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Everything posted by melkathi

  1. Watch it mister, you already are walking on thin ice having admitted to being the reason we wont get an Alpha Centauri 2
  2. First edition didn't really need it. It was fully compatible with WH40k: Rogue Trader, and first edtion fantasy battle up to part of third edition. Thus the old Realm of Chaos books for example could be used for all. It is only halfway through 3rd ed Fantasy Battle and with the 2nd ed of 40k that everything was segregated. At that time GW made the shift to focus only on minis, so the RP got left to rot.
  3. In Champions Online additional character slots are a micro-transaction with one character slot being gained in-game each time you reach max level on a character (I think I am at 22 char slots right now, one of the guys is trying to reah 100). I suppose it will not be friendlier in NWO.
  4. In other words you are the reason we can't have nice things.
  5. Seems like some people are engaging in erotic RP just outside the screenshot. The character has noticed even though Bokishi hasn't, and she is thinking "What the hell is going on over there? Oh, no. Please people, get a room! Oh, I did not need to see that. But of course he had to take screenshots right here where the perverts gather. Would it have hurt him to take the screenshot someplace else??"
  6. Thing is, Alpha Centauri managed to unobtrusively tell a story where noone seemed to think a story could be told, and noone since has tried to tell a story. You could follow it, embrace it, ignore it - it as your choice. You could see the factions as just colours on the map (the way I see others in civ games) or you could see them as the characters that were far more fleshed out than Civ ever will be able to do with historic leaders. And all the while you could enjoy a depth through unit design and social engineering and even terraforming, that the Civ searies has barely touched upon. So were the pirates in the expansion completly overpowered? Sure. Was green rush pre-expansion (and the nerf that came with it) overpowered? Again, sure. For me it was simple: I didn't play as pirates and I avoided the cheese tactics when I didn't want a cheesed game experience: problem solved
  7. Yeah, I know what you mean. aRPG's and story do not go together. If it was, that would be a very long story, tho! I'd deffinitly support that kickstarter
  8. If only that was a map of the story progression Guess I can dream
  9. Ork theological debates. Brutal but kunnin' or kunnin' but brutal ?
  10. Ok, gonna remove that bastard's invite from the channel then Figured out why you didn't show up correctly: glitch in the display You could change the title, if it isn't a hassle.
  11. So we already have a conspiracy? How awesome are we?
  12. Meh. I knew something looked off Can't change the title now though. Strange about gfted's handle. The channel invite showed only @Gfted1 existing as an account.
  13. As a few people seem to be playing it, may as well start a thread for it, to keep the discussion more organised than the "What are you playing now?" thread allows. As it seems, the majority of forumites are located here: Shard: Mindflayer We have a custom chat set up which you can join by typing: /channel_join ObsidianOrder (though currently only hurlshot, serrano and shadysands are in it, with one person not responding to their invite ) Global handles: Your global handle will be added behind every character name and takes the form: @global For example I am @melkathi Note: this should be the display name of your account, not the account name itself. For friend invites, chatting, mailing etc, all you need is the @global. It means that you can find people online regardles of what character they are on and regardless even of which of the three Cryptic MMOs they are on (NWO, CO, STO). People currently playing (in reverse alphabetical order) : ShadySands - @shadysands Serrano - @serranolegacy Keyrock - @keyrock42 Hurlshot - @hurlshot Gfted1 - @gftedUn Drowsy Emperor - Bokishi - @bokinator And that's it for now.
  14. Love the new avatar Col. Corazone Drowsy
  15. So is this where I can share my WH40K art? Because I don't truly know how Bioware would end up the setting, but I do know what you'd get if you gave it to me:
  16. Though I have to wonder: would the players be up for it? I remember PC Gamer UK going on about how terrible the ending of Spellforce was, when it was not a "You won and saved the day" one.
  17. A raider: A hole in the ground (and new sunglasses) There is something down here with me (and no pony tail!) And it's big
  18. And remember to join the ObsidianOrder channel So far we only have a few people, but it will grow
  19. Abnett is rather enjoyable, though his guardsmen have too great a life expectancy I would enjoy a game set in a hive city. You could have different origins based on the layers of the hive: a spirer fallen victim of some political intrigue, a ratskin who's tribe got slaughtered by mutants or plague zombies in the underhive... With the number of factions in the underhive, there is so much potential. And if some smuggler brought in some xeno artifact... maybe some tyranid eggs that hatch... you could end up with a crysis that threatens the whole planet but is still at a stage where the PC and their party can be the ones dealing with it. And with 'nids, you could even give the player the choice of an unholy alliance with a cult of Tzeench that would not want the planet to fall to a hive fleet (noone ever said players are smart, right? )
  20. I am fine. The strawberry cake? Not so much. It took the full impact Still tasted great though
  21. To each their own. I felt that every Cyanide gam was missing something. Other than Chaos League, I can't say to have truly enjoyed any of their games
  22. Got rammed by a car. They ran a red light. That ahd been red for a while, Now my driver's door doesn't open, the back door on th left side of the car doesn't close. Yay.
  23. I think it was That said... Honestly, when looking at the backstory, especially from a "grim, gritty, we are all doomed" first edition point of view and not the "musclebound military awesomeness" later editions, there is a lot which could be explored in an interesting RPG, that goes beyond FPS and "burn the heretic". It would sadly (because as it probably shows I feel that all work on GW franchises has steadily deteriorated over the years) it would have to explore a niche of the franchise, but it could become interesting. Still, there is enough drama in the main 40k backstory as it is, to not rule out character development. The story of the Thousand Sons would have made for great inspiration. Fulgrim's pride and fall are a bit more boring, but still. The Dark Angels, both with their dark secret but also specific instances: Cloud Runner who, after the genestealers nearly wiped out his homeplanet, left the legion to lead his people. Then there is the old novel Space Marine, that explores the lives of three young men from the same hive, but from different levels, who are recruited into the Imperial Fists at the same time and from dispicing each other have to form a bond of brotherhood. 40k has a lot of potential for interesting character building and tension. It just has, in the main franchises, no space for romance and sex. The most fun they could have with the franchise though would have been in a rogue trader or necromunda setting.
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