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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. Suspira (1977) Uncut version Well hot damn, this movie is ****ing gorgeous in it's remastered version. The way the score is used makes me almost panic, the sound of the mix makes it feel very loud relative to the rest of the movie and it's very unsettling, which I mean only positively. I'd go so far as to say the movie is worth watching for the visuals and sound design alone. In terms of da plot, ehhhh it's not the greatest. But the execution is often marvelous. There's one sequence in particular, the third killing, that is absolutely a ****ing masterclass that beats out most other slashers or thrillers. This is a goddamn classic for good reason.
  2. I remember reading that a while ago. It's sad that the series ended because there have been a lot of recent films that would be great to see someone analyze. Anyways....I've been cooking more so now my YouTube algorithm recs are movie/series clips, music, vidya game clips, and recipes with the occasional technical video. Not a bad slice tbh.
  3. I finally got the game to load after trimming out some mods. Haven't played around too much, but I'm satisfied enough with Reanimator and Shadowcaster to finally do my Lich run......after I beat Fire Emblem: Engage. Then I guess I'll slot my final runs for after the last DLC. Right now angling for Angel, Demon, Azata, Aeon > Devil, and Tdickster > Legend. Hopefully the dlc drops sooner than later so I can use the more copious time I have in the winter to play this janky **** (and Tears of the Kingdom) before BG3: Definite Enchanced Special ELEGANTO Edition drops.
  4. You know that terrible sound people make when they're slowly but surely dying? That awful utmost pity inducing wail of the reversal of the life process? That's the sound I hear from all these anti Cowboy Bebop Boo Boo the Fools, clinging to a desperate hope that the tide can somehow be reversed and cannot accept the fact that the world is changing in big ways. Stay tuned for 2071, we're just getting started here
  5. Spy X Family has been on that boat so long I think it's a Berserk reference. It's not all bad though, Frankie has all but disappeared.
  6. Edit: Double post bug, thanks Bill Gates.
  7. I had no idea that remoulade was anything but the creole or cajun sauce so thanks Gorth. Anyways for Thanksgiving I'm going to see my folks and they already bought a 14 pound turkey.....which they expect me to cook. Since I don't want to burn their house down deep frying the ****er I'm gonna do the spatch**** roasted turkey with herb+garlic butter packed under the skin. Hopefully that will keep it moist and punch in some kind of flavor to that bland ass bird. Maybe I'll get to make some man and cheese at least.
  8. Was that when they used a cgi presentation as proof? I honestly don't remember, the level of bull**** to come out of Israeli government accounts and politicians is enough to make Colin Powell's WMD presentation look credible by comparison.
  9. It's that bad. Because of my job I frequently call or take calls from numbers I do not recognize, roughly 2/3rds of them end up being some kind of scams that bypass the "scam likely" filter. It's nearly inescapable and can happen at all hours of the day, a call at 2am claiming to be an emergency is not a great thing to wake up to. I was talking about both, as the biggest clients of Plantir Technologies are governments. It's a distinction not worth a difference whether a government pays a firm to do something or if a government does something directly.
  10. With Plantir Technologies Peter Theil already has access to all of my info and is selling it to the government(s), (other) big businesses, and probably the scammers who bombard me with fake calls/texts. If the US government already has so much on us on file, the least they can do is use it in a way that's beneficial or makes interacting with them less of a headache instead of providing wank material to feds. There's something deeply American about having the awful parts of a cyberpunk dystopia married with the bureaucratic inefficiency and incompetence of a government that can't do anything but send guns halfway across the world.
  11. Inside the takeover of Texas school boards TL;DR: Rich men who want to privatize education are behind it.
  12. They had ground chuck on sale so I've got three pounds of it. Tonight is going to be gringo tacos and tomorrow is a meeting at a ****ty BBQ chain, but I'm feeling like making some meatballs or a ragu later. I haven't made meatballs in a while and ran across a thing for some very good looking ricotta meatballs, so I'm leaning towards that, but if yall know of a must try either way I'd be grateful to check it out.
  13. What is a bean boozie and why is it bad enough yall need $10 to eat one? Asking uhhhh.... purely for scientific purposes.
