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Everything posted by redneckdevil

  1. Maybe some young people living in first world countries should stop feeling so entitled and realize their governments can only do so much for them ?You told the same to black pepole during Apartheid, didn't you? There is a difference between doing something for you and doing nothing for you and everything for another group of people and using you as a milking cow. No, I was too young to be part of the Apartheid laws as Apartheid was implemented in 1947 and I wasn't involved in commentary during Apartheid. Also we lived under a state of emergency so you were limited by what you could or couldn't say about politics until Apartheid ended in 1991 or so Although you do fit the profile of exactly the person I was referring to, you complain a lot and expect your government to do everything for you Edit- Not joking, hope things are still well and not bad down there for ya and your family. Is there still an upheaval of "hate whitey" going on? If govt isn't involve, don't complain to it. If it is involved, u complain to it or else nothing will get done or u have extremes results like Brexit/Trump/Australia/maybe France now that make it harder for opposition to compromise and fix the problem. Granted sometimes these extremes are what's needed, right now to soon to tell. I know right now race issues aren't as ugly (except in Cali where they grooming the new "liberals" who've they've drugged since childbirth and giving awards for trying and haven't taught them about failure), BLM is quiet because public opinion all time low across the board. Notice how the extreme has damper certain issues and seem to be alot more quiet now that used to set people against each other. We shall see how well it goes and see if yeh future holds better or at worse for us. With last election, I'm a bit worried about the circus tht will follow and the extremes.
  2. It's not about doing so much, it's being opposite in what is expected in treating people. When u give exceptions and benefits and don't hold the law to the same standard to someone because of someone's religion or citizen status but don't do the same positives to your own citizens, of course people gonna complain and get riled up. The problem is that people aren't being treated EQUALLY. Treat the Muslims and the refugees and immigrants yeh same as your other citizens, this will die the **** down. This is why "bleeding heart liberal" is a bad thing, when u go the extra mile for someone else than yeh ones u supposed to take care of, it causes friction and separation because the ones u supposed to take care of will feel slighted and lesser and the ones u going the extra mile will feel elevated and also get used to and think that is how it will always happen.
  3. "Look, the group of people we have treated like sh!t for decades (and still do... the pope himself says we put them in concentration camps) is slowly starting to get pissed at us. BURN THEM ALIVE BEOFRE THEY CAN REPRODUCE" The sick thing is, I hear people actually saying that they are worried about the preservation of their respective culture because immigrants apparently have more children. If your sister was harassed by a banker, would she vote far left? If your sister was harassed by a lesbian, would she vote conservative? Then why the hell does she vote far right when she is harassed by an immigrant? C'mon kid, your smarter than that. When Muslims gangs were raping women, was it far right thinking or far left thinking that prevented police to look into it because it would make them look like racists in the UK? Was it far right or far left thinking that tried to deny any connections to Muslims here in America when a man shots up a gay club in Florida or to erase from documents the word Muslim of 911 or to go in a change personal information so that a shooter at college who was Muslim instead is shown different religion? If u was assaulted with no one around except you and an immigrant, who would be on your side and have your back and who would tried to cover it up, downplay it so that they don't look like racists or harm the image of the immigrants?
  4. The US was changing its culture to adjust to immigrants? France as well? It has been for some time, slowly at first but now the past maybe 6 years it seems more rapid and in ur face. Sorry tired, tldr version. Before u came here and adapted to the ways of here just like if u moved to another country, u would learn those language and culture to fit in. Now it's more of instead of adapting to the culture and ways of here, it us that has to adapt and change because they are not used to or like or wanna change culture and mindset. Meaning that the traditions, values, mindset of an established area has to adapt to new comers coming in and just because they are from somewhere else, instead of them adapting, the ones here already have to adapt even if the ways, culture, mindset is opposite or conflict. Making citizens do the work of adapting instead of putting it on the new comers to adapt. I'm sorry I'm tired. Problemly sounds very old fashion.
