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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. Being called subhuman rabble by SJWs, must be Thursday.
  2. Troika made vampire bloodlines which many consider as one of the best rpg storys ever. I don't. I have a hard time getting into the Troika games. Arcanum is spectacularly crap.
  3. I'd like to appear in PoE2 as a badass with a codpiece mounted revolver.
  4. Why do we talk like we are a third year elementary student writing shakespeare. HA! Not So Fun Understanding What You're Saying! Role playing an orc? not orc. that were the inside joke forced on us by biowarians. they thought it were amusing that everybody at the old Co'6 interplay message boards assumed orc, so they made the ToB Gromnir an orc. now, thanks to dave, we is stuck with orc label regardless o' whatever we might say or do. yes, dave were very funny. haha. to be fair, we were expecting to be depicted as an inconsequential flatulent xvart, so call the ToB inclusion as an orc a win for Gromnir? HA! Good Fun! I vaguely remember a Sylvius the Mad mention that a Gronir posted on Bio Boards as a low Wisdom character because Wisdom didn't work in BG like the manual suggested it did. Is that somewhat accurate?
  5. *Sigh* Suggesting that the "Ban Bossy" and Anita 'n' Kotaku brands of activism belongs in the same category as human rights groups is a bit delduded, and frankly a bit insulting to the latter. I would wager most of us who show distaste towards SJWs are referring to the highly antagonistic folks who subscribe to the former groups mentioned in the previous sentence. I'm don't mean to lecture you but maybe you should be more specific then when you make statements about groups of people you dislike , for example if I say "I don't like Chinese people " because of the rude Chinese people who run my local take-away it makes me sound silly and uninformed because I'm allowing a personal dislike of a small representation of an entire nation to shape my overall opinion of that nation. Even if I didn't mean it the perception that gets created about me isn't great. Just something for you to consider In my experience SJW refers exclusively to the belligerant online activists and not the legitimate IRL activists, so there's really no need to specify Yeah, I've never heard SJW applied in any other situation.
  6. *Sigh* Suggesting that the "Ban Bossy" and Anita 'n' Kotaku brands of activism belongs in the same category as human rights groups is a bit delduded, and frankly a bit insulting to the latter. I would wager most of us who show distaste towards SJWs are referring to the highly antagonistic folks who subscribe to the former groups mentioned in the previous sentence. I'm don't mean to lecture you but maybe you should be more specific then when you make statements about groups of people you dislike , for example if I say "I don't like Chinese people " because of the rude Chinese people who run my local take-away it makes me sound silly and uninformed because I'm allowing a personal dislike of a small representation of an entire nation to shape my overall opinion of that nation. Even if I didn't mean it the perception that gets created about me isn't great. Just something for you to consider .... Comparing dislike of internet activists to racism is stoopid. And being lectured on racism by a White South African is funny.
  7. *Sigh* Suggesting that the "Ban Bossy" and Anita 'n' Kotaku brands of activism belongs in the same category as human rights groups is a bit delduded, and frankly a bit insulting to the latter. I would wager most of us who show distaste towards SJWs are referring to the highly antagonistic folks who subscribe to the former groups mentioned in the previous sentence.
  8. Because SRR uses Karma instead of XP. Otherwise, they are similar in that they reward for getting stuff done rather than doing stuff.
  9. And that's fine. I don't even have an issue with combat focused talents/spells/abilities. Hell, as you said, that's part of the IE experience, and I would expect that to be an element of the game. But why can't there also be talents/abilities/spells that are non-combat focused that the player can spend those XP awards on? Best of both worlds. I just don't see why you can't understand this point. But you know what? You win. You've outargued me and I'm done. So enjoy the narrow-focused quest-only XP 'debate', Grom. Have good fun. There are no talents/abilities/spells that are not used in combat because the devs wanted to avoid creating a system where you have to spend resources on either being good at combat or being good at something else.
  10. Yeah, I will never understand her supporters and how they look the other way when she flat out lies, we're all obsidian fans here I assume, we love their games and FNV is in my top faves of all time, and it pisses me off to hear these lies and misrepresentations. like Totalbiscuit said in his twitter "Justice through lies and abuse is not Justice" I would say is the opposite of justice, personally that's my problem with SJW on the internet and why I will never be onboard with them. They've decided that she is right and will accept what she has to say no matter what. If you want to make a point about games treating women as little more than scenery, it would help if you singled out games that actually do that.