  14. I'm holding out on my Lich run until the DLC archetypes drop, because Shadowcaster/Reanimator seems like the perfect gestalt for it. I've only done Trickster and Azata as well, both swung wildly at all parts and the last act feels like an afterthought but at least Trickster has useful/funny unique options. Everything I know about the other paths is hearsay, but the general consensus seems to be that 1)Angel, Demon, and Aeon are the best 2)Azata, Trickster, and Lich don't really have much compared to the above 3)The lategame paths have almost no content and barring legend are bottom tier I'm holding out for DLC to finally drop to do more playthroughs, but I have neither the time nor inclination for 10 more runs of the game.
  15. https://www.newyorker.com/news/q-and-a/the-extreme-ambitions-of-west-bank-settlers God damn, this lady is ****ing evil.
  16. I'd have thought Alan Wake 2 would have been bigger. I guess being stuck on Epic cut out the legs. I guess this is more fuel for the eternal PoE sales debates. I think more important to me than how Deadfire did is that Sawyer wants to do a hogwild PoE3. Microsoft, let him cook. This man will make a game where you need to have a PhD in math to understand half of it and an expert knowledge of the occult to understand the other half. It will be glorious.
  17. Eh, the dems are infamous for staking out positions unpopular with their base (opposition to public health care is the best example) and alternating between just kind of going "look at how bad those guys are" or punching left. I think Biden and most of dem leadership will go to their graves defending or downplaying supporting Israel's slaughter of Gaza, no matter the political costs. And I do very much think that this cost them their next big election, when the people who'd normally grudgingly vote for you start calling you "Genocide Joe" that's not good for you. Drop of water in a drought.
  18. As someone who played all three Dragon Ages, ME1-3, and BG3, I can confidently say that BG3 is hands down less focused on the secks. Even with being able to let a mind flayer slip you the tentacle or let Halsin "unleash the bear". You don't have to **** the vampire twink or devil muscle girl for them to have good arcs, meanwhile like half the content for Bioware npcs is locked behind you smashing them and what's left is largely unremarkable. You'll probably not be as happy with Act 3, which goes much heavier into combat and feels much more crowded. Sawyer's thots about BG2 very much apply, you can throw a rock and hit someone involved in some quest or another. That said, overall I'm positive. I wish there was a pause button, a day/night cycle along with time progression, act 3 was bigger simply to feel less cramped, and things I don't remember off hand but will probably come back to. But it's solid and I'm happy enough with the game. It's weird seeing some of my yung co-workers start talking about rpgs and stuff when they've never been interested in them before. This one kid watched a tiktok of Karlach dancing like two months ago and now wants in on a Pathfinder game I run on every other weekend after devouring BG3. I also Lynch-pilled him by getting him to watch Lost Highway, so maybe I'm just a bad influence. Anyways, I think that while DnD is popular in the tabletop world and has made inroads into pop culture, BG3 is the first time in a while I've seen a DnD thing aside from tabletop really punch through. Like that big movie they did with Chris Pine this Spring was good for what it was (a Marvel movie but less ****) but it didn't break even. I had to look at Wikipedia to see other dnd games and I **** you not, NWN2 was probably the last one I can see with any kind of enduring legacy among the types of people who play these games.
  19. As someone who lives in a state where abortion is banned and where travel is now being attempted to be banned, abortion shouldn't be the decision of anyone but the pregnant person and their doctor. Not the local, state, federal government or even the parents if applicable. For the school district I went to, my highschool was also the one with the most pregnant and parent students. So much so they made a daycare and a playground for the kids. Sex education was abstinence only and that absolutely did not work.
  20. Spy X Family ep 30 This show is just "you naughty Anya " for every episode. That's OK I guess. Rickert has returned.
  21. The gameplay of Disco Elysium is just rng dice rolls against checks, barring presentation that's exactly the kind of stuff that goes on with other RPGs that use character skills more than player skills to determine success. It's a RPG, a damn fine one. As an annoying David Lynch fan, I will always crank up Inland Empire. To tie this to the thread topic, I think BG3 is a distant second to Disco Elysium in terms of non-combat gameplay (much of the distance because Act 3, which swerves so much into combat encounters it's almost shocking) and both are the only (recent) games I can think of where failing at checks is entertaining as opposed to just losing. I think pretty much any RPG with the implementation of skills and rng based success would be served well with greater focus on making the dialogue actual gameplay instead of "pass the diplomacy check or fight" like the Owlfinder games or NWN2. Also more talking animals or inanimate objects please.
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