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Everything posted by melkathi

  1. Wait, wait, wait. Escort missions that don't suck? That's practically unheard of. Are you sure you're feeling alright? I take it you haven't played Frozen Synapse then, Key?
  2. I love Deathspank. But it is all about the humour. If that isn't your thing, then the games are tottally skipworthy.
  3. Chris Roberts gave a shout out to Torment in the latest newsletter for Star Citizen: http://www.robertsspaceindustries.com/torment-tides-of-numenera/ (in which he also in passing mentions Obsidian )
  4. Dead State is now doing pre-orders. http://www.deadstate.doublebearproductions.com/purchase/
  5. Frozen Endzone, the tactical sports game thingie by the makers of Frozen Synapse is now on Steam Greenlight. Really looking forward to that. http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=130862114
  6. Not that I was going to back in the first place, but: "ยท Kickstarter campaign and rewards fulfillment limited to U.S. and Canada. " Meh.
  7. I have the Roslin & Adama theme as mine...
  8. The SR2 fans seem to say that SR3 is a terrible game that completly ruined the series I think part of the reason I wouldn't be able to get into Sleeping Dogs is that I had spend som much time in SR3 (which is the first game of this type to draw me in since Vice City). If you ever need a coop partner, you can find me under the same nickname on steam. Especially when Saints Row 4 comes out soon. And it does come better than that. Wait 'till you do ensurance fraud challenges: launching yourself in front of cars, so you can get run over and tossed around to claim insurance.
  9. "You are not getting MY gold!" Though a classic is always: "I am meeeeelting" My favourids were cultists of Fervus because of the 4th wall breaking comments. Star appears over a cultist as he levels up "Oooh! Pretty star!" You place a reward flag "What a pretty flag." And "Pretty bright light dead..." when they, being pixels, die.
  10. If our kingdom is to prosper, we need more Heroes! Your Majesty! Our trading post now offers healing potions! Ooooh! Pretty star!
  11. Mostly playing King of Dragon Pass. I founded a tribe together with a large part of my neighbours, then supported one of them for leadership of the tribe. Now I am trying to do PR work with other clans and build up my clan's wealth so that the next time a king is elected it will be me.
  12. That's a game? Oh! I get it! You were answering a question, not saying what game you are playing
  13. Hehe, yeah. When I tell friends that "Woohooo! I got paid royalties!" they do seem to expect me to be rolling in cash. Then they ask how much and I get to say "Since summer 2009? 209 euros"
  14. So at least you are done with the windows. Or are you trying to scrub the sun out of them ?
  15. Agreed. I also was disappointed that there were no choices in the campaign. I do not mind if the choices in Wings of Liberty result in a canon choice and one that didn't happen come the expansion. I still had fun with those choices. Heart of the Swarm I just watcha story that isn't very good, knowing that it had been more engaging before.
  16. Drawing is like training for a marathon, you should start by building resistance and drawing a little more each day. Doesn't matter what, but eventually you will get a lot of practice, you will be able to get through the basic steps faster and draw for longer periods of time. If you having trouble getting yourself on the right mindset because there are other things you want to do then remove those temptations and give yourself no other choice but to draw. Thanks for the advice. I'm an architect - drawing is part of the job description (especially as when I was a student, we didn't have fancy ArchiCads and stuff. We still learned to draw by hand ). But I have been slacking, so I am going through the various motions of forcing myself to ge back in the game.
  17. Finally forced myself to start a deviantART page. Now hoping it will force me to draw more.
  18. And in that they differ from the male npcs how exactly?
  19. They take other species' genetic material? Sounds almost like the Genestealers Tyranids got fleshed out and their evolution and gene gathering got further looked at over the years. 1993 in particular saw a lot of Tyranid love with Tyranid Attack for Advanced Space Crusade and the novel Space Marine by Ian Watson. They showed very clearly how Tyranids take genetic material to evolve the swarm. Of course after the popularity of Starcraft, GW had grounds to rethink the appearance of the Hive Fleets. (especially as the 'nids of the early 90s looked a bit silly) That SC2 is moving closer to 40k is only natural: Andy Chambers wrote most Tyranid stuff for 40k and now is the Creative Director for SC2.
  20. Well, 4 was just going to be an expansion for 3. Enter the Dominatrix. Then apparently the content became enough to justify turning it into a stand alone title and push its release back nearly a year. We'll see. I guess from a tech point of view we wont see any advances. But possibly they'll improve on the world.
  21. My guess would be that GW wasn't so trigger happy back then. It was only after StarCraft that they realized just how much money others were raking in with basically their ideas.
  22. Dead State first combat alpha video:
  23. It's also about teasing RC, the fan turned forum moderator / community person. Awesome guy
  24. Well, hope you do give the game another chance. It is a very itneresting experience once you get past its failings.
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