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Everything posted by melkathi

  1. As a citizen of the state in which something is rotten, I was certain you would know
  2. [Curtains open: Enter Hurlshot stage right] Hurlshot: Alas, Mike! I know him well, Bruce: a fellow of infinite jest, of most excellent fancy: he hath thumped me over the head a thousand times with a hockey stick
  3. *waits patiently for Hurlshot to bring undisputable proof that he does in fact know Mike*
  4. Yeah might as well wait through the paradox weekend and see how prices are going.
  5. I have heard this said before. I can't remember that battle though. At all. So for me it must have been easy with Katarina kitted out.
  6. Rajani is probably the worst part of the game. I think she is part of the reason why I didn't get far on my second playthrough.
  7. Your patience paid off: TW2 70% off today.
  8. When I turned 30 I realized that when I was 22 I really liked this girl who was dating a 30 year old guy. At the time I had been wondering how I could copete with a 30 year old. At 30 I realized that the only difference was that I no longer had any illusions about being 30 being anything special...
  9. Nope Project Eternity hasn't released yet and thus has not yet been able to show me how it is truly unique or at least preferable over countless existing settings. Besides that, I haven't been able to get a proper gaming group togethe rin yeas so even if it turns out to be awesomesauce, I wouldn't be able to play anyway.
  10. I havent played the original, But just read the article on kotaku about Tales of Xillia 2 and at least the story of the second game seems interesting.
  11. Good luck. If I see you on Steam before that, I'll shout at you to go study
  12. Endgame stuff is not the problem. The problem this game does have for people playing together is that certai instanced missions in the main story are locked to just the player and auto-disband the team. So you happily play as a group, driving around (some later vehicles even are designed for more than one player), shooting stuff ~pew pew, then you reach the bunker and entering it disbands the team. Then both players have to solo the instance and team up after completing it. Don't know if its a bug or some idiotic design decission. It's annoying either way and something to consider before purchase, I guess.
  13. At least you didn't comment on my typo. What the hell does "ridiculopus" mean ?
  14. That's not fun I tried playing it on PC, but controls were akward and the screen was flickering. Witha huge backlog of games to play, I just couldn't put the effort in to try and make it playable.
  15. I'd like to, but I just don't have the time for another MMO. Hmm "another MMO" ? A lof of people on the Defiance forum would ask you since when Defiance counts as an MMO I think I'll try to make an attempt at an objective write up. So here goes: DEFIANCE as seen by an internet teddy bear: Gameplay: Defiance is a 3rd person shooter. In that, many compare it to games such as Borderlands. The player character has been fitted with an EGO implant, the nanotec AI that allows for the use of special abilities (and constitutes the attempt to explain tutorials and other system messages with in-game lore). Gaining experience and leveling up reflects not a change in the character, but the ability to use the capabilities of the EGO implant. Thus levels are called EGO Rating, with a current maximum of 5000. Reaching higher ratings unlocks EGO upgrade points which can be used to unlock and upgrade EGO abilities and perks. There are four abilities to choose from: Cloack, Overcharge (a damage boost), Blurr (a speed and melee boost) and Decoy. Eventually a player can unlock all four and each has five ranks, making them more powerful and xtending their duration. Perks are passive abilities with three ranks each. They provide improvements such as increased reload speed, reduced damage when shot in the back, increased criticals when crouching etc. Based on their EGO rating a player can have between 1 to 10 (I think) perks equiped at one time. The loadout screen is where things are equiped. Ina given loadout a player can have two weapons, one grenade, one shield, one vehicle, one power and a number of perks (as mentioned based on the EGO). With a higher rating up to five different loadout tabs unlock, making it fairly easy to swap from one combination to another on the fly. Weapons can also be upgraded, through four upgrade slots.On top of that some weapons can unlock "synergy" bonuses by adding specific mods of a set. As weapons are used, they gain experience (or the player gets experience using the weapon). Each weapon can be lveled up once, unlocking another ability on it (+ reload speed, accuracy etc). As players gain experience with weapons, their own weapon skills improve with the specific type of weapon. Player skill with weapons reaches a max of 20, giving things like 3% rate of fire etc at level up. Exp for the skill can only be gained though if the specific weapon itself hasn't been leveled up yet. As a result players will dicard a leveled up assault rifle for example for a fresh assault rifle to continue leveling the weapon skill. Missions and stuff: A main story arc will take the player through the whole gameworld. As the story pogresses, smaller side missions unlock as well. It has been mentioned by players that they have raced through the main story in a short time reachign an EGO rating of around 400. I, playing casual and doing a lot of stuff on the side, took far longer: about a month and EGO rating around 1700+ Some missions take place in instanced areas, but many are in the open world, allowing for encounters with other players ont he same mission. Progress ina mission area counts for everyone currently in that area - so if you need to rescue five miners, it doesn't matter if you are the one who interacts with them or some random other person. Events happening at specific locations will continue to be plyable after the mission is completed - a farm attacked by raiders during a mission will get attacked by raiders again the next time you go there, even though you have completed the mission. Still, specific locations will stay altered based on player actions. Thus a roadblock may not eist for a player further along the story while exisiting for others. Beside missions there are Challenges. Hotshot Challenges equip the player