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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. Now that you mention it.....the bulky white undies thing is funny.
  2. I stand by my opinion that the "add excitement" (wink wink) part was totally shudder-worthy. I'd go with cringe myself.
  3. I would play the **** out of a Dr. Manhattan sandbox, if Alan Moore was ok with it and you went around naked.
  4. Looks like DAI will be even more like Twitcher. Anal.
  5. Game propably will play similar to the IE games. You will have 2 bars. Health and stamina. Let's say 100 HP, 100 ST. On a per encounter basis, ST is identical to IE health.It can even be healed or regenarated. Each hit does damage on both. Let's say 4:1 ratio. So when your character loses all his 100 stamina, he will have lost 25 health. When a character's stamina reaches 0, he drops unconsious. Think of it as dying in IE games. If all your characters fall unconsious, you lose. The difference is that when the battle ends, unconsious characters get up instead of you resurrecting them. Think of it as auto-resurection. Only now your character has 100 ST but only 75 health. There is no way to restore health. In the next battle you "die" again. When you come back you will have 100 ST, 40 HP. At some point, you will have 100 ST, but >25 HP. At that point, you need to find a place to rest or the next battle may be the last for that character. If health reaches 0, your character permadies if you play on expert or with permadeath enabled, or he becomes "maimed" if permadeath is disabled. Maimed will return the character with 1 point of health so he will drop in one hit in the battle until you go to rest. Rest is the only think that restores health, but you can rest only in special places. In 3.X/PF, hitting 0 HP meant you were knocked out and in critical condition, not dead. Seeing a similar mechanic implemented would be cool.
  6. Careful now, we don't want this turning into a romance thread. Well I do, but I'm very bored right now waiting for Amnesia to install.
  7. Can't speak for Prime, but I more enjoy reading the butthurt. 'Tis a bit funny to see people still whining about something a year later.
  8. This is an awfully fine thread to read while high and drunk. Keep it going fellas.
  9. I've done this many times.. including clearing Moathouse on Ironman. TBH, not playing TOEE on Ironman would be anti-fun for me. There is no tension otherwise. The only problem with TOEE Ironman is how buggy the game is. Impressive. Do you also enjoy hitting yourself in the nuts repeatedly with a brick? Yes. Just light up a fatty and enjoy the butthurt.
  10. I'm glad I never sat at your table. I don't see how earning XP isn't enough to earn a level in any class the character is eligible for or why a wizard wouldn't take one level of Fighter for some martial ability, especially in a low-level game.
  11. Currently drinking some whiskey and contemplating whether to play video games or watch something.
  12. I initially read "Caining" as "canning" and thought that Tim Cain would be preserving food. That would be an interesting reward tier.
  13. An alcoholic who spends most of his time watching porn and eating pizza. Or my old roommate if you prefer.
  14. Here I thought **** were literally falling from the sky. I am disappointed.
  15. Naked Cadegund. Serioisly: fantastic writing, combat, and exploration. The fanboy butthurt should be funny as well.
  16. Well, at least the newly weds will know what they are in for.
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