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Everything posted by melkathi

  1. Trying to enter the Larian Vault now that backers can (theoretically) manage their pledge. Must be a lot of traffic, because I'm going nowhere
  2. I agree with Drowsy. After all, if we wanted to kill real creatures for XP, we'd stay in the tutorial basement and kill rats!
  3. Why are you taking Leisure Suit Larry Reloaded to court? It is innocent.
  4. Me. Dark Sun is one of the most boring and dull setting like...ever. I thought that was Greyhawk... or Forgotten Realms... or was it Mystara... or any other generic fantasy setting.
  5. Not a lot. With the thumb on the inside it moves slightly to the outside. But right now I am still suffering from overexertion at the gym so moving anything is a chore.
  6. I didnt get past the starting island in Two Worlds 2. I just couldn't bear staring at the main character any longer. Something felt off about him.
  7. It helped that it was one of the more interesting campaign settings. It actually gave writers somethign to work with.
  8. The only problem with loot I am having, is that as a Seraphim there is too much variety in looks between different pieces, so that sometimes I look as if my character dressed in the dark while stumbling through dimensional gates.
  9. At least with Sacred you remember the name of the game Not sure what that says about Kingdoms of Amalur Seriously though, the story of Sacred and Sacred 2 is so weak, there is nothing to feel invested in.
  10. Sacred 2 Gold runs fine. There are the odd broken side quests. But with so many of them, it hardly matters. I played a bit today. My seraphim is lvl 33 and I am thinking of finally going and finishing this act I am in (I think act 6).
  11. I think with NKKK's posts you need a disclaimer for the times when he isn't
  12. Aussie government should spend less time protecting their people from games and more time implementing anti-dropbear measures. Dropbear attacks are steadily rising, if they don't do something fast, there'll be a full blown dropbear apocalypse. Or so I hear
  13. And the goblins were priceless with their battlecry of "Schnell, hackt ihm den Kopf ab, ich brauch einen neuen Aschenbecher!" which translates to "Quick, cut off his head, I need a new ashtray!" (goblins would speak german even in the english version)
  14. Sacred 1 had loads of good ideas and hardly any of them worked. With Sacred 2 they tried to fix that and create a game that had options that were meaningfull and weren't just there to give the impression of choice and a chance for players to waste skill points. I can't remember the level of my Vampiress... hundretsomething I think. The theoretically big thing of changing shape based on daytime was made mood though, since she had such a high life drain on each hit, that she could stay in her vampire form, even during the day without any side-effect, as long as there were enemies to fight. Probably the only character to whom not fighting was potentially the deadliest thing in the game. Sacred 2 was far from a Diablo clone. No more than Sacred 1 anyway. What it was, was an attempt to take the ideas of the original Sacred and remould them into something that works.
  15. Your honour, I am innocent! All I wanted to do was have something interesting to post in the "What you did today" thread!
  16. That's my train of thought. Though it hasn't been healthy for my sex life. Maybe I should just change my taste in wimin though Still, you sound a bit like Yoda. Drunken escaped and regrets, to the dark side lead they.
  17. Yeah. My cat would probably say "Franchise? Who needs a franchise? We have a couch in the living room, chilling out on that is far more awesome than any franchise."
  18. Sacred 2 changed quite a few things from the original game. And while I loved the original, I found myself suprisingly fine with all the changes. The story is pretty forgetable, but that is also partly because the game world is so vast, you forget there is a story at all.
  19. Guess better a green shirt than a red shirt?
  20. Working on concept sketches for teddy bear pirates.
  21. I try to pretend that it's the Math Gran Prix that drives the price up in that bundle
  22. Some of the character quotes in that game are priceless as well. "And all that without using Linux" being a great one form the Temple Guardian. Though the best must be the seraphim pondering about deleting her inventory if you are afk for too long..
  23. Went to the gym. Decided to try out their 30 minute power abs group thingie. Was a bit strange being the only man among eight or so rather young women I do wonder though how showing up at the gym in a tennis skirt seemed like a good idea to one of them.
  24. Eehh, some of the things I saw do seem like glitches: The same siege event triggering 4 times in a row if on a loop. Read: I press the ok button at the bottom and the event pops right back up again and again. As no time passed at all between them, it seems like a glitch/bug and not just character skill and a dose of bad luck. A child gets events growing up to determine its traits. These are random. Fine so far. But when an event triggers and closing it imediatly triggers the opposit event, that looks like a glitch where the game had determined that an event of category X would appear, but glitched on determining which one. It has nothing to do with not understanding. Not understanding comes into effect with my extreme dislike of how diplomacy and war work out: The kingdom I am in is at war with the neighbouring kingdom over who should own one of their provinces. We are at war with them over their land, but I cannot invade, because I personally have no Casus Beli and no claim. To assist my King/Queen further than the odd levy they raised, seems impossible. Helping people seems to not affect anything. For example 3/4 of Scottland are in open revolt. It seems to me like a classic gambit: join the rebellion and be one of many, sit it out, or be the one person who stays loyal and, should the king win, be his most trusted vassal. Right? I couldn't figure out how to join the rebellion, as the faction disbands upon presenting their ultimatum and there seemed to be no option to say "Hai guyz? Can I haz rebeljoon?" Sitting out wasn't really an option since they'd probably decide to attack me anyway. So I muster my levies, hire some mercenaries and kick them pretty much all the way to Norway. Having martial and intrigue both over 30, being specialized on difficult terrain and a leader of infantry on top of being the most technologically advanced in military matters in the kingdom - all that helped of course. You'd think that my dynasty, being the loyal subjects who beat back the rebellion and kept the king in power would be rewarded. My reward? The king created a new dutchy, gave it to his son and transfered me form crown vassal to vassal of the new duke. As a result I was out of kingdom politics, could no longer see factions in the kingdom, but had to mess around with politics within the duchy. Then the king started a plot to assassinate me. From my 10 horus in-game I learned: don't be on the winning side and don't help anyone. Only if they hate you will the AI try to make friends. After all, when I, as an experiment, reloaded an old savegame to see what would happen if I rebelled as a third faction, instead of all that, the King offered me the position as chancelor at the royal court... What just annoys me as game design is that when I try to buy the release of a prisoner, the game states the gold you would pay and whether the other person will accept or not. You can't adjust the gold. I would have been willing to quadruple the stated number. That is not possible. I understand that the game in reality just says you whether the other side is willing to release the prisoner at all, and it doesn't actually care about the amound, but it feels wrong to me. And thats all from me, I think its better I'll leave the thread to the people who actually like the game
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