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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. The invisible hand sucks because when you expect it to tug on something it ends up pushing its finger into something else. Sneaky bastard.
  2. No, you are claiming that the ruling class does not actually rule, I am claiming that they do in fact rule. Ruling does not require absolute power.
  3. It isn't, the levers of power will continued to be pushed regardless of individual happiness or even who the individuals are. Your assumption that the ruling class needs to be all powerful to be considered rulers is strange. In feudalism a king did not stop being part of the ruling class because he couldn't dissolve feudalism as a system, he still is king and is more than able to shape his domain as he sees fit. Under capitalism we see a similar thing on smaller scales, the individual bourgeois can't dissolve the system out of sheer will, but they are still the ones pushing the levers by controlling production and distribution and politics. The fact that the lives of everyone, including the ruling class, are shaped by material conditions does not mean that the ruling class is a myth. The bourgeois aren't a cackling coven of witches or some other force of evil, they are simply people acting in their material interests, interests that are antithetical to the interests of the proletariat. Thus any action that merely aims to eliminate current bourgeoisie is not enough and placing blame on the bourgeoisie as individual actors is misplaced.
  4. The US isn't the entire world and there's a difference between starving and half the country living in poverty when you don't count for government programs. Comes with the territory.
  5. Huh? it lies in the nature of markets that they are out of controlThe markets are largely controlled by those who have their hands on the levers of power. Which is not any elected official. even for "them", the underlying mechanisms are beyond "their" controlChange your avatar to a rose or read a book.Read some sense into yourself.The "underlying mechanisms" aren't some natural or divine occurance, they are the results of those who hold the levers of power aka the bourgeoisie acting in their own self-interest in the short term. That they don't coordinate their efforts to collectively manipulate their grand machine is evidence of intra-class conflict, not evidence the market is a natural phenomenon like gravity. This should be basic **** for anyone who has lurked a leftist forum for a week, let alone read an ounce of theory. Here is a new avatar for you that better fits your opinions and knowledge.
  6. Huh? it lies in the nature of markets that they are out of controlThe markets are largely controlled by those who have their hands on the levers of power. Which is not any elected official. even for "them", the underlying mechanisms are beyond "their" control Change your avatar to a rose or read a book.
  7. Huh? it lies in the nature of markets that they are out of control The markets are largely controlled by those who have their hands on the levers of power. Which is not any elected official.
  8. Then you need to work on chewing so it ends up in your belly.
  9. And that's a problem with fighters. And as Boreoer pointed out Monks and Barbarians. I'd just like options, right now a barbarian archer is not very good in PoE despite being a cool concept I'd be willing to do.
  10. I think the Ranger should be built around cooperation with the animal companion while being agnostic to ranged or melee. So I'm happy about the Stalker option and hopefully most of the ranged stuff goes into general abilities.
  11. Working america is becoming heroin-alley though. The assumption that heroin-ally just happened to spring up because they weren't hard working enough ignores existing material conditions.
  12. The taste of the letters is far more important than that.
  13. There is a spectre haunting automation...
  14. In theory there is infinite money, seeing as money is a construct rather than a universial value. The result of printing a lot would be devaluation, which sucks for those who saved but could be done to make labor cheaper assuming minimum wage didn't increase.
  15. I see you agree that surplus extraction from the proletariat is bad, RED Dog.
  16. Does that somehow involve drones? Only an army of them. Oh yes.
  17. The mods have embraced the immortal science of Marxism-Leninism.
  18. Quite a bit. So much so I think you need a crash course of your own. Here is a place you can read up: https://www.marxists.org/txtindex.htm Here is another: https://theanarchistlibrary.org/special/index It's all free, full of nice pdfs. Please read them before posting.
  19. That's more exciting than the games themselves.
  20. So how are Priest/Paladin restrictions handled? Iirc Priests of Eothas can't become Bleak Walker Paladins but does that mean PoEs(heh) are pushed into Kind Wayfarers for a Paladin multiclass? And how would Pallengia or a hypothetical NPC priest of a god unavliable for players be handled? Thinking of doing a Priest/Bleak Walker for PoE2 and don't want to change gods between PoE and PoE2.
  21. Ciphers can't target themselves with powers, this is in the description of the class I believe.
  22. I could beat Hillary Clinton, that's like taking a nap and masturbating to jav. I know 1 person who couldn't beat Hillary Clinton... :^) Ted Cruz doesn't count.
  23. I could beat Hillary Clinton, that's like taking a nap and masturbating to jav.
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