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Everything posted by melkathi

  1. I doubt the game "bombed" but at the same time those impressive numbers they are showing don't really tell us anything. Just throwing one "statistic" at people, without giving the whole set of data is useless. All we know now is that over fourteen million battlenet accounts have had a copy of D3 tied to them. Every number they show other than that comes without context - no idea how the whole population is spread among the quarters, no outliers etc. Hell, Steam achievements show more than that At least there you can tell exactly how far how many customers progressed in a game. And then you get 90% getting through the tutorial, 80% gettign through chapter 1and only 60% making it half way through any given game (my numbers totaly made up), while games with launchers have inflated "time spend" counters as what is counted is how long the launcher has been on, which people keep running to patch or maybe forget to turn off after playing. So, good for them (blizzard) with the sales.To the rest of their posing: *shrug*
  2. I'll ask around if you want (and if I remember). Though if you truly want to not look like anyone around you, your only real option is Champions Online (now that City of Heroes went the way of the dodo).
  3. My condolences as well. You know, for what its worth, we'll be here, our silly selves, trying to cheer you up.
  4. That's half the idea of the book, that things don't really become clear until they do. *shrug* Not much of a Gaiman fan myself. Found Anansi Boys boring, American Gods superficial and Neverwhere, while I tried to like it (and actually did like the TV show) just had something that put me off.
  5. This thread is seriously lacking in the Simon and Garfunkel department.
  6. I don't like them either. For no particular reason other than not liking them
  7. Oooh, it never even occured to me. And of course now I have 80s songs stuck in my head... again. . Then again, I can think of far worse things to have stuck in one's head than OMD.
  8. 1282 was cooler. Watermarks on paper were invented then.
  9. Bob planted an apple tree?
  10. Saw a dream in which Alanshu tried to hire me as a ghostbuster to clear his girlfriend's haunted old mansion. I spend too much time on this forum...
  11. So when do we get installment 3? (And when will the others comment on this thread to encourage the continuation?)
  12. Sounds a lot like the books. There Artyom doesn't get to do anything but follow other people around either. That man never has to make a single decission...
  13. Yes, that seems to be a hellbug monarch. The primary weak spot is its belly. Though the tail, under the proper circumstances can reveal weak spots as well.
  14. *grumble* strategy games used to be the one thing that hadn't been corrupted by consoles *grumble grumble* Next thing you know, they'll turn adventure games into interactive stories with quick time events... oh! wait, they already did...
  15. Exactly. Part of the criticism I made earlier in this thread You can never truly sneak up on them, as their exact position will be determined the moment you enter LOS and, through their free move, will be in relation to your position. You could spend a lot of time circline part of your squad around, so that running to cover from your spotter, will cause them to run into the line of fire of your waiting squadies. But you will pretty much always need one person to draw the aliens' attention. There deffinitly is no putting down landmines in the patrol path of a supermutant guard, as you could do in Fallout Tactics
  16. WARNING: This post may include quite a few Defiance Screenshots. I got this new outfit. I really liked moving away from the hot-pants. Not that I truly mind skimpy shorts on an attractive woman, but I really enjoyed this more covered up look (my character pointing a gun at Rynn from the tv series) : And since you usually see your character from behind, I had this nice get-up that was so not sexualizing women. How mature of me. Then I saw my character in a cutscene from the front: Is that the most ridiculous bra ever? *sigh* "Oh well!" I said to myself and made to spawn my quad so I could drive off: Seriously? That is where it spawns my ride? It actually rotated my character by 90 degrees after I hit the button so it could go out of its way to spawn the quad there? So some random screenshots: Running out of the radius of a crystal's explosion OR every game needs an abundance of lense flare: My favourid antagonist so far in this game: Idiot raiders and Dark Matter: The calm before the boss fight:
  17. Indeed. Quite an interesting sale.
  18. I think it's the reason why I am so looking forward to Numenera and far less to Project Eternity. Numenera sounds a bit fresher.
  19. The one time, charge use issue is an old one though. We tried to explain it to them during the Champions Online beta many moons ago before there ever was Perfect World involvement or a cash shop.
  20. Some of the ideas from Allods online, coupled with Obsidian writing, would make for an awesome single player open world exploration RPG with randomly generated maps. You'd get one of those flying ships, with which you could explore and visit randomly generated islands. You could trade between islands. And at the same time you'd be able to eplore an interesting, well written story with great npcs created by Obsidian. Kinda like Planescape Torment meets Spelljammer. But noone ever makes the things I like
  21. And its the tiny differences that dictate whether you get to start in a HBO show or not
  22. If you had a dragon familiar you'd be Daenerys Targaryen
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