking, block strength and attack strength were all tied to damn Vigor. Depending on how full your Vigor bar was, Geralt would block 25-50% of damage before armor calculation, 50-100% with a certain ability. Without that ability, blocking was essentially worthless. Also, ripostes against monsters made you still take damage from their attacks while with humans you interrupted the incoming strike. Dumbdumbdumbdumb dumb.
  6. I just jumped into a closed off little abandoned fort guarded by a wyvern, over a 10-15 meter drop into shallow water. Thank god Geralt knows how to do a pull-up because he could have been drowner meat! It was not the intended path in, but the awesome path in. I dropped the drawbridge so I can easily come back later to deal with the wyvern.
  7. I enjoy unguided exploration too much so I turned off undiscovered points of interest from the map. It might bite me in the ass for fighting so many enemies but eh I think how close you have to get to make the clues pop up makes it a bit better than Arkham/AC Yeah, I didn't mind the inclusion of a durability mechanic in itself, but these weapons break way too quickly and are too expensive to repair. It was actually cheaper for me to craft a new sword rather than repair my old one!
  8. Going through Valdis Story for the 6th, (7th?) time thanks to the big content update that added 2 characters, varied up the old enemies and added new areas and bosses. Gilda is fun, both her dialog and her gameplay mechanics These new flamethrower enemies are kinda obnoxious because although they don't have reach, in pairs their sprays create a virtual wall of fire. Tried making a gif of her moves but it kinda glitched up.
  9. Valdis Story: Abyssal City The game didn't see a patch for over a year, but then the devs finally finished creating 2 entirely new characters and a big chunk of additional content. The game is officially content complete now, I believe I might eventually land into 3 digit hours with this game, already 70% there Even just the Gilda character turns the game's mechanics on its heads. To mention a few things, she has a double-jump from very start of the game, and her block button? Doesn't block, does a stance-switching laucher attack instead. Dayum
  10. Killing Floor 2 beta Parrying giant-*** Scrakes and Fleshpounds with a hammer, then smashing them on the head with said hammer. There's not much better
  11. The enemies just need some more special abilities/passives. You put a few flame blights into a battle and I already play differently because they explode violently upon death
  12. If you won't go to the trailer, I'll bring the trailer to you! Witcher 3: The Wild Fashion!
  13. It does happen when a character has a "bonus level X spell" item. My Durance can cast nine 1st, 2nd and 3rd level spells at level 7 now because of a ring I gave him before taking him out of my party The extra casts don't go away either even if I use them up, take the ring off and rest. The cap is permanently increased
  14. Can't say I wouldn't at least be mildly intrigued by a Frozen Synapse-ish RPG. Would need to be simplified though, it's easy to fall into the endless chasm of overthinking in that game. "I delay the sniper here for 2 seconds, and let the enemy RPG hit that wall in my path, rush through the hole to that window, then point the sniper at the opening and make him ignore any person coming from northwest. Aaaand GO" *shotgunner comes around the corner during first 0.5 seconds and kills my sniper* "grrrrrrrrrrrrrrRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!"
