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Everything posted by Inannachan

  1. Still waiting for mine to arrive too. Another UK customer here. I just hope it arrives soon.
  2. I would also like to hear the final figure that you lovely guys and gals had to work with. Hope you can give that figure at the end of the day.
  3. When I bring up the Area Map it seems to glitch out with all kinds of lovely shades and lines running over it. This happens every time I exit a building.
  4. It isn't their fault that they aren't global. 8am with them will always be different for others, we all know this. Thanks for the update though, its made my day so far!
  5. Looks like I'm missing my K too.
  6. This will break my poor bank again! Well depending on their pitch at least. I'm more of a fantasy player, but I don't mind oter genres of games either. I would love to see a spiritual successor to either Arcanum or Bloodlines, but I'm also curious about what they could be kickstarting.
  7. This was what I was looking forward to seeing! This is certainly my first character in Project Eternity!
  8. As with Indra, I went on to support Divinity: Original Sin after Project Eternity, so I've found other things to watch over and love along side my first kickstarted project, and although I also backed Torment, it just doesn't have the same appeal as PE or D:OS does. As for the wait, I've gone back to playing some of my older games while ghosting on the forums here (I may not entirely contribute to every single discussion). Still love getting all the updates and enjoying seeing the ideas raised on the forums.
  9. Nice to see that everyone has shaken off the holidays and are back at work. Hope Josh is feeling better, hate colds and flu that take ages to get over. Keep up the good work folks!
  10. I was addicted to the kickstarter page. I rarely left it, and now I'm behind on moderator duties on a RP board due to reopen soon. I know I'll just disappear when PE is released... how much warning should I give? 17 months seem ok?
  11. Well I'm more than happy to work up to $250 because I really want the signed stuff but I can't afford to do so all at once. Not having a job sucks, especially when there's a game developer that I love and want to support more than I have done so already.
  12. I also would love to know roughly how long I get to upgrade to the highest tier possible, after all it would be such a pleasure to see.
  13. I'm replaying Baldurs Gate. I'm hoping to play through all of Obsidian's previous titles in anticipation to Project Eternity.
  14. Wasn't it also said that Obsidian was considering making PE a franchise?
  15. I would love a PnP rulesetbased off of the system if possible. Would be interesting to see it being played on the tabletop scene, but I would love to see at least another race being added too.
  16. Another thank you for giving me the oportunity to support a game that I'm loving the sound of more and more every day, and to help a developer that I'm fond of for the sentimental part of me that remembers the games of yore that I loved so much. Thank you for bringing them back.
  17. Just increased my pledge from $25 to $33! My kickstarter proofile is: http://www.kickstarter.com/profile/1068138809 I would like Kitten Cipher of the Obsidian Order please.
  18. Personally they haven't gone far enough. The more publicity makes for a better game. They don't have some big company like EA able to throw out advertisements for the game and such, they chose that way when they came to us, the fans. Why shouldn't they use social media to get more attention? I want a game with as much backing as possible to make the game truly shine like the diamond I know its going to be.
  19. However any indication that they were keeping PayPal payment open (and it counting towards goals after kickstarter ended) would be most beneficial.
  20. On a personal note I, too, like achievements. It's something that (if done right) is interesting and funny. Do I want a 'you have killed 1000 critters'? No. Do I want 'you have been spotted strutting your stuff naked'? Perhaps.
  21. I would support this 100%. I might even pledge right up to the $250 mark if they let me take til the game was nearly released to do it. This x 100. I'd keep upping my pledge all the way to release if Obsidian did this.
  22. I'm all with the poster saying a soul companion. That would be best to fit with the setting perhaps. A stray soul that became attached. Otherwise I would be happy with a cat or a miniature space hamster, or a mini dragon or anything. As for the update, I know that there are a couple more people that I've been touting to about the game that is more interested because there is some cooldown on the spells before they run out of use through the day. You may even get more backers from my irc community friends.
  23. Perfect, just perfect! I'm just getting more and more hyped for this game! You can talk to the IRC group I talk to, I've been going on and on about PE for a week, and I even managed to get one of the members to donate some towards the project too!
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