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Everything posted by melkathi

  1. I think seeing bad things happen to toys is upsetting because they imply bad things having happened to a child without telling you what. So your imagination goes into overdrive.
  2. I went to the airport yesterday. While the taxi was driving down the motorway, suddenly the hood flipped up and smashed against the windshield. --------- I was in a plane yesterday. As we were landing the pilot suddenly pulled the plane up sharply. We heard him breathe sharply into the mic. After a moment a flight attendant came on and said: "Dear passengers, we had to abort the landing. An explanation will follow shortly." The pilot came on: "Dear passengers, a plane taxied onto our runway so we had to abort the landing. We'll make a U-turn and try again..." Exasperated breathing. ------- I took the subway yesterday. Nothing exciting happened. I like the subway.
  3. Checked out Necromunda again to see if a year worth of AI patches fixed the game. It didn't.
  4. That is some unfortunate clipping though
  5. Because you can pretend it stands for Dungeons and Dragons?
  6. Was looking for something to play and ended up reinstalling Hinterland. Currently playing as a Goblin Thief, Snotnose. It was a bit of a rough start, but now I have a full adventuring party and a fletcher, armorer, and weaponsmith to kit us out. I'll slowly have to work on clearing out the graveyard, just in case the King requests access to Souls. If those even show up as a resource request.
  7. I do not have one of those. I only have a collection of Chuck Tingle ebooks from Humble Bundle. After Amazon decided I am into bizzaro fiction, I thought I'd have a look what Amazon thinks I read. I never managed to read through any.
  8. I think the world would be a better place if those writers would write that.
  9. Sound like me talking about dinosaur erotica.
  10. Wait for the furry remake Ratbow Six.
  11. Meanwhile, somewhere in WI, a certain veterinarian reads a card that says in meticulous cursive script: "All my base are belong to you."
  12. Do we add fanart here? While in my fork phase, I did some Alley Cat fanart. I really need to replay that game now.
  13. Very thematically, in Starship Troopers, I lost half my army trying to clear out some bug nests and getting swarmed. I had reinforcements drop at a nearby outpost to replace the lost units, but the bugs overran the outpost before the dropships landed, so when they did and the soldiers disembarked, they found themselves right in the middle of the bug swarm. Two of them managed to lob some grenades and take at least some bugs with them. Because they had stirred that nest though, a larger swarm had been riled up and attacked my base, costing me half my HMG turrets...
  14. I played the first mission of the Starship Troopers RTS Demo. First impression is that it's better than Dawn of War 3. Though that isn't too hard. It is a bit stressful in that you have to position your units correctly. The game has line of fire, so you can't shoot through friendly units. You can't therefor just run around with Attack-moves as a murder ball.
  15. Apparently Starship troopers - Terran Command now has a steam demo.
  16. Trying to do the test but if has this question: Which is most important to you: Happiness Morals Power Doing the right thing Doing the right thing is Morals.
  17. Yes, it is an absolute coincidence. We did not cyberstalk you and google all horse-doctors in Wisconsin. Or those who used to work in Wisconsin but then moved to Illinois.
  18. So now we talk cheese while waiting for GD to return from Wisconsin.
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