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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. Planning to take a week off and go with some friends and my girlfriend to Corpus Christi. Also, visiting my cousin in Cali, some lunatic yelled at me.
  2. I will preorder neither, and only buy them if sources I trust confirm that they are of suitable quality.
  3. Sorry Monte, but Bio is inclusive. It will be DEAD GIRLFRIEND/BOYFRIEND/DOG/ABOMINATION/BROODMOTHER. Broodmother should be gold.
  4. Necromancy? Most Bio NPCs have the depth of zombies so it wouldn't be that big of a change. I'm sure most of the BioFans would just be happy that they could do all the romancing they wanted without having to talk.
  5. I see and I agree. A Pathfinder turn-based CRPG would be awesome, but I don't see it working very well in a real time CRPG. Also, I would be royally pissed if I couldn't play a Magus and disintegrate **** with a sword. Hmm, while d20 was definitely a step forward from the 2E mess, it still has a few flaws. I would say that saving throw progression and the Wisdom and Charisma attributes would need to be reworked for me to call it almost perfect. I would still say that it is a good system though.
  6. While I agree with your position on OE and Gygax designing rulesets, what do you mean when you agree with Chrononaut about Pathfinder? Perhaps it is because I'm mildly drunk, but he didn't seem to say much about the system.
  7. "But we wanted a young, sexy Doctor! This guy is like my dad. Ewww. - Every fan girl under 23" Peter Capaldi's response...
  8. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=45d8kn5hApg Not as funny as some of the Red Wedding reactions, but I've been getting some laughs.
  9. I'm wrestling between the titles: "In Full Bloom" "Spectrum Street" A turrent could work, or you could install an unlockable passageway that allows Deckers to sneak by without engaging in combat. I don't think that there is much you can do with Mages(they seem to be the weakest archetype in SRR), but Shamans should do pretty well. I would go with "Spectrum Street".
  10. I'd say killing a demon possesed child isn't exactly the same as killing a normal child.
  11. When I saw this, I thought of a Bethesda Mass Effect.
  12. I would advise that you flush that piss down the toilet and get some stout or pale ale. If you are writing fiction, I would suggest getting to that nice mellow stage of intoxication where you still have control of your faculties but feel good about everything.
  13. That was how he proposed. Iron Bull beat him. Anyways, Fish does come off as an ****. I find his little hissyfit a bit ironic, because he bullied people over the internet(. Frankly, I don't see a blunt dev sick of taking ****, but rather a spineless loser who feels fine dishing it out but cries like a bitch when some hits him back.
  14. If the BSN had a physical incarnation it would be preaching tolerance and equality while humping the sofa. I dunno, the BSN seems to be virulently intolerant of anyone who disagrees with (insert pint of view), which is why most threads are giant flame wars. And it would be a rainbow rug, not a sofa.
  15. It was a fun little adventure, I hope the community comes up with some cool stuff and that Berlin is cool. If there is a sequel, I hope they tweak the attribute system.
  16. I'd say that Matt Smith is one of the better doctors, but Moffat is a **** showrunner.
  17. I can't wait until the game is released and one of the companions is "Monte Carlo", an inquisitor with a golden codpiece who owns a sex club.
  18. Today I'm going to relax and drink.
  19. I think I agree with the OP. Potential foes should have some interaction before they attack you(barring assassins, raiding parties, and other types who simply want to slaughter). For example, the main goal of bandits should be to get money without getting hurt, so having them try to intimidate the party into handing over their valuables would be better than having them charge and attack. Furthermore, certain foes should surrender or be open to negotiation instead of speaking 3 lines and attacking. Well, let me be clear: It's not that I don't think combat could ever be meaningful and interesting, it's just that it usually isn't. A good example of a game that does this well is a fire emblem nuzlocke run (no restarting chapters if someone dies). You'll inevitably have characters that you get really attached to. But to keep bringing them along, you need to level them up. To level them up, you need to put them in harm's way. If you put them in harm's way, and you screw it up, that character could die forever. Thus the tactical decisions of the game directly tie into the inter-character narrative (because if a character is dead you can't do their support paths).(Not a perfect example though: If you're not doing a nuzlocke run then the only consequence of screwing up is to restart the chapter and replay through a few minutes of work, and in most entries in the series this is a restriction that must be self-enforced, with all the problems that entails. Furthermore, fire emblem combat is ridiculously swingy and you can lose units to the RNG even when you've done everything right.) Ahh, FE. I remember having Roy get killed by a Warrior with a 7% chance to hit and 1% critical.
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