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Everything posted by melkathi

  1. I don't know. He has a car and gas money. And if he runs out of the later, he knows where to borrow a horse.
  2. OK, reread some posts and answered my own question.
  3. I'd say say hi from us. But maybe you don't want to bring up your weird online support group
  4. There was a dlc that added lunar low gravity environments and a sandbox campaign without the "bad guys killed your father" story
  5. Some burger places have them for their fries, yeah. Full disclosure, since I figured I'd need to eat way too many burgers to get more forks, I went to a store that sells the forks wholesale. Now I have a thousand wooden forks... I think it is part of an EU eco thing. IKEA now does wooden spoons for deserts at their in-store restaurant. McDonalds has paper drinking straws in their drinks. Though the best was going to a restaurant in Germany a couple of years ago and getting thick pasta (bucatini or something like that I guess?) instead of straws.
  6. I have been recycling wooden forks from fast food joints. Turning them into cute cats. Made four so far And just finished framing one of them with a quick sketch of the Acropolis as a background. Now I need to do a few more sketches for the others, then get started on the cats friends commissioned. It is funny. All I wanted to do was not throw so much stuff away; feel less guilty about all the garbage. And now people are asking if I can paint cats for them as well. A friend even asked if I am considering doing this for money...
  7. Finished Ticket To Earth. It was fun enough as a match 3 turn based light rpg. The writing wasn't all that great though. Started Deity Quest again. Decided to name my followers based on forum people here. Then Marelooke died pretty much right out of the tutorial and I felt bad, so started over and not naming followers based on you lot.
  8. And then people wonder why nice guys feel entitled to a date for being nice guys
  9. People ask me if I sleep late. I wake up at 7:30 in Skyrim, so I am up before the kids wake up at 8:00...
  10. Now I picture gamers ragequiting the game and the devs making a video that goes out to all the gamers' mamas' mamas where they apologize a trillion times for making gamers cry.
  11. Before I went to the supermarket, I noticed Hurly got his first kill in Encased. I come back from the supermarket and the Encased devs brought out a HotFix. If the two are related, then wow, they are really fast.
  12. At least you own Titan Quest 4. Nobody else does.
  13. Titan Quest Anniversary Edition and Jagged Alliance 1 Gold Edition free on Steam for a week.
  14. New Warhamster Total War trailer https://youtu.be/033FWxL22A0
  15. The game UI is a esoteric way to look at the world
  16. There always has been propaganda. Hell, Uncle Scrooge trains children to believe that rich people are rich because they deserve to be, not because they got lucky and were born into a rich family, and that a rich person will when it comes down to it do the right thing. In the end a child might even be predisposed to believe in trickle down economics
  17. I somehow missed these. They are VR, so it doesn't matter
  18. Ech, all them U-tubers farm views by crying about how wimin, and wokeness and whatever are ruining gaming. It's the thing to do as a tuber these days. Even if they have no clue what they are talking about or what online culture they in turn are contributing to. Trailers and preview videos can be awesome and the game can still end up an Evil Genius 2. Trailers and stuff can be utter garbage and you can still get a Saints Row 3. And right now we aren't even that far with the kotor remake. Some twit making a video out of reading twitter in the end is just that, a twit reading twitter.
  19. I replayed Kotor. Never replayed Kotor2. I found it to be trying too hard to be profound.
  20. And the party reactions to the plot twist were fun. The writers threw it at you as the super important revelation that defines the whole game, and the majority of npcs in your party had the exact opposite reaction, so it prevented the scene from becoming cringy like so many super hero stories "Oh, wow the bad guy is your step brother who hates you because you got more attention blah blah". It was one of those games where the writers weren't trying too hard to be super serious writers and just ran with it. I think it is what makes it Bioware's best game.
  21. You could always play Majesty or Mordheim or Troubleshooter until you are better
  22. My two big issues with Skyrim now are: 1) who to marry, since I'd like the children to have two parents and not be left so much time with housecarl nannies. 2) how to split my holdings between them fairly. The house in Solitude is probably the most important property, being as it is in Solitude, near the Blue Palace and next door to the emperor's cousin. Windhelm has symbolic value and is also a port and the link to Solstheim and the manor there. Whiterun is strategically placed. Riften is a port. Markarth has the mines. Then there are the three homesteads which should grow into villages by the time the girls inherit them... Doh client showed up. Have to interrupt the important musings for work.
  23. They'll do a Linux exclusive to spite everyone except you
  24. Yeah, monitoring your vital signs has become a full time occupation ever since you mentioned I may have to take care of your kids if something were to happen to you.
  25. In the very random gaming news section: @Hurlsnot died at least 3 times already playing Encased.
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