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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. I'm a millennial and I got 5/25, no bingo. I grew up fairly poor so was late to the dvd and cable party, so I do remember rewinding the tapes rented from blockbuster or hollywood video. I'm not sure when that stopped for me, maybe early to mid 2000s? A very long time ago. You can apply the same to the fast food birthday party or juice from a can as relatively cheap things to do in the late 90's/early aughts. DARE was still a thing in elementary school when I was there but I can't remember if there was a graduation or not. And I did wear band ts and flannel in high school because I could pull it off and they were fairly cheap. Almost claimed *69 but then I realized I misinterpreted it.
  2. It's summer for y'all if I'm not mistaken, that happens on our summer days too. Not a good time at all.
  3. By the numbers, 85%. By the feeling, well that's hard for me to say. I grew up here and am used to high humidity, so I don't really respond to it as I do the lack of it.
  4. That's a real whiplash. Around here it's warmed up and started raining. Looks like it's going to be up and down for a minute, so no luck getting used to the cold.
  5. I guess for Swedes good food is triggering. This is a crime against humanity. What the hell is wrong with the food in your country? Y'all are eating like the Germans are bombing you.
  6. First, it looks delicious. Secondly, you have no room to talk after posting that ketchup ****. Thirdly, I weep for you if yall don't have cheese or milk.
  7. The truth. But why ketchup? Just use some jarred sauce or something else.
  8. The hell it does. A good mac and cheese looks and tastes delightful, combining a crisp crust and creamy sauce with some pasta. Everything in that picture clashes, like you are hungover and just toss whatever is in a fridge together.
  9. If I'm using it as a condiment I mix in some sriracha or hot sauce. It's very good that way, like the spicy ketchup from whataburger but better. I hope this is just a case of us having very different ideas of ketchup, because that sounds nasty.
  10. I've starred buying this skyr stuff that's better than the greek yogurt I was eating for breakfast. A serving with that, a red banana, and a (damn fine) cup of coffee made a good breakfast that's relatively healthy and doesn't require much work. You're welcome. Maybe you could have one with some eggs if egg prices get lower than the stratosphere. That would be a great breakfast, and now I want it more. The times I would see oatmeal used instead of bread it is usually in a meatloaf instead of meatballs, but it would work for the later as well. Suffice to say, horse meat and whatever that sauce is doesn't really appeal to me, so I'd pass on those meatballs. If I put sauce on meatballs, I go for either a tomato sauce or more of a glaze with some sweetness.
  11. That's the one, so many great moments. Probably my favorite line was Dr. Gel intercepting the transmission from Paul. "Probably some cross over from a melodrama or something. We don't have time to worry about it." Not only was the delivery perfect but...
  12. The big problem I have with the banner is that it's not specific enough to the forum. The Obsidian shirts are ok, but what I really want is a shirt with a stylized image of Josh Sawyer with a caption that reads "BALANCED" or a "you naughty " coffee mug.
  13. My favorite episode of the series is next for you, let me know what you think of Space Bebop: Cowboy Dandy. Not as much Monster, because I got out of the woods with Twin Peaks and ended up in the black lodge watching what happens when showtime let's an absolute madman do whatever the hell he wants.
  14. Reasonable? Ye calling me feckin resonable? Now we're rowing. Well maybe next time we'll get to know the peace of oblivion.
  15. I can say that I've never had swedish meatballs, and that I have no desire to change that. But all this talk of meat and gravy makes me want a chicken fried steak. Since that's not very healthy and somewhat expensive, I'm going with more roasted brussel sprouts and some chicken thighs instead tonight.
  16. Only paid users get the ignore feature. Why would I pay for misery?
  17. I will shoulder the wrath of Bill Gates for that person in penance.
  18. I recently noticed seeing an add banner on the top of the page. It doesn't look very good and I thought I was somewhere else to be honest.
  19. Now as the great philosopher once wrote "Schools serve the same social functions as prisons and mental institutions", in this essay I will demonstrate....
  20. Don't be like that, if we can all agree on something being good the apocalypse will come and save us all from the hell timeline CERN got us into. I have a different interpretation. Get prepared to be DESTROYED by FACTS and LOGIC. It's great, even if you can't relate to the characters or don't find it funny, shots of the landscape are beautiful enough to justify watching it.
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