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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. Drugstore Cowboy (1989) An incredible small scale crime drama. It's sleazy and grimy in a way that you'd want the film to be, there are no criminal empires or masterminds, just a small gang of addicts who knock over pharmacies in order to consume and deal drugs. Because of this for me it has more heart and hits closer to home, I've known more than a few people who've gotten addicted to substances; of those more than a few have done less than legal acts to feed their addiction. It also looks and sounds dope.
  2. How naughty But at least you spared us from amv music so I'll approve of it. Also using Walk Like An Egyptian as the ending credits in part 1 of Stardust Crusaders is an incredible power move.
  3. Virtually every AMV is beaten by any JoJo ending credits scene.
  4. Wow, sounds like the devs perfectly captured the reality of the gig economy.
  5. I think weaponized ftl would be pretty cool as a concept, ftl asteroids or drone "suicide" bombers seem very much like something that could be used to bigger effect in scifi. But there's a difference in doing that from the jump and having cool purple hair lady do it out of nowhere with no setup because it does break the internal logic of Star Wars in the same way as having Sailor Alderaan show up and blast the imperial fleet with Alderaan Honeymoon Therapy Kiss. When I think about it, having Laura Dern do a much more conventional suicide bombing would have been a much more cinematic and fulfilling experience, but Disney Star Wars is more about the kewl cgi scenes that look like dog**** strewn together until they've got 2 hours or so. On a side note, it's incredible that in less than a decade Disney has managed to make Star Wars go from being a massive movie behemoth to a much more niche (limited) series thing. I get that covid ****ed production and all that but it's wild to not see Disney even try to **** out a beeg movie every year after The Rise of Skywalker. I'm under no illusions that Star Wars is dead or even can die, but it certainly seems to have receded to the purgatory of Disney+.
  6. I have never played Borderlands and calling Eli Roth a hack would be an insult to hacks.
  7. It's truly mind-boggling that Netflix pulled that ****. Like if you're paying for 2 or more screens at a time why do they care where those screens are? NANI?!?!?!?!?!?
  8. This is beyond a crit to int, this is on the same tier as binging a trash shonen anime until 2am. Anyways..... Goodburger 2 (2023) I think I saw the first one as a kid. I guess I could see how kids would like it, but honestly it was just boring and annoying. Dark Harvest (2023) It's a solid B-movie horror. There's some questionable cgi for the monster but it's a decent enough ride for what it is. Somewhat reminds me of Johnny Guitar (1954) in the sense that it feels more like a dream of the 50s/60s small town midwest US rather than trying to be an accurate depiction of it in the way Johnny Guitar was of Westerns. The soundtrack is also really good.
  9. I got you fam. It's worth noting that that quite a few political prisoners in the US were not politicians at the time of their incarceration and the reduction of "jailing/murdering political opposition" to mean only politicians is really flattening things. Eh, I think that those in power (bizness owners and the gubbermint) were more than happy to gliss it over even if they didn't do it personally. Real talk it's all of us. We're grown men who spend an inordinate amount of time on a niche gaming forum arguing about balance, that's not a sample size of people who are going to be particularly stable.
  10. Those are political. That the unhinged neocons and galaxy brained centrists both think it's good to throw them in jail forever just shows how maintenance of US hegemony is integral to the ruling ideologies of US politics. Epstein had dirt on so many people that if he was killed, and he probably was, that it could have easily not been official government business so to speak. And Trump is less about being an opposition to the current elected leader and more that he ****ed with the process. It is a surprise that he's facing any consequences at all, and I think that had he accepted his election loss that all of his legal trouble (including the stuff not directly related to the whole election bull****) would have not happened. B-b-but he only wanted what's best for his country! Surly ethnic cleansing is a small price to pay ?
  11. When I google it I get a mecha bat that looks like it's from something else.
  12. I think we can all agree that episode 1 was re-released solely to capture the lucrative @majestic hate watch market.
  13. Condolences Raithe. My dad's recent lung checkup did not go great. The tl;dr of the situation is that he didn't take off enough time to heal and his lungs aren't recovering, may be even worse. He got yelled at by his doctor that he'd get put on a ventilator if he got worse, which hopefully scares him enough to sit his ass down for a month.
  14. Huh. I can certainly see why and don't think that he deserves defending, but it seems like a cop out to erase him. Like they'd rather pretend they didn't hang out with him, and some could say enabled him, for years instead of owning up to it. Anyways if you're looking for reciepes Not Another Cooking Show on YouTube has good Italian(-American) stuff that hits pretty well. The authentic Italian guys, besides the pizza dude, are just off-putting to me in various ways that makes them hard to watch even if their recipes are solid. Let out a wet leopard growl and count yourself lucky. David Lynch begs to differ ..... I think Chappelle's head is too far up his own ass to be really funny, he's bought into his own hype as a genius dropping profound wisdom that he just can't really pull off the self-depreciation needed to laugh at himself. So he builds his specials around trying to be this guru who will enlighten you with whatever weird hill a 50+ millionaire wants to die on and that's just boring as ****. The funniest thing he's done in years was bringing Elon Musk onstage to get booed by 10000 people and that was completely unintentional on his part. I enjoyed some stuff from Gianmarco Soresi recently.
  15. Chilli and Cornbread. I tried to post pics but they're too big and I'm too lazy to do anything. So just imagine a dutch oven full of dark red sauce with chunks of beef and a crispy golden disc about a foot in diameter. Probably the best thing I've eaten in a long time.
  16. I'm struggling to articulate this but I think it also says something that Villeneuve hasn't written any of his films that aren't adaptations since before he broke into Hollywood from French Canadian cinema. To boot the last three films he's done are big budget scifi adaptations/sequels which.....I don't have a problem with per se but I can't help but feel that Villeneuve is more of a translator than an author, best I can describe it as is that he's there to put someone else's ideas into film rather than any of his own. To combine all the words we've been throwing around, I feel "procedural" fits here. Everything that is done is done to further the plot and the edges (like rooms that feel lived in) are ignores which results in movies that are too Villeneuve. The costume Judas wore for the last song legit cracked me up for a minute.
  17. Jesus Christ Superstar (1973) - "Twink Jesus" is never a thing that would have entered my brain before but here we are. I liked the choice of starting and ending with the cast and crew getting off/on a bus instead of just starting with a musical number. That was a power move in establishing this as a performance within the film itself, a bit of fourth wall breaking I wish we'd see more in films. Other than that it's an extremely 70s musical that cast mostly performers who did stage work. Tolerance for musicals generally is probably going to be the biggest factor in enjoying this film or not. Yeah, you could say the exact thing about the new Dune Part One. I think Lynch's Dune is a trainwreck, but it works much better as a film than Villeneuve's Dune Part One, which like feels a very bland and emotionless 2.5 hour trailer for Dune Part Two. There's just something about much of what I've seen of Villeneuve (which hasn't been too much tbh, so maybe more of his stuff previous to big budget scifi was better) that feels just too mechanical. The man has technical talent but it's like he doesn't have anything interesting to say and doesn't think beyond the script, so his films all feel very literal with the world beyond the (main) characters not really existing.
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