with a specific weapon and have them kill waves of enemies until they run out of bullets and/or the time is up. Time Trials are racing challenges, where players try to drive a course in set time. Emergenices I find more interesting. They are similar to Open Missions or Public Quests in other MMOs. The can happen in numerous locations throughout the gameworld and are part of what makes the world come alive. At one location Echelon mercenaries may be fighting hellbugs, at another raiders may be kidnapping people. Most locations that spawn emergencies will spawn a random one from a pool appropriate to the area. Contracts unlock after a certain EGO rating. They are the daily and weekly missions of the game. Defeat 15 raider blasters at farms. Defeat 40 skitterlings in Marin. Complete the Explosives 101 Co-Op instance. Things like that. Multiplayer: PvE: Open World: Arkfalls are the main thing that can gather a crowd. There are two types of Arkfalls, major and minor. They happen based on a random timer throughout the gameworld. Minor arkfalls have some arkdebris drop from the sky and players and npcs fight over who gets the salavege. Major arkfalls have many minor arkfalls happen simultaneously and, once all those are won, a final boss fight begins. While some tactics may be required, nothing is so complicated as not allowing a bunch of random strangers to complete it. Especially as EGO will happily comment on what you need to do ("Shoot the glands underneath the Hellion's arms!" or "That skitterling's bite opened a weak spot on the crystal!"). Two weeks ago Sieges were added and while they have been temporarily removed again, new sieges should be added in July. During a siege players defend specific locations from hordes of enemies. Instanced group content: There are a number of Co-op maps (I think 6 at the moment). As most parts of Defiance, they are not too difficult and can be completed with a random group, though certain bonus objectives (such as defeating a specific boss in under 3 minutes) may require a pre-made team that can cooperate properly. PvP: PvP is not exactly balanced. A fully modded synergy weapon can far outclass some random rare weapon. The bonuses, even small, that a player gets from their weapon skills add up and so do the not so minor bonuses from perks. Add to that that certain weapons are just overpowered to begin with and exploiters exist and PvP can quickly turn into an exercise in frustration. It's current state is one which has me saying that anyone who would be interested in the game primarily for PvP should consider steering clear of Defiance. There are two types of PvP: battlegrounds and shadow war. Battlegrounds are the usual death matches and capture and hold scenarios (for now), while shadow wars spawn capture objectives in the actual game world and have large teams of players compete for them. As they require many players to queue for them, Shadow Wars are fairly rare. Travel: Players very quickly earn their first vehicle, allowing them to speed across the game world. Fast Travel to specific locations is also free of charge, meaning players can be anywhere quite quickly without having to waste too much time just getting from point A to point B. Bottom Line: Without anything to truly require deep strategy with long planning, ventrilo/teampseak and specifc builds, while also allowing players to move fairly quickly, this is basically a casual game. It is properly based played in short sessions for relaxation. log in, doa mission or challenge. Do a couple of contracts. While doing those notice an Arkfall happening nearby and head there like everyone else. While moving from one objective to another do the odd emergency on your way. People who may like this game: Anyone who likes to just fool around in a third person shooter. People with e helper syndrom like myself, who when they see a farmer being attacked by raiders just have to run over and save him. People who like to play in large groups without having to stress over doing everything right. People who this game just isn't made for: Anyone looking for a truly challenging experience. Anyone who enjoys MMOs for raids and similar organised "end-game" experience. PvPers who enjoy balanced, skill based fights. Lady Crimson - this game doesn't have feline pets. That's all I could think of for now. Edit: oh and yeah. I bought it 30% off
  16. Hehe. That looks familiar. I have been known to do that too: http://cloud-2.steampowered.com/ugc/542926462784235366/62E9E0CF2804A770B4F6D054DC86FAB3A14CE4E5/ hmm link acting strange... trying again: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=66753242
  17. Demon Stone and Dragon Shard are garbage, but that's still a great deal. Well, I thought it was telling enough that for all the others there are acronyms and for those two there aren't
  18. I found Darksiders to be stupid. Simple as that. The over the top muscle bound dude witha big sword running around trying extra hard to be cool. I felt as if I was in a ManOWar song, while no longer being a teenager and thus fully capable of realising how embarassingly ridiculopus everything is. I think I lasted 20 minutes before I uninstalled. Bioshock is very atmospheric. Though I think the best part of the game is the first minute, before you have any weapons, while you are still completly scared. After that... eh... I love Andrew Ryan's welcome speech.
  19. Does anyone collect Steam Collectible Trading Cards? I got a spare Wolfgang (Don't Starve) and Royal Summons (Faery Solitaire) to trade
  20. Not just Torchlight Free. Also: Definitive Dungeons & Dragons 80% off: PST + BG 1-2 + IWD 1-2 + NWN 1-2 + ToEE + Demonstone and Dragonshard (from 105.90 euros to 21.10 euros) Wide A. Wake Bundle 90% off Alan Wake and Alan Wake's American Nightmare Among other sales: TW2 50% off And other 500 games on sale as well
  21. Playing a bit of Defiance again. This week's mini-episodic-content foreshadows stuff for the next episode of the TV show, so I'm happy (btw, if anyone ever considers for some reason to try the game, gimme a chance to refer you as a friend )
  22. I finished it a couple of days before the patch went out. And my bugs fixed themselves as well... Taking a break before the second playthrough.
  23. I'll just throw a wiki-link at you since it can explain better than I: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kemalism
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