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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. You Sir! are a scallywag and no do gooder and I challenge you to a duel! Pistols at dawn leader.
  2. Arcanum is ****. They managed to make a game more unbalanced than 2e with content that is more boring than a Bendis comic.
  3. I suggest killing all emotion with booze.
  4. Wow, didn't realize what an insensitive cis you are. Check your privilege.
  5. Can we kill this thread with fire?
  6. As a treekin, I find that very offensive.
  7. Why is negativity such a bad thing in a forum, anyway ? It has a human cost.
  8. The codex is pretty much /v/ light with namefags. I'll stick to /v/.
  9. I hope hard isn't as unbalanced in the final release as it currently is in 392.
  10. Baphomet and Gamergate boards are both hosted by 8chan, so anything Baphomet does is the fault of the misogynist known as Gamergate. Of course believing this means you have to disregard 1)Baphomet saying they aren't gamergate and 2)The notion of personal responsibility/accountability. They've already discarded 2, and despite baph doxing a sea lion and his wife, I'm sure they will disregard 1. By this logic, any subreddit must take responsibility for any other subreddit, but they've rarely been consistent with logic.
  11. I am still surprised at the level of stupidity here. Almost every western country has this mandated by law: the accused should meet its accusers. Jesus. It's like they don't bother to read the TOS.
  12. Unless I can put a stick on a baby and make a mace out of it on the sequel I don't buy the whole these are bad people bit. Demonicon made a better job of presenting and allowing for evil options than Blackguards and was a good game to play with maces. If it didn't have incestuous romance If it didn't take place in Dark Eye setting I'd rate it lower than Bound by Flame. The latter was a better game on its own. Really? Bound by Flame was a bit of a fizzle for me, it just failed to deliver in the end and the level design was far more linear than Of Orcs and Men and Mars War Logs both games which I enjoyed more. Whereas Demonomicon felt solid enough to give it a pass. On topic, I'm surprised the Codex didn't go crazy over the turn based combat in D:OS. Me thinks that they have gone into the Games Journalism business and become corrupt, I distinctively recall seeing a special thanks to the Codex on that game. Guess that's all it takes to be Codex No. 1 Huh? Most Codexians(that I've seen here) cream their pants at the very mention of turn-based, I would've been surprised f D:OS didn't get #1.
  13. Seeing as his twitter handle is in tribute to srhbutts, I assume the answer to that is "a dog". I know it's not literally what he said but my interpretation (and since he's a postmodernist douche, my experience is all that matters) of his tweets is a very clear "I am not Charlie because they had it coming." So he's arguing they deserved it because how they presented themselves? I wonder where I've heard a similar argument... He has another tweet where he's basically crying foul that, apparently there have be 18 attacks ("attacks" ranging anywhere from verbal abuse to beheading a pig and leaving the head on a mosque's doorstep to physical confrontations) on Muslims in french communities since the attack took place, yet none of those made headline international news. To me he's basically implying France only cares about white people.
  14. Thanks a lot Grognards, now I'm enjoying the hell out of NEO Scavenger.
  15. I played DAI and would rate it similarly to the Codexians when 1/5 scores were counted. It's pretty forgettable IMO, and managed to make Skyrim's quests seem well written.
  16. Hmm, now I have to think of a kewl build to play. Maybe I'll play a shaman.
  17. Hopefully so, the metacritic method is really stupid.
  18. Have to agree with the #1 and #2, but never touched NEO Scavenger. Worth checking out?
  19. It's users from old /b/ who enjoy doxing and stuff. Best to avoid. Is it something like the seedier crevices of Something Awful? I suppose they're somewhat similar to SA goons.
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