  11. Ok, that's what I call a goddamn liar, anyone who played FNV knows this is bull****, and any obsidian fan should be pissed about this. I'm sorry but she's a bad person, a liar and manipulator, I have no sympathy for her at all and I don't care about the alleged threats, I don't belive a word from her without hard evidence, period. Wait, what? Fallout New Vegas got called out as treating women as decoration? The game with 3 very fleshed out female companions, many well written female NPCs, and that lets you play as a female character? Wow, that is ****. Not only is it lazy, but it is a lie. When someone spreads false information like this, they need to be called out on their Bull****. Calling someone a liar when they have lied is the just course of action. KP I want to ask you something, what exactly is your issue with people who espouse SJ values? I'm genuinely interested because you often seem to mention how you dislike SJW?I dislike them because of they are ineffective keyboard warriors who ignore real issues in favor of sensationalist tripe, and insult and try to silence or discredit anyone who doesn't share their opinions.
  12. Ok, that's what I call a goddamn liar, anyone who played FNV knows this is bull****, and any obsidian fan should be pissed about this. I'm sorry but she's a bad person, a liar and manipulator, I have no sympathy for her at all and I don't care about the alleged threats, I don't belive a word from her without hard evidence, period. Wait, what? Fallout New Vegas got called out as treating women as decoration? The game with 3 very fleshed out female companions, many well written female NPCs, and that lets you play as a female character? Wow, that is ****. Not only is it lazy, but it is a lie. When someone spreads false information like this, they need to be called out on their Bull****. Calling someone a liar when they have lied is the just course of action.
  13. I figure if someone criticized BG2 for not having Talents/Perks/Feats, we would be in for a slap fight.
  14. Some general use talents Armor Expertise: Speed penalty reduced in armor Hardy: Reduced effects from poison and disease Devastating Critical: Increased effect from critical hits Lucky: Convert X% of criticqls into hits, hits into grazes, graze into miss
  15. My father's only 50 something, so I got 20 years before I have to deal with that stubborn bastard.
  16. I think beefing up the Fighter's potential for ranged combat will provide more tactical options than the class currently has. For example, if you have your Fighter engaging a group and that group goes down but there are still enemies to kill, being able to switch to a rifle and knocking down from range would be the tactic I would go with, especially if Fighter was low on stamina. I agree that the Rogue class would be the ideal candidate for a non-magical non-nature ranged specialist, but giving the Fighter(IMO the most boring class) more options would be cool. As it is, I'm hard pressed to do anything with the Fighter other than throw him at a group of enemies and let them trade blows.
  17. Conceptually I think a Ranger who flanks an opponent with his animal companion would be kind or cool. Admittedly it isn't something I would want to do myself, but I could see someone wanting to do that instead of ranged combat.
  18. Barbarian Brutality: Increases AoE damagae dealt by Carnage Unrelenting Fury:Increases Duration of Frenzy Chanter Lingering Voice: Effects of Chant phrases last longer Cipher Punishing Lash: Enemies hit by Soul Whip take X damage for X seconds Expanded Focus: Focus Pool is increased Druid Wanderer of the Wilds: Can select an additional Wildstrike Fighter Offensive Defender: Reduced speed penalty and increased damage when in Defender Overwatch: While using a ranged weapon in Defender, gains disengagement attacks against all enemies in range Monk Agonising Focus: Gains bonuses to Will and Ref as Wounds accumulate Scarred Flesh: Gains a DT bonus Paladin Glorious Beacon: Increases AoE of auras Fanatical Zeal: Can have two Auras active at once Priest Aegis of Faith: Grants defence bonuses to the Priest Ranger Independent: Damage taken by Ranger or Companion when the other is hit is reduced Aspect of the Beast: Ranger gains a bonus based on Animal Companion Rogue Opportunist: Gains damage bonus against engaged targets Wizard Scholar of the Obscure: Gains 1 spell known for each spell level Arcane Potency: Spells are harder to resist
  19. I agree with most of your suggestions. Except for Sword to Crossbow as a talent, IMO Fighters should have a better ranged accuracy as a base. My problems with the Ranger and Fighter is that they are too focused on Ranged and Melee respectively. IMO, I think the abilities should try to be neutral in regards to Ranged or Melee with Talents being the deciding factor in determining if the character is a Ranged or Melee specialist. A dual-wielding Ranger and a sniper fighter sound like cool characters to play, but are currently unsupported. That should be changed.
  20. IMO, a SoZ style world map would've been awesome for this game and would've given quite a bit of ways to avoid random encounters.
  21. In most games I've Gm'd, I've gone the quest XP route because I didn't want to penalize players who came up with good ways to avoid combat to achieve the goal of the quest. This resulted in players trying to think outside the box when looking for solutions to the obstacles I put in their way. Obviously PoE will not have the flexibility as a Gm, but it is nice to know that if I can solve a quest through means other than combat I won't be missing out on XP. And to further spin this off topic, I actually like PoE combat despite the bugs. I find it to be fun to shoot lions with oldtymey guns and beat beetles to death with morningstars.
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