  15. My party was full when she dashed up to me and ... I told her to not bother me now. So she disappeared. Never saw her again. Maybe she's around somewhere, sulking, but I have no idea where. When I came upon Grieving Mother, I gave her a wide berth because I'm not ready for her yet either. Hmm, she might be at the Vallian Embassy, given that she works for them
  16. Just an idea, but you may want to leave the dungeon alone for now, maybe explore something else? Nothing's forcing you to go down there this early
  17. That is something I've been wondering as well, and I've come to some sort of an answer that I do not have numbers to back up, just anecdotal evidence. It generally seems, that past giving yourself a lot of Dex and choosing a fast weapon/style, it is considerably tougher to increase your attack speed than it is to increase your damage and accuracy. Fast weapons suffer because often they are at that rather awkward spot where enemy DR just about absorbs 80% of your damage. At least without putting genuine effort to buff up the damage numbers of your quick blows. When you got a fast weapon that deals around 10 damage and average speed weapon that deal 15, DR is a considerable factor. Fast weapons are a significant 40-50% faster than average speed weapons, but that doesn't work to their advantage at this point. Fast forward further into the game and you're standing at 14DMG fast versus 21DMG average? DR starts mattering in less cases. 20DMG fast versus 30DMG average? With possible armor penetration to boot? Fast weapon takes over the average. I gave Sagani a very damaging unique hunting bow from one of the early levels in Endless Paths, and just kept buffing and buffing and buffing her damage and accuracy through different talents. Now, she doesn't deal as much damage per hit as she would with say a firearm, but because the usual damage is so high compared to enemy armor with the crits she commonly does, it doesn't matter anymore. She fires multiple high damage arrows in the time it takes for guns to fire and reload So you'll not start seeing advantages until rather late, but going full-on offense, fast weapons have a bit of an exponential growth compared to average/slow weapons' more linear growth in power. Now, if you want a more versatile or a slightly more defensive build, then faster weapons and stuff like dual-wielding can't compete, because you need to go all-in for them to shine Agreed. Before DR, faster weapons actually seem to have much higher DPS, but you never really get to see that.
  18. It goes the other way too if we consider Fortitude, and that a lot of melee enemies have a knockdown skill that they initiate with or passive paralysis applied on every hit. 24 less fortitude is not pretty. Edit: or perhaps you want to have a more specific scenario where the wizard is being hit by ranged attacks? In that case I'll give that Con doesn't matter as much, though enemies can't interrupt you much then anyway unless multiple are concentrating on you
  19. Fine, natural humanoids you can't play as
  20. Hmm, so: Natural humanoids - Wilder 4(to 8 )-legged wildlife - Beast Intelligent plant life - Primordial Physical undead - Vessel Incorporeal souls - Spirit Much more straight-forward than I expected. Now I can choose my targets better with my Ranger and possibly pick slaying enchantments/talents
  21. If the buffs to Wizard spell ranges in patch 1.03 were in any way significant, I'd say no. (GOG copy)
  22. I'm playing Baldur's Gate 1 no, screw that, why the hell would I play that? Seriously! My playthrough will remain unfinished until I've had my fill of PoE So yeah, I'm playing Pillars of Eternity like most people here. I've been able to avoid most of the serious bugs and the gameplay is so god damn smooth I can't believe it. Sometimes the pathfinding gets a little weird during battles against huge groups in smaller areas, but it is way better than in Infinity Engine games and the game just feels amazing. I really like the pike/quarterstaff weapons because they allow me to use caster hybrids as decent physical damage dealers while standing *right* behind my tanks and also cast spells quickly in combat. Bows/implements are weak, crossbows are deadlier but their recovery and reload speed hurts your characters' responsiveness, and while firearms deal amazing damage, your caster is stuck doing nothing for several seconds. So my priest and chanter companions have been rocking quarterstaves for a while because they can handle being in "2nd row" of my formation
  23. Yeah, when I look at damage rolls with the marked prey target, it looks like there's only a small additional bit of damage applied. Could be 20%
  24. Accuracy is Attack Bonus (divide by 5 and you get roughly same significance as in D&D, so +5 in PoE is +1 in D&D), Deflection is AC. Formula for attack rolls [Accuracy - Deflection + d100] in PoE. Iirc, <5 is miss, 6-50 is glancing hit (half damage, which means barely any damage in some circumstances since body armor in PoE has Damage Reduction), 51-95 is hit, and 96+ is critical. Or in more D&D friendly numbers, total roll of -10 or worse compared to target AC is miss, -9 to -0 is half damage/duration, +1 to +9 is full hit, and +10 and above is crit. "What about rolling natural 1 or 20 for guaranteed miss or hit?" What about them? Well, you do get buff spells and abilities that transform a portion of hits into crits, and there are loads of Deflection lowering and Accuracy buffing skills in game. But on their own, a person with significantly lower accuracy than enemy deflection will never crit, and a person with a lot higher accuracy than enemy deflection will never completely miss. That's one of the big mechanical differences in PoE
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