  5. BruceVC, do u view the EU as a socialist, capitalist, or communist organization?
  6. Rapaparappa is the only "music" game I've ever enjoyed lol
  7. 1-shadowruns (all of them, always play them in order and still love them). 2-pillars. First crpg that I got into that I didn't get a guide for best spec and run thru to see the story. Older crpgs didn't really enjoy the playstyles but loved the story. Pillars was first one that I learned and enjoyed mechanics on my own and love the story. 3-wasteland 2. Bit boring storywise but isn't that bad and the combat feels like fallout 4-divinity OS. Putting it here bc it's the last Kickstarter game I played. It's colorful but pretty boring to me, can't seem to get farther than finishing the first town before I put t down and go to the next one. Dunno.
  8. So France looks like they might be getting that woman as president. Looks like France, USA, Australia are joining Britain in rebellion of current status of changing culture to adjust to culture new immigrants instead of vice versa. Hopefully more countries join in, I've always thought "when in Rome do as the Romans do" when visiting or moving to new areas. Also scienctists are marching soon. Dunno, if correct or not. Up to them, can understand the pay cuts, but at same time it's politics. U either jump in the sludge pit with all the bad along with the good, or just stay away or else will end up muddier and ****tier than before. At the same time, Trump trying to cut dead weight in expenses so it's expected so I can see both sides. Knowing our govt, we problemly throwing to much dosh or people aren't allocating it well enough. Dunno if it's a **** storm because things are being done or if it's because of very bad decisions. I do wonder how this game would be if the media wasn't obsessed with Trump like a scorned ex trying to cause drama.
  9. We love guns, death, and explosions...
  10. Steam goes under, gog will take its place. Sadly drm free will go away since game companies believe spending money on something that cracks in a few days or hours is gonna protect them. Smh
  11. Love my steam, had tooooooooo many CDs get scratched or lost or just losing the code to install. I always have some form of internet but have plenty of games that I love I can play offline
  12. What is called when it's not the race of said person, but the culture of said person that u do not like?
  13. I know the feeling. Bought a external hard drive for my PS4 and realized all tr games I have and haven't even played along with my steam library, decided to not buy a new game until I finished at least half of them......Then started playing ESO and me buying a game is gonna be a looooooong time now lol
  14. Very nice! Ill be honest, that's something we should done a long time ago here, but it's to late unfortunately.......Wait, there's a Donald duck in the office! It could become a reality.
  15. Yep but different, hence why it made me smile. Was a bit pissed when Skyrim came out there wasn't any nakid nords and witches quests anywhere.
  16. Dammit. I swear off buying video games til I finish a good bit of what I already have and they start coming out with these awesome games it looks like lol
  17. I'm so happy. The nords in ESO are more like the nords from Morrowind than from Skyrim. Just did the nakid Nord losing axe and clothes to a witch quest today. Made me smile
  18. Bethesda was at least smart enough to not have RPG on their game case
  19. They handled it very professionally. Tbh Thanks to this liberal sjw crap, I really wonder if they consciously know they doing the exact same thing that I grew up with here in the south about blacks and Mexicans.
  20. The same reason a game that has stats and c & c isn't a RPG because it has a predefined character.....
  21. My question is who's gonna be the white man who has to start suing and getting people fired because of racism and sexism?
  22. Happy Easter everyone. It was spring break the past week so my kids got to come up and spend the week with me and my son I'm working today so we did our Easter stuff yesterday. Slept in, cook an Easter meal, dyed eggs, opened Easter baskets, and relaxed.
  23. So they made something that triggered both sides huh?
  24. Damn I really want that hollow knight game but no controller for PC since the update. Can't use my 360 controller anymore Hope it's true about coming to PS4 this year, I'll get it then.
  25. I like pineapple, bacon, and ham pizza and also pineapple chicken onion with Texas Pete pizza. That **** is delicious, now ketchup in Mac n Cheese I'm baffled. That's a crime to put ketchup in some home made Mac and cheese. Smh
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