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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. Raithe, is it more of a "formal" wedding or is it a bit relaxed?
  2. Facepalm.jpg. Before posting nonsense try read "Capital" by Marx (or works by Lenin about this). True socialism is where no State exists. That would be Communism. Socialism is the stage before Communism, where the state still exists.
  3. There is actually a book on "zombie economics"(economic theories that have been proven wrong but still keep coming back) that attempts to explain the phenomenon. I would link it, but can't remember the name.
  4. Have the libertarians started whining about wealth redistribution yet?
  5. I don't think he will. Oby correctly using "a" or "the" is not going to happen.
  6. So the Kickstarter starts Wednesday. Awesome.
  7. Hey you're the one that typed it. Don't blame me because you won't back it up. have you no eyes? I actually have two of them. I was poking fun at the way the volo responds to people, by using quotation marks without identifying the speaker. Using the volo method, it looks like someone is talking to themselves.
  8. I just realized this was the Russia "tread". LOL. Is this supposed to be about tanks or something?
  9. Hey you're the one that typed it. Don't blame me because you won't back it up.
  10. I think you're confusing what people who hype austerity measures say and what austerity measures actually do. People who hype austerity proclaim that companies are too nervous about uncertainty, so they are not spending money and that by cutting programs, more people/businesses will suddenly invest/spend money. They typically use immeasurable variables in their arguments(like "confidence" and "uncertainty") and engage in a bit of fear-mongering to advance policies that do not work very well. What austerity does is reduce the amount of money the government is spending, which reduces the total amount of spending going on in the economy. Austerity is typically a good idea in years where the economy is doing well, where the scaling back of government spending will not have as large of an effect as it would in a situation where people/business were not spending very much(like right now). The problem with austerity measures in times like these is that there is no guarantee that people/business will start investing to make up for reduced government spending, and can result in higher unemployment and less total spending(and often does, if you look at the results of European austerity measures). So austerity is doing exactly what it is supposed to do, which is to slow the growth of an economy. It is not helping an economy grow, because that is the opposite of what it is designed to do.
  11. You're the one who said "EA needs to die, the fill the market with a wave of crap and lower everyone's standards." and I agree. Are you unaware how to use the quote feature?
  12. Did they at least do it in character? IMO, it is ok if they do that because that is what their character would do. However, if they were just being ****, that is another thing all together.
  13. I don't think weapons need "perks", I think that attributes can just be applied in the statistics. For example, if a weapon is light, it has a higher base attack speed.
  14. I wouldn't mind having different tools that are more/less effective depending on the type of lock, and that the AI for companions(or PC) will just use whichever one is equipped. While the player is in control of the PC, they can choose which set of tools will be used on the lock, which can lead to better results.
  15. Make sure to dress very light while you are here. The humidity will really screw you up if you aren't careful.
  16. I still don't like the name, but I am going to pledge to this.
  17. Just finished Act 1 of NWN2 OC, remembered how much the trash mobs at Old Owl Well pissed me off, but the game itself is solidly OK. Still can't wait to finish so I can run the PC through MotB.
  18. Plate of the Beast High Quality set of Plate Crafted by savages long dead, this predatory animal themed armor is of great value to collectors of artifacts. The enchantment on it grants the wearer the strength of a savage beast, but also clouds their judgement. Good bonus to AC(or whatever the PE analogue is) Bonus to strength and constitution. Small penalty to Will saving throws(or whatever the PE analogue is) PC cannot select the "diplomatic" dialogue options when worn.* *By this I mean anything that is a way to avoid violence.
  19. You know, I never will understand how telling someone that your ignoring them is such a big threat. Anyways, I think that to make lock-picking more interesting, they could require the use of thieve's tools(which should not be a single use item like in NWN(2), but rather a relatively expensive item that can be used multiple times), and have a chance to destroy the tools and/or destroy the mechanism that allows the chest to be opened. It could function exactly as the hit system does, a "miss" would be something breaking, a "graze" would be failing to open the lock, and a "hit" would be opening the lock. That way, the result is still determined by a RNG, but the PC has to gamble against losing a valuable(and expensive!) tool if they repeatedly try to open a chest that is almost impossible with their skill level.
  20. I just reinstalled NWN2. I'm doing an OC playthrough then going to enjoy MOTB.
  21. Something of that nature. Didn't you have a several page "conversation" with him? Where instead of answering questions about the mechanics he wanted he would attack you or side-track you in to different territory?
  22. Oh noes! A guy who struggles with basic English and can't prove this amazing system he came up with works or even exists is ignoring me!
  23. I'm sure those papers are happily resting next to the unicorns that live in your attic. Hey you managed to do an entire post without one spelling mistake! This is like a first for you isn't it?
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