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Everything posted by melkathi

  1. While children in Skyrim have unique backstories, once they are adopted they become generic girls boys. A bit of a missed opportunity. The gender difference is in a few chat lines how they feel about different homes. Girls get scared of the swamp, boys feel cold in the snow. Girls think places are so beautiful. If asked what a present they would like, girls want a dress or a doll, boys a wooden sword or sweets. Both will be happy with any of the gifts though. It is funny how RNG then creates personality just by being RNG. Sofia has never practiced sword fighting. Lucia practices daily. As a matter of fact, sword fighting has become her main thing. Sofia is the one who sometimes practices music And she does more chores around the house, while her sister apparently doesn't have time because she needs to practice sword fighting. And while I am busy decorating the new house I am building: I may have to rethink the decorations, because someone seems very interested in Meridia's sword Dawnbreaker... Which kinda reminds me Sofia is "sweeping" the basement suspiciously close to where the Enchanting and Alchemy tables are...
  2. The IP turned 30 this month incidentally. The 1st edition of the pen and paper RPG was published July 1991.
  3. You'd give it a look though as a Multiplayer game, not because of the ip
  4. Some people here loved it. I got bored pretty fast.
  5. This is the VtM game I will not be playing: https://youtu.be/0sMTC7uGU08
  6. Darkspore had the servers taken down by EA. Any game from the Squeenix Store before Squeenix decided to sell on steam... Didn't something happen with Gaming for Windows Live at some point as well? And when looking at offline DRM, any game with SecuRom.
  7. Controller is only better in one instance of Overlord 2, where you have to run your spider minions in circles along the walls of a tower or something like that. There the stick controls are better.
  8. As long as it isn't the Vampire the Masquerade Battle Royal PvP Shooter that is desperately trying to convince people that whoever says VtM is not a PvP Shooter setting does not know the Vampire setting...
  9. Not only justified, anyone who believes conspiracy theories that you could lose access to games with DRM should take off their tinfoil hat. Who has ever heard of anyone being unable to play a game because the DRM no longer works? I can guarantee you have never met such a person if you are honest
  10. Sometimes RNG makes for the best moments. I just finished the long dungeon to get the Wolf Queen Potema's remains, to have them sanctified and prevent her resurrection. I travel back to Windhelm. When I get there it is getting dark and everyone is just locking up. So I go into the house, Lydia is standing around but the children aren't there. I look at Lydia a bit crossly, because it is getting dark and the girls should be home by now... Door opens, the children come in. Sofia see me, runs up and goes "I got you a present! Hope you like it!" It's a book titled "The Wolf Queen" describing the history of Potema. Knowing Bethesda, if they had tried to script that, it would have bugged and the event wouldn't have triggered. The child would probably have fallen through a hole in the geometry trying to reach me. But RNG triggered the right event with the right random gift.
  11. So apparently the backstory for Lucia, the orphan girl in Whiterun, is that her parents died and her aunt and uncle took over the farm and kicked her out. She got to Whiterun, where nobody cared except for the drunk redguard beggar who thought her the basics of begging. a) bastards in Whiterun pretending they are good and proper neighbours. b) bastard Companions who pretend they are about honour and protecting the innocent. c) Where is that farm? I want a word with aunty and uncle. I have two empty petty soul gems to help me check if they even have souls.
  12. The children used their allowance to buy me some green robes. Guess I am wearing green from now on when at home. Once I am good at enchanting, I'll have to enchant them with some out of combat skill boost - Alchemy or something like that.
  13. Well, guess who is adding Spell Tomes to the bookshelf
  14. You could tell a Bethesda game by the bugs... I fast travel to the middle of nowhere. As I load, the game also loads a dragon nearby who flies in to attack me. I dismount and run a short distance from the horse, as I don't want it hit by the breath weapon. Dragon lands. Dragon takes falling damage from landing. Dragon dies.
  15. We regularly play catch and hide & seek with the kids. They cheat at hide & seek - that is not counting to 10 They ask for an allowance occasionally. Sometimes they gather flowers for me. I got them dolls, so sometimes they play with those (Sofia more frequently than Lucia). Sometimes they read (Lucia more often than Sofia) one of the books from the bookshelf. I got them wooden swords, so they do some sword training at their training dummy. Once they got into a huge fight and I had to step in and tell them to cut it out. "Both of you." Sometimes they try to stay up past their bed time. Then we argue about whether they really need to go to bed right now even though they are not tired... Since we live in Whiterun, they complain about Braith being mean to Lars and them. These things may have been added with Hearthfire or what the DLC is called.
  16. Digital parenting done right: If I forbid her to listen, as a teenager she'll definitely join some cult... (parenting is hard) "No, Mister Justiciar, I do not believe in Talos. Bye, bye!" ... what the children will end up believing in on the other hand... Can't take the risk. "Sorry, get back here."
  17. Me: "You are putting on a show just to welcome me to your city? You shouldn't have!" Local: "Its not a show. Its a beheading..." Me: "Dibs on looting the corpse!"
  18. So Skyrim goes into the list of games that I could never get into until something suddenly clicked and allowed me to have fun my way. Here it was messing around with my avatar until I could have a goofy grin that makes all serious situations silly by my presence. Since then I found you can adopt children, which first few times I had tried playing the game I never got to. So now I gather skill books around the world and add them to the bookshelf in my house, then stand proudly in a corner when one of the kids grabs a book to read. They'll be the most skilled children out there by the time I am done with the game. I am considering assassinating the Talos preacher. I saw Sofia go sit on the bench where he preaches and listen to his preaching. He can believe whatever he wants and preach what he wants. But not to my daughter. Next thing you know, Thalmor justiciars will be knocking on our door and high elf blood is a pain to get out of the carpet.
  19. 6th August? Respect your elders young 'un. I'm three days ahead of you.
  20. Happy 20th day since your birthday!
  21. Lydia getting drunk after realizing the only action she'll see as the Dragonborn's housecarl is babysitting
  22. Squenix? Last time they removed old versions of games we got a 20% discount coupon... (not compatible with sales naturally)
  23. Yeah, I thought that may affect the purchase decision. It's why I didn't get it.
  24. Inquisitor apparently is very repetitive. It also is always online. You have to connect to neocore's server even if you always play single player. But neocore doesn't see an issue with that. No offline single player is a design choice they believe makes inquisitor a better product.
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